Our God is a personal God, but HOW PERSONAL is He?

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šŸ˜‰ Yes, Our GOD IS personally interested in our life, in each and every individual life. This may sound like a hyperbole but with God, nothing is impossible. He is OMNIPRESENT, and He is present to me while I am doing this thread.

He is a far cry from the President of the country who is assumed to be the leader. The President does not know me personally, and will perhaps not ever know me, even as a citizen of this country.

But GOD does know me personally. He knows me more intimately than I know myself. He is OMNISCIENT. He knows from the very beginning that at this point in time, I, donadei, will be sharing this with you.

Here is my question:

The problem is from my end. I do not know how personal God is to me. With my finite mind and self, I cannot grasp this reality. I think this is where the mystics differ from the commonplace. They KNOW God personally, on a very intimate level.

You have 2 options:
  1. What can you suggest that I do?
  2. Share your own experience.
Thank you, and God bless.
Jesus Christ is the key here. By becoming man, He gave us the ability to understand Him personally, by His finite actions here on earth, and His timeless example, teaching and sacrifice. The Protestants are on to something when they ask ā€œDo you have Jesus Christ as your personal savior?ā€. Christ indeed died for each of us personally. Itā€™s really very humbling to think that even if you or I were the only person to have ever lived, Christ would have come and died for us. This is the starting point I would use to really try to understand Christā€™s love, receive it, and share it with others. Thatā€™s what a personal relationship with Him is all about.
  1. What can you suggest that I do?
First practice putting on the Presence of God. Prayer is essential. When in doubt, if you feel impatient etc. make the sign of the Cross and seal yourself with the armor of God. It is not a careless sign when you think about it. It is putting on Christ.You know what we believe but you have to practice it to let the Holy Spirit work in your life. It takes constant discipline and practice. Over time, the Holy Spirit can and will work in you to overcome your particular areas of which God knows you lack the virtues to accomplish on your own.

It is not that God is not Present to us, it is usually we are to busy telling God what our wants are to listen to Him tell us what our needs are.
  1. Share your own experience.
Over a lifetime I have practiced putting on God in any and all situations. I may fail but He never deserts us. I have finally learned that He created me, He knows everything about me and He is very much concerned with all that I do. When I trust Him to guide me, I get the very best. When I try to do all the driving, I usually end up in a worse situation than I started in.

In every situation good and bad, I feel His Presence and His care. My prayers are pretty simple. I ask with faith for His will to be done. That is all. I have learned to turn over to God all things which I can not possibly understand. In sickness and in sorrow most especially, I know He has the perfect plan. It may not be the answer I would have asked for, but it is always perfect. Many times He surprises me and the answer far out reaches what I would have asked for. He is a loving God and the Best Father we could possible have. Practice Trusting Him. The rest will come over time. He loves you very much.

How could He not love you? You are His creation. He never made anything that He did not love.
Dr. Colossus:
Jesus Christ is the key here. By becoming man, He gave us the ability to understand Him personally, by His finite actions here on earth, and His timeless example, teaching and sacrifice. The Protestants are on to something when they ask ā€œDo you have Jesus Christ as your personal savior?ā€. Christ indeed died for each of us personally. Itā€™s really very humbling to think that even if you or I were the only person to have ever lived, Christ would have come and died for us. This is the starting point I would use to really try to understand Christā€™s love, receive it, and share it with others. Thatā€™s what a personal relationship with Him is all about.
Dr Colossus, thank you.

Thank you for making me become aware of Christā€™s passion all over again. How more personal could I get? I see it plainly.

In fact, I ā€˜knowā€™ this. True, we learn only from what we know. When we reflect on it, then we learn. Thank you, O Holy Spirit.
First practice putting on the Presence of God. Prayer is essential. When in doubt, if you feel impatient etc. make the sign of the Cross and seal yourself with the armor of God. It is not a careless sign when you think about it. It is putting on Christ.You know what we believe but you have to practice it to let the Holy Spirit work in your life. It takes constant discipline and practice. Over time, the Holy Spirit can and will work in you to overcome your particular areas of which God knows you lack the virtues to accomplish on your own.

It is not that God is not Present to us, it is usually we are to busy telling God what our wants are to listen to Him tell us what our needs are.

Over a lifetime I have practiced putting on God in any and all situations. I may fail but He never deserts us. I have finally learned that He created me, He knows everything about me and He is very much concerned with all that I do. When I trust Him to guide me, I get the very best. When I try to do all the driving, I usually end up in a worse situation than I started in.

In every situation good and bad, I feel His Presence and His care. My prayers are pretty simple. I ask with faith for His will to be done. That is all. I have learned to turn over to God all things which I can not possibly understand. In sickness and in sorrow most especially, I know He has the perfect plan. It may not be the answer I would have asked for, but it is always perfect. Many times He surprises me and the answer far out reaches what I would have asked for. He is a loving God and the Best Father we could possible have. Practice Trusting Him. The rest will come over time. He loves you very much.

How could He not love you? You are His creation. He never made anything that He did not love.
šŸ‘ Thank you, Marie, for your beautiful response.

Thank you for making me realize the significance of the Sign of the Cross. Sometimes, I do take it for granted.

Your advise is very doable, all I need is fidelity and commitment to my prayer life (which is difficult to possess). This is what I try to achieve when I sign on at Sacred Space.

Thank you too for witnessing. God is smiling at you very kindly.

Of course, how could He not love me? It is I who fail to love Him back.
Dear donadei,

Your posts indicate a great hunger for God. Here are my suggestions:
  1. For a better grasp on the concepts of your movement toward God, you might want to consider reading The Spiritual Journey, by Francis K. Nemeck, OMI and Marie T. Coombs. Iā€™ve suggested this in other posts; in my opinion, itā€™s excellent.
  2. Continue your meditative prayer, with Sacred Space, or whatever makes you comfortable (pray as you can). My understanding is each of us has the capability to be contemplative (another gift from God).
  3. If you donā€™t consult a spiritual director, you might want to take this step. Believe me, doing this will help you a great deal.
  4. Live your life in faith, hope, and love with Jesus as your Good Shepherd. The Blessed Trinity lovingly awaits you at the end of this life. Then you will know God as He is, through union with Him.
Peace and blessings. Here is a link for info on the book:

Dear donadei,

Your posts indicate a great hunger for God. Here are my suggestions:
  1. For a better grasp on the concepts of your movement toward God, you might want to consider reading The Spiritual Journey, by Francis K. Nemeck, OMI and Marie T. Coombs. Iā€™ve suggested this in other posts; in my opinion, itā€™s excellent.
  2. Continue your meditative prayer, with Sacred Space, or whatever makes you comfortable (pray as you can). My understanding is each of us has the capability to be contemplative (another gift from God).
  3. If you donā€™t consult a spiritual director, you might want to take this step. Believe me, doing this will help you a great deal.
  4. Live your life in faith, hope, and love with Jesus as your Good Shepherd. The Blessed Trinity lovingly awaits you at the end of this life. Then you will know God as He is, through union with Him.
Peace and blessings. Here is a link for info on the book:

  1. Yes, I want to be intimate with God. I want to walk in His Ways. I know He loves me, and I want to reciprocate this love in my little way, unworthy as I am. Thank you for your suggestion. Iā€™ll get a copy of the book.
  2. When I pray at the Sacred Space, sometimes my mind wanders off, if not too often. I need to work hard on being still, and at the same time, carry on the conversation.
  3. I am actually thinking of seeing one, but have not really taken the first step. I was in a Recollection last night with the Opus Dei and I thought of talking to one of the priests about this. The Sacrament of Reconciliation though was very helpful.
  4. Much as I want to, I fail miserably. Truly, we are dependent on Godā€™s grace. But your suggestions brought me some peace. Thank you.
Hi donadei,

I canā€™t resist responding to your last post (another forum junky):

I ask that you not worry about distractions in your meditations, they are normal. Simply relax, recognize them and move on. The ā€œprayer policeā€ are not on duty. Working hard will not help.

On living in faith, hope and love - we all fail miserably at this. However, the journey you are on has its purgations; thatā€™s what the dark nights are all about. Your journey is really all about Godā€™s love, which is so transcendent (I think you said that). This love ultimately transcends all of our human frailty and failures. God does the work, but we have to let go of everythingā€¦

Lastly, Jesus said many times to not worry, and to be at peaceā€¦

Again, best wishes, your are on my prayer list.
If you are not already doing so, I suggest spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at least one hour per week. There is a beautiful book, called ā€œCome to Me in the Blessed Sacramentā€ by Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament. It is filled with scripture, meditations and prayers and is an incredibly beautiful book ā€“ full of Godā€™s love for us. Mother Teresa carried this book with her everywhere! You cannot read a single page in this book without feeling Godā€™s PERSONAL love for you.

The Holy Spirit is working in your life and drawing you closer to Him! Isnā€™t God wonderful? As a good friend of mine might say ā€œThat is SO GOD!ā€ :cool:
If you are not already doing so, I suggest spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament at least one hour per week. There is a beautiful book, called ā€œCome to Me in the Blessed Sacramentā€ by Missionaries of the Blessed Sacrament. It is filled with scripture, meditations and prayers and is an incredibly beautiful book ā€“ full of Godā€™s love for us. Mother Teresa carried this book with her everywhere! You cannot read a single page in this book without feeling Godā€™s PERSONAL love for you.

The Holy Spirit is working in your life and drawing you closer to Him! Isnā€™t God wonderful? As a good friend of mine might say ā€œThat is SO GOD!ā€ :cool:
Thank you, Didi, for your response.

Yes, God indeed, is so good. The realization that He gave us His only begotten Son just to restore us to His friendship is totally mind-blowing. And not only that, His Son had to undergo the most ignominous of deaths, horrendous, and terribly heavy, that in the book of Revelation, it is said that no one was found worthy to pay the price but Him (the Lamb), as He is the only one found without blame.

Yes, I am already doing the Adoration, for more than a year now, every Thursday morning. Our parish has perpetual adoration and I signed up for it. I really wish I could do it more often, and whenever I have the chance, I say ā€˜Helloā€™ to Him. The thing is, when I am already there before Him, my mind wanders off and sometimes I really think I am not doing anything of worth as my mind is preoccupied with something else when there, right there, is the King of Kings before me.

Looks like I got a lot of books to read. Right now, I am doing the Psalms (I am on Psalm 80), and the Dolorous Passion of Our Lord by Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich.

God bless.
The thing is, when I am already there before Him, my mind wanders off and sometimes I really think I am not doing anything of worth as my mind is preoccupied with something else when there, right there, is the King of Kings before me
We all have wandering minds at times! Our Lord is still pleased that you are THERE WITH HIM! The Blessed Sacrament is often in a monstrance with rays like the sun ā€“ for a reason. Jesus pours out His mercy, love, and grace upon us just like the warmth of the sun, every time we are in His Holy Presence, whether we are aware of it or not!

There are a couple of things that have helped me while in adoration:
  1. When you begin your prayers, ask your guardian angel to be at your side and St. Michael the Archangel to keep you from distraction and temptation.
  2. Invite Our Blessed Mother to pray with you and for you during your time there.
  3. I think itā€™s important to have some quiet time with Our Lord, but if you find yourself becoming distracted, then reach for the Scriptures, or a good reflective book, or your rosary.
I read in a book that was a compilation of letters from one priest to another in the Phillipines, who was encouraging his brother to begin perpetual adoration in his parish, a most beautiful story. It was about a woman who had early morning adoration and would often fall asleep during her time and felt so guilty about it. :sleep: Her priest told her that when a small child falls asleep in the arms of his/her parent, that parent does not think of it as wasted time but often relishes holding their child, stroking their hair and face, and just being with the child. So, too, will Our Lord hold you and love you, even if you fall asleep in His presence!

That doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t try our best to give Him all our attention, mind, and soul while we are there! But we often fail, and just know the He loves the fact that we are there with Him!
Speaking of wandering thoughtsā€¦ sometimes itā€™s so easy to get set into what we want to say, our specific prayers and meditations, that we force ourselves to attention. But I find that in my relationship with God it helps to let my mind wanderā€¦ to let my thoughts wander out so that He can wander inā€¦ So many have said, I think I read it first in C.S. Lewis, that it is in stillness that God speaks. Our relationship with God goes two ways, but sometimes we are so focused on us (am I doing it right, God can you hear me, I want to honor you) that we forget to be still and listen to Him. We mean honor, but we forget submission :). And thoughts, like babies, donā€™t respond to being hushed but to letting them play themselves out quietly until stillness comes upon usā€¦
I was in a Recollection last night with the Opus Dei and I thought of talking to one of the priests about this. The Sacrament of Reconciliation though was very helpful.
Next month at the Recollection, do it. Opus Dei priests are prayer experts and excellent spiritual directors. Youā€™ll get very good advice. Intimacy with God is one of the major themes of the Opus Dei spirituality.

We all have wandering minds at times! Our Lord is still pleased that you are THERE WITH HIM! The Blessed Sacrament is often in a monstrance with rays like the sun ā€“ for a reason. Jesus pours out His mercy, love, and grace upon us just like the warmth of the sun, every time we are in His Holy Presence, whether we are aware of it or not!

There are a couple of things that have helped me while in adoration:
  1. When you begin your prayers, ask your guardian angel to be at your side and St. Michael the Archangel to keep you from distraction and temptation.
  2. Invite Our Blessed Mother to pray with you and for you during your time there.
  3. I think itā€™s important to have some quiet time with Our Lord, but if you find yourself becoming distracted, then reach for the Scriptures, or a good reflective book, or your rosary.
I read in a book that was a compilation of letters from one priest to another in the Phillipines, who was encouraging his brother to begin perpetual adoration in his parish, a most beautiful story. It was about a woman who had early morning adoration and would often fall asleep during her time and felt so guilty about it. :sleep: Her priest told her that when a small child falls asleep in the arms of his/her parent, that parent does not think of it as wasted time but often relishes holding their child, stroking their hair and face, and just being with the child. So, too, will Our Lord hold you and love you, even if you fall asleep in His presence!

That doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t try our best to give Him all our attention, mind, and soul while we are there! But we often fail, and just know the He loves the fact that we are there with Him!
Thank you for your suggestions. And sleeping in His Presence? Last Thursday was just really tempting. The night before, I stayed up late and so I really wasnā€™t able to concentrate much during the adoration. To keep my eyes open was really a struggle. (By the way, my time slot is at 2:00 AM till 3:00 AM and I am the lone adorer.)

I was tempted to change my adoration schedule but knowing that there might be no one who would take it made me decide otherwise. Besides, it is the time between 12:00 midnight till 3:00 AM that most prayers are needed. It is said that since Christ died at about 3:00 PM, the devil is at his strongest at 3:00 AM.

God bless.
Speaking of wandering thoughtsā€¦ sometimes itā€™s so easy to get set into what we want to say, our specific prayers and meditations, that we force ourselves to attention. But I find that in my relationship with God it helps to let my mind wanderā€¦ to let my thoughts wander out so that He can wander inā€¦ So many have said, I think I read it first in C.S. Lewis, that it is in stillness that God speaks. Our relationship with God goes two ways, but sometimes we are so focused on us (am I doing it right, God can you hear me, I want to honor you) that we forget to be still and listen to Him. We mean honor, but we forget submission :). And thoughts, like babies, donā€™t respond to being hushed but to letting them play themselves out quietly until stillness comes upon usā€¦
Thank you for your response.

Thoughts are like babies that cannot be hushed, and they should be allowed to tire themselves until quiet comes in. Iā€™ll try this one.

ā€œBe still, and know that I am God.ā€
Next month at the Recollection, do it. Opus Dei priests are prayer experts and excellent spiritual directors. Youā€™ll get very good advice. Intimacy with God is one of the major themes of the Opus Dei spirituality.

Yes, I think I really have to do this one. Thank you for the advise.

God bless.
donadei said:
šŸ˜‰ Yes, Our GOD IS personally interested in our life, in each and every individual life. This may sound like a hyperbole but with God, nothing is impossible. He is OMNIPRESENT, and He is present to me while I am doing this thread.

He is a far cry from the President of the country who is assumed to be the leader. The President does not know me personally, and will perhaps not ever know me, even as a citizen of this country.

But GOD does know me personally. He knows me more intimately than I know myself. He is OMNISCIENT. He knows from the very beginning that at this point in time, I, donadei, will be sharing this with you.

Here is my question:

The problem is from my end. I do not know how personal God is to me. With my finite mind and self, I cannot grasp this reality. I think this is where the mystics differ from the commonplace. They KNOW God personally, on a very intimate level.

You have 2 options:
  1. What can you suggest that I do?
  2. Share your own experience.
Thank you, and God bless.

Do you have to do something extra, donaday? I feel that to try to live the faith in daily life, inclusive prayers, eucarist and regularly confession, is to live according to the will of God. Somtimes I ā€œfeelā€ close. Sometimes it is like there is some sort of problem with the contact, until I realise that love is a decition, not a feeling.

To trust in God is also to trust in God when we not ā€œfeelā€ HIM: ā€œā€¦Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believeā€ (John 20:29).

Some praiers that helps me:

The Grail Prayer:

Lord Jesus,
I give you my hands to do your work.
I give you my feet to go your way.
I give you my eyes to see as you do.
I give you my tongue to speak your words.
I give you my mind that you may think in me.
I give you my spirit that you may pray in me.
Above all,
I give you my heart that you may love in me
your Father and all mankind.
I give you my whole self that you may grow in me,
so that it is you, Lord Jesus,
who live and work and pray in me. Amen

Praying the offering of self:

Lord Jesus,
you told your friends
not to worry about the future.
You showed them
how to have the attitude of simple trust
that young children have,
so that they could place themselves
into the caring hands of your Father.
And so I ask for the power of your Spirit
that I may remain positive
throughout all that is ordinary in my daily life.
I know that your touch
can change people and situations,
and so I ask you
to join me in offering to our Father
not only the good things of this day
but also the suffering and sacrifices
that I want to offer cheerfully and lovingly,
and in a quiet and hidden way.
And so may any difficulties
and frustration and pain of this day
be transformed in your presence
for the benefit of other people. Amen.

That the Gospel may be ā€˜writtenā€™ in me:

God our Father,
until the time of the printing press,
people copied the Gospel,
writing it by hand.
Slowly the Gospel took shape
  • both on the page
    and deep within themselves.
    I ask that the Gospel
  • the Good News of your love -
    may be written in me
    not with ink
    but with the Spirit of God. Only then will I grow as a credible witness
    of the wealth of your love.
    Day by day,
    as the pages of my own life turn over,
    remind me
    that you write my name
    on the palm of your hand.
    I ask this prayer through Jesus,
    who is your Word,
    living amongst us. Amen.
Best wishes and God Bless!

Gratias Grace:
Do you have to do something extra, donaday? I feel that to try to live the faith in daily life, inclusive prayers, eucarist and regularly confession, is to live according to the will of God. Somtimes I ā€œfeelā€ close. Sometimes it is like there is some sort of problem with the contact, until I realise that love is a decition, not a feeling.

To trust in God is also to trust in God when we not ā€œfeelā€ HIM: ā€œā€¦Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believeā€ (John 20:29).

Some praiers that helps me:

The Grail Prayer:

Lord Jesus,
I give you my hands to do your work.
I give you my feet to go your way.
I give you my eyes to see as you do.
I give you my tongue to speak your words.
I give you my mind that you may think in me.
I give you my spirit that you may pray in me.
Above all,
I give you my heart that you may love in me
your Father and all mankind.
I give you my whole self that you may grow in me,
so that it is you, Lord Jesus,
who live and work and pray in me. Amen
Thank you for this beautiful prayer, GG. This coming Sunday, my wife and I will meet with a group of volunteers to look after some 135 children in a conference, and this prayer is just what we need.

Yes, love is a decision. It is not a feeling, because feelings go away. May we always be found true in our commitment to love the LORD.

God bless.
Thank you for this beautiful prayer, GG. This coming Sunday, my wife and I will meet with a group of volunteers to look after some 135 children in a conference, and this prayer is just what we need.

Yes, love is a decision. It is not a feeling, because feelings go away. May we always be found true in our commitment to love the LORD.

God bless.
I am happy to hear that one of the prayers I posted could be of some help. Hope sunday went well. 135 children are not a small number!

God Bless!

This is late in coming, but praying the Jesus Prayer helps to keep one on track. It does bring one to a state that you are very much in the Presence of Jesus and capable of ā€˜listeningā€™ to Him if need be. It also flows over into your daily life because this kind of prayer does not distract one from daily chores.

I like to see Jesus as my Lover and this ā€˜titleā€™ has stayed with me since childhood. Although I have failed miserably and still do, He loves me no matter what. So this, just entices me to continue.

It is said in the bible, and as Catherine was wont to say, "He has kissed my with the kiss of His mouthā€™ā€¦such intimacy and such passion!

I also meditate on Divine Intimacy as St John of the Cross is one of my favourite Saintsā€¦

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