My understanding of theology is that original sin, and the sins that followed, actually offended God, in such a way that God himself would be better off without humanity’s existence. The analogy I’ve heard is that, while before original sin, we were penniless, afterwords, we owed God.
My speculation is that the passion and resurrection not only justified man before God, but also, in a sense, “absorbed” the offenses against God in such a way that God was no longer offended (and oddly, because of God’s eternal, immutable nature, never was). Jesus’s passion and ressurection was necessary not only for humanity, but for divinity as well.
What people tend to omit is that originally, there was a special friendship relationship between the Creator and the human creature. People try to make God into some type of a human parent or human storekeeper, etc. What is forgotten is that humans do not have the power to change a Divine Person.
While people understand that God exists, they forget that it is God Who initiated the original special friendship relationship between humanity and Divinity. Genesis 1: 26-27. While people understand that God exists, they forget that there cannot be two Gods. Genesis 2: 15-17.
In some vague manner, people remember that the original human, biblically known as Adam, ate some rotten organic fruit and got kicked out of his garden.
Now, common sense should kick in. If Adam cannot be an equal God Creator, that signifies that he has to live in free submission to his God Creator. He should not reject God. He should not prefer himself over God. The forbidden tree in Adam’s garden signifies the need for submission, obedience to God . Adam, who has human free will, decides to be like (equal to) God, without God, not in accordance with God. Bang! The original friendship relationship between human Adam and Divine God is shattered.
Here is where people forget who did what. It is God Who instituted His relationship with Adam. Adam is not an equal God. Adam is not Divine. Adam cannot restore God’s friendship relationship. Adam and his descendants are in a deep mess.
John 3: 16.
God so loved humans that the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity assumed human nature so that He could step into Adam’s sandals and, because of His Divinity, He could restore the original friendship relationship between humanity and Divinity. About here, people should recall that following the Original Sin, humans ended up with bodily death. Obviously, bodily death had to be dealt with. The Person Jesus Christ is True God and True Man because of the Incarnation in which He assumed, not absorbed, the original human nature that was without sin.
By conquering bodily death, crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus Christ restored the original relationship between us and our Creator.
1 Corinthians, chapter 15.
And when this which is corruptible clothes itself with incorruptibility and this which is mortal clothes itself with immortality, then the word that is written shall come about:
“Death is swallowed up in victory.
Where, O death, is your victory?
Where, O death, is your sting?”