Opinion on Different Religious Based Baby Names

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Weird question but lately I’ve been seeing people naming their children baby names that are uncommon but relate to the Catholic Church and faith. So my questions are what faith based baby names would you consider ok for children.

So for example do you think names based of titles in the Catholic Church are acceptable?

Such as Kim Kardashian naming her son saint. Or Names such as Deacon, Bishop, or Saint.

Opinions on kids named after faith based object or places such as Heaven?

Opinions on making a biblical name known for a boy biblical figure on a girl?

Such as naming a daughter something like Isaiah, Levi, or any of the sons mentioned in Genesis. This one I would truly like to know because I have a unisex name and would like to give my daughter something that isn’t necessary feminine but has a biblical connection.
Also one of my favorite names is Havailah which happens to be a boys name in the Bible. Do you think I could still use it on a girl?

Thanks, God Bless
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Life is really hard sometimes. I gave my child an easy, traditional name because I didn’t want it to add to the annoyances of everyday life for her. I had a unique maiden name and I got so sick and tired of having to repeat to the teacher how to pronounce it every single time a new class started up. And explaining over and over again how to spell it, only to have it misspelled so the doctor’s office couldn’t find the file, etc.

I am about as liberal as they come, but I say make it easy for your kid, whatever you choose.
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I don’t personally like those names, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them. We chose names that meant something to use, such as my oldest daughter being named for my grandma and my son being named for my FIL. For my third, we had a hard time coming up with another girl’s name and I was out of female role models, so we chose a name that was a combination of two female saints.
Assuming first that the is a “right way” to spell most names…(And that is a big assumption given the fact that most Christian names have multiple spellings and pronunciations due to their being successfully proliferated around the whole world.) …
If a large percentage of people choose to use alternative spellings for their child’s name (and it seems they do.) the teacher, secretary, doctor’s office, and telemarketer is still going to have to ask for a spelling.
I have a very common and “traditionally spelled” name. People still usually ask me to spell it because (gasp) some people choose not to spell it the way I spell it. This has not left me socially drained or emotionally shattered. It’s really not that flipping big of a deal if a person can’t guess how to spell your name based on how you pronounce it, or can’t guess how to pronounce your name based on how you spell it. All you have to do is tell them. Problem solved. Maybe rather than undertake the subjective task of finding a name so boring that there is no disputing the “correct spelling”, spend your energy on fortifying your child a bit so they can endure the tremendous psychological hardship of having to spell their name for people.
Santo, Santa, Santino, Santina are very traditional Italian names, very common in Sicily years past.

The name “Saint” doesn’t bother me much at all.

Congratulations on your baby girl, I know many who name their kids so many different names that have no clue that while it might sounds cute for their toddler, not so much when growing up. I just tell parents to be, imagine your child at 50 and then call out their name. Most do not work so good in the business world. I know a lot of my sons friends who had not so common names, either have changed their name or use a nickname. So whatever name you pick, just imagine your child at 50 an say their name out loud, will it fit for an adult.
I have been a professional cake decorator at several bakeries for more than 20 years.

Please, I know some people want their child’s name to be original, but when Mom asks me to write on her daughter’s birthday cake and says (and this is exactly what she said), “Happy 3rd Birthday, E-h-r-y-n”, I can’t help but feel sorry for the child who is going to have to spend the rest of her life spelling out her name instead of saying it.

And it’s still pronounced “Erin”.
Deacon is a somewhat traditional name, but I don’t think people who use it are thinking of the office of Deacon. Bishop or Saint or Heaven? I have never seen those use. My opinion: I don’t like them at all. As for any biblical name, I like those.
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