Poll: Nearly half of all Americans support restricting rights of Muslim-Americans

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ITHACA, N.Y. A nationwide poll finds nearly half of all Americans believe the U-S government should restrict the civil liberties of Muslim Americans.

The survey – conducted this fall by Cornell University – found that 44 percent favored at least some restrictions, while 48 percent said civil liberties shouldn’t be restricted in any way.

Twenty-seven percent of the 715 respondents supported requiring all Muslim-Americans to register where they lived – and 29 percent thought agents should infiltrate Muslim civic and volunteer groups.

The poll also found Republicans and people who described themselves as highly religious were more likely to support curtailing Muslims’ civil liberties than Democrats or people who are less religious. The executive director of the Muslim American Society says the news is disturbing, but not surprising.
If your an American you are an American. Prejudicsm is condemned as a social sin, but it is just a pretense. When the chips are down, here we go again labeling people and putting them in boxes. The ones who like to restrict others of certain rights, because in this case homeland security concerns, would not like the same thing done to them. When all is well, you’re just an American, but not all the time. That depends on the current *zeitgeist, *then all of a sudden you are more then just an “American,” you have become an hyphenated American.And… that’s not a good thing. Now you have become a threat to the country. Such presumption - how ironic! The ones who come into this country illegally can stay and are considered harmless. The ones who legally became Americans, but happen to fall into the wrong classification of “American,” suddenly are not all cracked up to be considered “American.”

Didn’t the US just paid millions of $$s to Japanese Americans who during WWII were interned in camps, but now years later it is considered the wrong thing to have done to these American citizens? Who said that we should learn from history?
And what about the restricted rights of Christians in EVERY Muslim country in the world?
After restricting the rights of Moslem Americans what comes next?

What comes next is restricting the rights of Catholic Americans, Protestant Americans, Jewish Americans, Agnostic Americans, Atheist Americans, and All Americans.
And what about the restricted rights of Christians in EVERY Muslim country in the world?
What they’re doing is wrong. Should we than retaliate and do the same thing?
What they’re doing is wrong. Should we than retaliate and do the same thing?
The article says: The survey – conducted this fall by Cornell University – found that 44 percent favored at least some restrictions, while 48 percent said civil liberties shouldn’t be restricted in any way.

Twenty-seven percent of the 715 respondents supported requiring all Muslim-Americans to register where they lived – and 29 percent thought agents should infiltrate Muslim civic and volunteer groups.

Sounds pretty much like what was done during any war the US was involved in.
Restricting Civil Rights! Just what does that mean?

In Muslim Saudi Arabia a Christian cannot have a Bible open to public view and the Christians cannot have a Christian Church. That is way Islam treats Christians.

Here in America restrictians are really very mild or none at all.

We don’t want to be stupid and ignore what is going on in certain “Temples”. It has already been shown by the FBI that some Muslims in the USA are plotting attacks. Should they be ignored? No!
The article says: The survey – conducted this fall by Cornell University – found that 44 percent favored at least some restrictions, while 48 percent said civil liberties shouldn’t be restricted in any way.

Twenty-seven percent of the 715 respondents supported requiring all Muslim-Americans to register where they lived – and 29 percent thought agents should infiltrate Muslim civic and volunteer groups.

Sounds pretty much like what was done during any war the US was involved in.
I don’t think that would be to good. It seems to me like something else that would fire up hatred that is already out of control.The muslims are already recruiting people in prison from every culture.So what will they do,mark them?They would have to go after Islam.The prospect of that gives me the creeps. I think we would be nuked. God Bless,Lisa
Twenty-seven percent of the 715 respondents supported requiring all Muslim-Americans to register where they lived – and 29 percent thought agents should infiltrate Muslim civic and volunteer groups.

Sounds pretty much like what was done during any war the US was involved in.
Who should be considered a Muslim-American? The ones who just became American? Or first generation neutralized citizens? What about second generation, third?

Which other group of foreign descent in other wars the US was involved in lost their civil liberties?
Who should be considered a Muslim-American? The ones who just became American? Or first generation neutralized citizens? What about second generation, third?

Which other group of foreign descent in other wars the US was involved in lost their civil liberties?
Italians and Germans: during the war a family member had to go once a month to the post office and swear that she was not in possession of an overseas radio device, that she was not in contact with enemy aliens; and a couple of other things–at the same time three of her sons were on active service duty, one of whom had his ship blown up twice while he was on it. His dip in the salt water notwithstanding she had to report in.

Any nation we were at war with - if you had relatives living there or recently coming from there, you were interviewed in detail about all kinds of things.

In the north and midwest Germans had their shops burned, looted and anyone heard speaking German was to be “on report” in some places. Many young people Americanized their names to avoid discrimination and disfavor.

The Japanese Peace Movement had as many informants in it as it did members and same for the German bunds. During the Cold War mail coming from certain areas of the world was targeted for “inspection” and the recipients duly noted. If you visited certain embassies your photo is probably on file with with FBI. And, during WWII the censors either blacked out or cut out huge portions of mail sent from those in the military service to home. Loose lips sink ships was the motto of the day.

Then there were the hoarders and black marketeers: food rationing was in and if you showed up at your local grocers and appeared to be buying more than your fair share with ration coupons the store managers and clerks were alerted to report you. It was put in the paper and you were in deep trouble with the authorities.

By and large black markeeters when caught were very severely dealt with: gas stamps, stamps for tires and of course shoes and cigarettes. If you got caught and many did, off to the jail you went and again it was covered in the paper so as to let everyone know who you were and what you did.

You could lose your job especially if you worked in a defense plant or where military contracts were let - if you talked about what you did, where you did it - you were gone and you usually rec’d a visit from some authority to “talk to you”.

No new construction of any kind for civilian purposes - housing was impossible. Many funny stories about being bunked in private homes and strangers sharing hotel rooms in shifts when travel which was also very restricted at various points demanded it. No rubber toys, no Christmas lights and strict rules on dark curtains to keep any lights from showing through windows. They had block wardens to monitor each block.

The civilian war effort lent itself wholeheartedly behind the government effort to win the war. Everything went for the war effort and few complained.

The two major wars I and II affected everyone from babes in arms to military themselves. News was highly monitored so as not to provide the enemy with any usable information - families shared ration coupons to drive, to eat to have shoes.

There are a million other little things I haven’t mentioned but these give a fair idea of how deeply, into every facet of living “war” was present.
Liberals don’t want any restrictions or control on people who are trying to harm us but when they are successful they ask how could this happen. When the Muslims control themselves we won’t have to put controls on them.
Exporter: It should also be noted that Saudia Arabia is one of the strictest Muslim countries. In Egypt, for example, Christians lack certain rights, but 1/8 of the population is Christian and they certainly are permitted to have churches. Others may be even better…and others somewhere in between.

But as Theodora said…we do not have the right to retaliate. “Turn the other cheek”, as our Lord said.
In Egypt, for example, Christians lack certain rights, but 1/8 of the population is Christian and they certainly are permitted to have churches.
You mean they can really have a church? Gee, that is awful decent of them. Can they eat dinner too? What about brushing their teeth? Is that alowed? Can they raise their kids? What about converting from Islam to Christianity? Is that allowed? I think you will find the converting isn’t.
  • Islam was declared the state religion in 1980.
  • Despite making up 6-14% of the total population, Copts hold only 5 out of 440 seats (1.13%) in the People’s Assembly (Maglis El Sha’b). These representatives were appointed by the President. No Coptic candidate has ever won an election. It is claimed that should any Coptic candidate win an election, a draw is declared. A second vote is taken with the voters being harassed and Christian voters being discouraged from voting.
  • An official decree of the Ottoman Empire still in force is a 1856 law requiring non-Muslims to obtain a presidential decree to repair, remodel, or build a place of worship. A 1934 Minister of Interior Decree added ten conditions to the issuing of this decree. They include not allowing a church to be built within 100 meters of a mosque, requiring the permission of any utility official when the construction is near that utility, and requiring that none of the Muslim neighbors object to the buildings construction. It is reported that obtaining permission often takes years. During this delay, it is not uncommon for a mosque to be built near the site, causing the requested construction to be in violation of the above listed condition. This law was recently changed so those governors could issue a decree for repairs. Many see this as a further hindrance as lower officials are more easily influenced by extremist elements.
  • All Egyptian citizens are required to have listed on their identity card whether they are Christian or Muslim. This card must be presented whenever a person applies for employment. There are cases of people who are trying to change their listed religion from Muslim to Christian being arrested for falsifying documents. Persons arrested on these charges have been interrogated and physically abused in an attempt to obtain information on other converts and their activities.
  • The government-owned television stations broadcast only 2 hours of Christian programming a year on Easter. Most of the tax-supported programming is pro-Islamic, if not anti-Christian.
  • While proselytizing is not illegal, some Muslim converts to Christianity have been charged with a provision of the Penal code that prohibits the use of religion to “ignite heavenly strife, degrade any of the heavenly religions or harm national unity or social peace.”
  • Children with Muslim names are enrolled in Islamic classes regardless of their parent’s wishes. This presents a problem because parents are hesitant to give their children traditionally Coptic names as it increases the risk they will be discriminated against. As a result, Coptic parents try to give their children a name that is used by both religious communities.
  • The portion of history when the Coptic Christians were the majority (the first six centuries AD) is not taught in Egyptian public schools.

also read:
Tortured Christian Woman Released on Bail

Note that Egypt is considered the one of the most enlightened of the mid-east states.
In another thread it was pointed out that the Prince of England was urging “Muslim leaders in Britain to criticise openly the traditional Islamic law on apostasy, calling for it to be abolished throughout the world…”

Why does the prince have to convince Muslim leaders in Britain to do this? If their religion was not a threat, wouldn’t they be doing this already?

Prince of Wales Seeks to Aid Muslims Who Converts
In another thread it was pointed out that the Prince of England was urging “Muslim leaders in Britain to criticise openly the traditional Islamic law on apostasy, calling for it to be abolished throughout the world…”

Why does the prince have to convince Muslim leaders in Britain to do this? If their religion was not a threat, wouldn’t they be doing this already?

Prince of Wales Seeks to Aid Muslims Who Converts
Excellent point. Islam is, as it always has been, a threat to all other religions especially Christianity and Judaism.
Little grandmas aren’t going to blowup a city. I fully support racial profiling and other means of survailance during this war.
We should be closely monitoring all those mosques, they are in some cases, terrorist meeting grounds, I for one am not interested in dying because we didnt want to hurt peoples feelings…
We should be closely monitoring all those mosques, they are in some cases, terrorist meeting grounds, I for one am not interested in dying because we didnt want to hurt peoples feelings…
it is not a matter of dying because we don’t want to hurt their feelings, it is a matter of losing our civil liberties and constitutionally protected rights because we failed to insure that those rights apply to everyone until there is a reason to restrict them, such as a felony conviction. Laws against muslims today will be used against Christians tomorrow if the ACLU and other secularist fundamentalists succeed in having the profession and practice of religion declared a hate crime. You cannot appeal to the constitution to protect your rights, the rights of other innocent classes of persons such as the unborn, unless you are willing to guarantee those rights across the board, including to those you disagree with, or even perceive as a threat.
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