Order of Our Lady of Mercy for the Redemption of Captives (Mercedarians)

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Well-known member
Aside from being the feast of St. John Bosco, January 31 had also been the feast of St. Peter Nolasco, founder of the Royal, Celestial, and Military Order of Our Lady of Mercy for the Redemption of Captives, or the Mercedarians.

They have friars – priests and brothers; cloistered nuns; and active sisters. Additionally, they have a Third Order Secular. Their constitutions are based on the Rule of St. Augustine, hence the reason for their habit being white with black veil for the sisters & nuns.

The friars and active sisters are represented in the US. The cloistered nuns are primarily in Spanish-speaking countries, especially Spain.

Mercedarian friars in the US:

Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, Cleveland, OH, US:

Mercedarias Contemplativas, Spain:

Mercedarias Descalzas, Spain:
(May have some Teresian Carmel mixed in – observe their habit):

Mrs Cloisters OP
Lay Dominican
This order took over an Italian parish church by my home. I am so happy they are there as otherwise I would worry about the church closing, as the area around it has been in decline for a long time (it is now gentrifying again but is not 'there" yet). I sometimes go there to Mass and I looked up the history of this order a while back.
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