Pope: "Let's ban all weapons so we don't have to live in fear of war"

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I mean, he might as well say why don’t we ban all sin so that we can all go to heaven. Hopefully he was just trying to send a general message on peace rather than meaning to be taken literally because if not, then he may be the most naive and clueless world leader alive today.
I wonder how the Holy Father might envision enforcing the ban.
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That’s pretty harsh.
I’m not sure what people want from him.
They think he’s too liberal, and then in the next breath he’s way too soft.

War? I think we’ve pretty much seen throughout history that it seldom works.
Why not try peace? Isn’t heaven all about PEACE???

Thats the kind of philosophy I would expect from a Kindergartener.

As if the reason there is war is because of weapons…

Well he can start first by disarming his Swiss guard. Lead by example your Holiness.
St Matthew 10:16 Behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and simple as doves.
Ok if banning weapons is a stupid solution then what is a good solution for world peace then?
Thats the kind of philosophy I would expect from a Kindergartener.

As if the reason there is war is because of weapons…

Well he can start first by disarming his Swiss guard. Lead by example your Holiness.
I would tend to agree. This statement by the Pope reminds me of kids who try to give smart-aleck answers or are trying to be funny and get a laugh. How about offering a real solution? It is easy for him sit on his high throne and criticize others for making difficult decisions in the real world. As you said, maybe he can disarm the Swiss Guard right now if he’s being serious. I’m not holding my breath.
Ya. Did it ever occur to him that first war probably was fought with sticks and stones if not bare hands?
Did Cain slay Able with a ar15?
Not always–
Jesus said our enemies would be in our own house
Mother against daughter, that sermon.

But we Christians are to live with gentleness and compassion
Shove over I want some and I brought 🍫🍫:chocolate_bar:and 🍷🍷🍷
He should have advocated for making sin illegal. It would be equally impossible to enforce, but far more effective if it somehow worked. You can make a case for peace among men without saying something that belongs in the ad space next to a Goofus and Gallant cartoon.

I wish I could say I cannot believe he actually said that, but sadly, I can believe it.
“Devout Catholic here, but honest question, if the Pope really wants this, will he lead by example and order the Vatican security to lay down their arms?”

-Karl Zimmerman
War? I think we’ve pretty much seen throughout history that it seldom works.

Why not try peace? Isn’t heaven all about PEACE???
  1. Heaven on Earth is the kind of things that cults and radical philosophies push. Those things give us mass suicides and concentration camps.
  2. War actually does work. It works to preserve the peace and is under certain circumstances allowed in Catholic teaching.
  3. Promises of peace are often used to catch people off guard in order to gain the upper hand.
I’m not sure what people want from him.
To do his job----which means:
  1. Thinking holistically about issues or not speaking about them at all
  2. Realizing he is not just a bishop in from a Latin American country.
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I don’t think there is anything wrong with calling for a ban on all nuclear weapons, which would most likely lead to people not living in the fear of nuclear war. I don’t think there is anything wrong with calling for a ban on Weapons of Mass destruction, which might lead to people not living in fears of a world war. John Paul 2 pushed for the lessening of nuclear stockpiles but also said men had to be converted for it to work.

In my opinion, the statement is purposely ambiguous, so as to get people to debate the issue. Our world is obsessed with weapons. Obsessed with having larger armies. Obsessed with which country has the biggest air force and the biggest navies. Why are people so bothered when Pope Francis puts out a message that is a challenge. He is challenging us to find ways to peace and in a world that is obsessed with weapons, I don’t see a problem with challenging people.

Pope Francis is surrounded by armed swiss guards. When he visits a country, he is surrounded by armed security, snipers etc etc. He knows he needs security like that which is another reason I think he tweeted what he did to stir a debate.

Popes are allowed to hold personal opinions and even tweet about them . He wasn’t speaking ex cathedra.

Are there weapons in Heaven? Of course not. If we are trying to live our lives on earth like we are suppose to live in heaven…why not start now?

I realize that weapons being banned is most likely not possible this side of heaven and because man is fallen, a total weapons ban wouldn’t work. I still think debating issues like these are always good.
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