Why do some people feel the need to go on and on and shove their political beliefs into other people’s faces via social media? Does it honestly even solve anything or change people’s minds? I don’t feel like it does based on what I’ve seen of both other people and myself. I feel like it only makes people even angrier and more closed off to hearing the other side of things. Even if these people I follow are saying things I do agree with, I still just don’t feel like broadcasting their political beliefs to others in such sarcastic, in-your-face, insulting ways changes anything. Why is it that when we address the opposition we have to be so mean and sarcastic about it all too? How can people expect the other side to listen when all they’re doing is insulting one another and acting juvenile with their name-calling and finger-pointing and talking in absolutes? Sometimes I feel like maybe I should just unfollow anything political on social media because people are so nasty and immature about everything. But at the same time, I don’t want it to appear as if I don’t stand for anything. I’m conflicted on what to do. What do you guys think? Any thoughts?