Parents won't approve of converting from protestantism?

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I’m 20 years old and going into my junior year of college in the fall. Last semester, I became good friends with a girl my age who is Catholic and I knew I was called to convert from the first time I went with her to adoration. I began going with her to adoration quite frequently, along with daily mass several times a week. It’s only been about three months since I started exploring it seriously but I know without a doubt converting would be the right decision. I’m anxious to move forward with this decision and I want to start RCIA in the fall.

My parents are both converted Baptists from Catholicism and led me to believe for a very long time that Catholics are not Christians and I even thought they didn’t believe in Jesus when i was young (my mom says her Catholic church didn’t talk about Jesus… something I find impossible to believe, but she feels very bitter towards Catholicism and thinks she was only “saved” when she was introduced to being Baptist).

I have always had a rocky relationship with my parents and I know they will see my interest in the Catholic church as a rebellion. My question is twofold: First of all, I haven’t told them yet, but how do I introduced them to the fact I am taking this seriously and it’s not just a phase? Second off, this is hypothetical, but whenever I do something my parents don’t want me to do, they threaten to cut me off. Although I’m over 18, my parents still have a considerable influence over my life because they pay for me to go to school.

I have read other answers on here saying that if your parents don’t want you to convert, you should obey your parents until you are 18. What happens if you are over that age but still dependent on them? Should I wait if they disapprove?
Also, I have considered not telling them and trying to take the classes in secret for a while but I think that would be wrong and probably create even more problems.
I want to get started on this new chapter of my life as soon as possible, but I also want to do it in a way that is honoring God and I don’t know if disobeying my parents wishes would be doing that, even though I am an adult.
I’m not sure if what the other users are saying is correct. You are bound to obey your parents in all things except sin. It might be considered a sin not to convert to Catholicism if you know that it is the one True Church. I am not sure about this, and I would suggest asking a Catholic priest about this particular issue.

I would also suggest asking a Catholic priest about converting, if you haven’t already.

I’m not sure how to deal with the parents issue, but I maybe sitting down and talking with them in person (if you can) would make you seem more serious?

Hope this helps.
Why not wait to convert until you’ve graduated from college (you’re a junior, so you only have one more year) and are living on your own, paying your own expenses?

When my husband and I started getting interested in Catholicism at age 47, we spent a full TWO years studying Catholicism before making a decision to enter RCIA.

Since you come from a Protestant background, it would be especially good for you to spend a year or two simply studying Catholicism before making a decision. Our RCIA lasted a full year (along with the 18 others who were in the class with us).

I accept that God could very well have called you to convert during your Adoration of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. But you will do no wrong to honor your parents, study much, and make the “official” conversion when you are a full-fledged, on-your-own, adult, assuming that will happen in the next year or so. It will happen in the next year or so, right?

You’re starting a wondrous journey! Don’t hurry through it.
The RCIA at the university campus church runs from August to April, so about a full school year.
And I’m starting as a junior in the fall, so I have two years of school left with a full junior and senior year. After that, yes, I hope to be on my own!

And thanks to both of the answers for their advice so far- I see where you both are coming from and that is what I’m struggling with. I definitely don’t want to jump into things too fast, but I’m also just excited about everything. In the meantime I should definitely just continue studying and talk to a priest about these issues.
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You have been given good advice. Ask the priest on campus for his opinion. People and cultures disagree as to when you can call yourself an adult. Cultural differences, differences within families, etc. Priests are trained to recognize these things. You won’t be officially converting for about a year. But, remember, there is a point where honoring father and mother changes from obedience to concern…you should always respect your parents, and to the best of your ability, help support them in their older years. But your life is yours, or will be soon. Study, pray, and speak with the priest. Find a spiritual advisor. Be ready to break from your parents, when the time comes.

I hope and pray it won’t be too difficult, and you can maintain a relationship with your parents, and the rest of your family. God bless you all!
The Catechism does speak about obedience until a grown child is emancipated, so, your priest can help you unpack that teaching. Do you have a way to support yourself if they close the purse, get a job and work your way through college? Get more scholarships?

Your mom sounds like she had a bad experience that left her angry. Pray for her, have masses said for her, that she will find peace.

In the end, he who knows what to do and does not do it is sin (from the book of James, chapter 14)

EDIT You would find to be a good resource where you can learn the faith from your phone. They have a free trial available, or, many parishes offer a free membership. PM me if you cannot find a parish that has a subscription available on their website.
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As an adult, you owe your parents respect and honor, but not necessarily obedience. So it seems what you risk is losing their financial support and perhaps your Rocky relationship with them. You have to decide what’s more important. BTW, I see little wrong with starting classes and not telling them. It’s not a secret, it’s just they don’t have a right to know.

The advice of consulting with your local pastor is the best advice you have received.
Converting would not be a disobeying to your parents, are you are an adult. And we can say-because you asked to Catholics- that is the right decision.

Yet, it can bears consequences on your life and future, if they cut you off.
It is not a theological debate. It is a practical one, I think.
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