PPL Getting More Taxpayer Money

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The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is receiving more money from taxpayers, generating larger profits, and performing more abortions-- even while the organization reports a drop in private donations. That was the analysis offered by Jim Sedlak for the American Life League.

Citing statistics from the Planned Parenthood Federation’s 2003-2004 Annual Report, Sedlak observed that the organization had performed 244,628 abortions in the last year-- an increase of 6.1 percent from the previous year’s total. Those abortions provided an estimated $104 million in revenues.

Sedlak also noted that Planned Parenthood performed 138 abortions for every 1 child who was referred for adoption. In 1997, the ratio was 18 abortions for every adoption.

The group’s balance sheets were buoyed by a record $265.2 million in government funds, accounting for nearly one-third of the group’s entire budget.
A record, huh? Bush is giving PP more than he is giving Halliburton.
A record, huh? Bush is giving PP more than he is giving Halliburton.
Is it Bush or medicaid?Because the tax payers have been paying for abortions for a long time:mad: I would like to know the source of the government money,because Bush has not been apathetic as far pro-life issues are concerned. We need to find the source of this money and raise cain!God Bless
A record, huh? Bush is giving PP more than he is giving Halliburton.
Bush, actually took federal money that would have gone to them and gave it to Abstinince Programs. :rolleyes:
A record, huh? Bush is giving PP more than he is giving Halliburton.
Gosh Katherine can you engage in intelligent discussion or do you just like throwing bombs?

What does Bush have to do with Haliburton? (FWIW they had government contracts LONG before Bush came into the White House).

Further PP gets money via Medicaid and that is generally state money. While many states like ours receive a federal subsidy, it is our STATE TAX money going into the coffers of PP, not our FEDERAL tax money. So Bush has little or nothing to do with the funds received by PP via government sources. But you might as well blame him right because the facts are just too complicated to comprehend?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
Gosh Katherine can you engage in intelligent discussion or do you just like throwing bombs?

What does Bush have to do with Haliburton? (FWIW they had government contracts LONG before Bush came into the White House).

Further PP gets money via Medicaid and that is generally state money. While many states like ours receive a federal subsidy, it is our STATE TAX money going into the coffers of PP, not our FEDERAL tax money. So Bush has little or nothing to do with the funds received by PP via government sources. But you might as well blame him right because the facts are just too complicated to comprehend?

Lisa N
I second that reply:) God Bless
Lisa N:
Gosh Katherine can you engage in intelligent discussion or do you just like throwing bombs?
It’s getting to be SOP - when you can’t contribute, just carp.
Actually one of the most distressing factoids was that $191 MILLION DOLLARS was donated to this organization. What are these people THINKING?

Lisa N
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