Planned Parenthood's Target Audience

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Handed a copy of the student newspaper, I opened it to find not one, but two advertisements for “family planning” services that are notorious promoters of abortion.

“Need Free Birth Control?” asked the first ad for the Federal Way Public Health Center. “FREE … Condoms! Morning After Pill! Pregnancy tests! STD tests! Public Health Teen Clinic can help! Wednesday Walk-In Only for Teens, 2:30-5.”

The next ad was for “Free Birth Control for 1 Year at Planned Parenthood.” The Seattle and King County Public Health Department (taxpayers) funded the first ad, and taxpayers offset the funding for the second ad.

I suppose that similar advertisements appeared in American newspapers of the 18th and 19th century to promote the slave trade. Their modern counterparts are worse, for not only do these family planning advertisements propose the very abolition of life and character beneath their friendly invitations to the clinic, they are funded – directly or indirectly – by you and me.

The reason why Planned Parenthood was able to make a net profit of $35.2 million in 2004, according to its new annual report, is because of a record $265.2 million in taxpayer funds. By far, the general public gave more money to Planned Parenthood this year than did private contributors.

Taxpayers generously provided one third of the $302.6 million Planned Parenthood budget for 2004. This spoiled-profitable “non-profit” organization uses part of its lavish endowments to fund advertisements like the one that has appeared in every issue of my high-school’s newspaper since I was a sophomore at Puyallup High School half a decade ago.

Certainly, my old high school isn’t the only one with student newspaper exposure to Planned Parenthood advertising. I was once invited to speak on a panel for a high-school journalism workshop hosted by the Seattle Times and, in a breakout session, I was assigned to critique the student newspaper for Vashon Island High School. Seeing the familiar Planned Parenthood ad, I registered my moral objections to an unsympathetic group of high schoolers. “What’s wrong with that?” asked one student as if he had never known that there are people who oppose premarital sex and abortion. “They provide necessary services.”

As far as I can tell, it seems that Planned Parenthood is the most loyal advertiser in America’s high-school newspapers, period. And it goes without saying that many college newspapers also have Planned Parenthood ads. The ads are slick works of propaganda. "Planned Parenthood has been running ads in newspapers around the country that adopt a lesson from George Orwell and engage in a heavy dose of “newspeak,” writes pro-life author Kerby Anderson…
This article fits in with yours:

Abortion-Drug Manufacturer Sued by Parents of Teen Who Died Using RU-486

LIVERMORE, California, December 21, 2004 ( - The parents of Holly Patterson, who died from a RU-486 drug-induced abortion in September 2003, have sued the manufacturer of the drug, along with the abortion provider Planned Parenthood and others for their 18-year-old daughter’s death.

Holly died of septic shock – a blood infection – a few weeks after receiving the cocktail from a Planned Parenthood Golden Gate abortionist.

Monty and Deborah Patterson’s suit asserts that the Mifeprex manufacturer, Danco Laboratories, neglected to warn doctors of potentially serious complications arising from the use of the drug in women. The lawsuit, filed Friday in Alameda County Superior Court, does not specify a specific amount for damages.

The Patterson’s attorney, Mark Crawford, said the lawsuit was “filed because there’s been some wrongdoing on the part of the drug manufacturer and drug sponsor here in not getting the warning out.”

The suit also names Planned Parenthood Golden Gate, who provided Holly with the drug; the group who sponsored development of the drug, New York City-based Population Council; the doctor who treated Holly in the emergency room; and ValleyCare Health System, which operates the Pleasanton hospital where Holly died.

At least three other women have died from RU-486 in North America and at least 13 have required blood transfusions due to excessive blood loss. In 5-8 percent of cases, RU-486 causes severe complications. Danco, the drug’s manufacturer, has reported at least 400 adverse events since RU-486 was approved.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s 2003-2004 Annual Report reveals that they care little for the safety of the women it claims to want to serve. Even after 18-year-old Holly Patterson was killed by complications from an RU-486 abortion at Planned Parenthood, the organization sold the dangerous abortion pill over 95,000 times at 203 of its clinics.

Read related coverage:
Planned Parenthood Alone Responsible for Nearly 250,000 US Abortions Last Year
Hospital Failed to Cite Holly Patterson’s Death from RU-486 as Unusual
Bob Baran:
Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s 2003-2004 Annual Report reveals that they care little for the safety of the women it claims to want to serve.
It seems as if the “agenda” is more important than the people - which is pretty typical of the modern “isms” -
It seems as if the “agenda” is more important than the people - which is pretty typical of the modern “isms” -
I believe you are exactly right!!
If some low-life planned parenthood type gave my daughter RU-486 without my knowledge, killing my daughter and my grandchild, they’d be dealing with one angry Irishman.
I have a friend who was asked to show her ID when she tried to purchase some diet pills at Wal-Mart. In school, we are not allowed to take pepto bismol or a tylenol without parent permission. Yet, minors are given free abortion pills without parental notice?? :banghead:
I have a friend who was asked to show her ID when she tried to purchase some diet pills at Wal-Mart. In school, we are not allowed to take pepto bismol or a tylenol without parent permission. Yet, minors are given free abortion pills without parental notice?? :banghead:
One girl that was underage had an abortion without parental notification(in Memphis),she had complications had to be taken to the hospital and the parents took the abortion mill to court.The parents were told that the abortion mill could not be held responsible for the lacerated uterus in the patient and that was their problem and the court agreed.So even though the parents were not notified and the mill got a signed “surgical consent” from a minor they were not accountable for the damage they did, that is the parents problem and the courts agreed:banghead: SAD!
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