Pope tells a gay man 'God made you like this'

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The Church will accept as true what science discovers is the genesis of SSA/homosexuality. But science has not yet figured this out, so I would say the Pope was wrong about God’s having made the young man “that way.” Sadly, considering how many homosexual men have abuse in their backgrounds, it may be that the evil.priest whi abused him “made” the young man homosexual.

And while God loves each and every one of us, He does not love our sin.

Sometimes it seems like the Pope expects each of us to know sufficient theology and to apply it when he says things. I think he expects too much, especially from non-Catholics!
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God made you like this in the sense that God permits human persons to have certain faults, certain crosses to bear, and not in the sense that God approves of the behavior. This man is called to chastity, by the fact that God made him like this.
With all due respect to Juan Carlos Cruz, and I’m not accusing him of lying at all, but we readers were not there and we don’t know the precise and specific language that was used by Pope Francis. I would like to hear from Greg Burke. Isn’t homosexuality at odds with natural law. If it is, why would God make somebody homosexual?

Somebody can be homosexual and chaste and the Catholic Church calls homosexuals to chastity as it does to heterosexuals.
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Perspective is a big deal.

It seems that the Pope affirmed that this man was loved by God exactly the way he was when it comes to his sexuality. There is nothing wrong with that and God does allow for brokeness in our fallen world. Accepting who you are is vital to mental health. To me it seems that people are quick to assign an agenda to something that’s not there. If the Pope said to the man who is a motivational speaker and born without limbs that God made him that way, would their be an outcry by everyone with arms and legs? Probably not.
The Church will accept as true what science discovers is the genesis of SSA/homosexuality.
The Church should be very careful accepting much of modern science. Science has always had a political angle. And man is imperfect in everything he does.
Well, apparently the Holy Father’s private interviews with Eugenio Scalfari (you know, the 93-year-old atheist reporter who doesn’t take notes but repeatedly insists that Pope Francis denies hell) have not caused enough rumors flying, so naturally the thing to do is to conduct more private interviews about an extremely prominent topic. You’d think at some point someone in the Vatican, not only to protect the Holy Father’s own words and meanings, but the truth and teaching of Holy Mother Church herself, would say, “hey, you know what, in this day and age of rumors flying as fast as the speed of light, whaddya say we maybe hold off on these private interviews for awhile?”

But no, they keep occurring, and afterwards there are the usual rumors of the Church possibly changing teachings, taking a softer attitude, perhaps accepting this or that immoral behavior as now permissible, etc. It has come to the point of seriously thinking that these interviews and stories are being deliberately staged because they always involve extremely important teachings of the Church. Things like hell, salvation, sexual morality, etc.

Sorry, and God forgive me, but say all you want about the “New Evangelization,” but it’s not working the way the Church thought it would. The enemies of the Church within, and the anti-Church media without, are evangelizing for sure - evangelizing people away from the Church through confusion, half-truths, nicety, dilution of sin, Orwellian double-speak, and embrace of man over God.

So just as Holy Week was marred by the “denial of hell” interview, Pentecost today is tainted by another story implying a major shift in Church teaching.

Holy Mother Church, embarrassed on her birthday.
I tried to find something from a Catholic source, and found this:

The Vatican has not yet confirmed or clarified the comments that Cruz said the Pope made regarding homosexuality.
Anyone can claim anything. However, the comment isn’t really a “change” in Church teaching or the Catechism per se.

I don’t see a hidden agenda here.
Especially given that a Catholic source reported it as well, the story seems credible. But why would God create someone gay? Isn’t it a disordered orientation?
Even if people are born gay, it would just be another effect of original sin. Being born homosexual does not mean that homosexuality is right
This man either. And he cried real tears. And he has got to live with it,having done nothing ,and he was a child harmed for life.
We can manage to "survive " and resist this nonsense of scrutinizing every utterance or alleged utterance of our own Pope ,don t you think so?
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I have realized that this is a problem of what it means to accept something about oneself. I was kind of raised to think one didn’t accept things, one struggled against them.

But accepting oneself, like not hating oneself for whatever the problem is, can be a more relaxed way of being, while still maintaining an air of vigilance against the problem.
We can manage to "survive " and resist this nonsense of scrutinizing every utterance or alleged utterance of our own Pope ,don t you think so?
Some people enjoy it just way too much to resist. 😦
I don’t think anyone in the church has said it’s a choice to be gay. The comments by the Holy Father dont seem all that controversial or groundbreaking to me. They are compassionate and understanding remarks The problem will be if the media presents this as church teaching is going to change. I don’t think that’s what he said or implied.
From the Catechism No. 2357: “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”

Rod Dreher comments here:

“Perhaps the Pope is saying that God, in His infinite wisdom and with his permissive will, allowed Juan Carlos to be born with homosexual desire. There is no question that God loves all His creatures, including all of us sinners, but if the Pope has been accurately quoted here, then he is telling Juan Carlos that God affirms his homosexuality (God “loves you like that”). If the Pope means that God loves Juan Carlos despite these sinful passions, that’s undeniably true, according to Catholic theology. If the Pope is saying that God affirms the goodness of homosexual desire, that is not remotely compatible with what the Catholic Church teaches, and with what Scripture makes clear.”

One hopes for clarification, but it does not always come.
From the article posted by @JimG;
How can the Roman pontiff not care about whether a man suffers from what the Catholic Church teaches is “grave depravity”? If the Pope means that Juan Carlos’s homosexuality is no barrier to his (the Pope’s) love for him, then God bless the Pope. But if the Pope means that homosexuality is a matter of moral indifference, then Catholics have a very serious theological problem on their hands with this Pope, who has just blown a hole into Catholic moral theology with regard to sexuality.
So: it is possible — if you squint and stretch and try your utmost — to read the Pope’s reported words in an orthodox Catholic way. But the plain meaning of them is far more plausible. This is the meaning that Father James Martin, reasonably enough, applies to them. This is the meaning that the world is going to take from them. And who can possibly blame the world?
Very, very disturbing!
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Yes once again…its almost like its on purpose…say something that is against Church teaching, but always, “unofficially” like in some private interview…just enough to stir the pot, but always leave a way to wiggle out.

This Pope really concerns me.
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