Pregnancy and morning sickness question

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Hi everyone I’m 13 weeks pregnant with my second baby:) my husband and I are super excited:) however, I have been sick since my ovulation day and anyway I get these super random lightheaded spells where my neck feels cold and I feel like I am going to pass out:/ I had one this morning and did not go to Mass today because I have felt horrible all day long:/ can’t stand for more than a few minutes I can’t really sit have to lay down:/ anyway is this a sin since I didn’t go to Mass because of feeling like this all day long? I haven’t been to Mass much this first trimester because quite honestly I have been throwing up:/ anyway tried to talk to my Mom about it and she said I think it’s Sunday and it’s your excuse for not going to Mass:/ sigh…
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Thanks for answering that I just wanted some clarification as I’ve never been sick before during pregnancy and such:/ and no she’s not, she just has her opinions sometimes…and of course I take them harder because hormonal and pregnant:/
I just wanted some clarification as I’ve never been sick before during pregnancy and such
Sick is sick. You are excused from mass when you are ill. And this is a matter of prudential judgment the Church leaves up to us. It doesn’t tell us when we are “not sick enough” or what illnesses “count” as sick. That is up to you. Don’t be scrupulous. You don’t have to prove to anyone you are “too sick” for mass.
anyway tried to talk to my Mom about it

I recall another thread of yours in which you indicated that your mother often says hurtful things, makes you feel guilty, and causes you great anxiety. Don’t talk to your mother about things like this. Talk to a priest.
no she’s not, she just has her opinions sometimes…and of course I take them harder because hormonal and pregnant:/
Please get some help. You are in denial about how harmful your mother’s behavior is to you. Once again, don’t talk to her about things like this. Nothing good will come from it.

And no, you are not “taking them harder” because you are pregnant and hormonal. The things she says to you are objectively cruel and wrong. Stop blaming yourself for the things she does wrong.
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And now I’ve read this one, where your mother threatened to call CPS and you were terrified she’d do it again…
I am so very scared:/ Prayer Intentions
Hi all so i will try and keep this as short and simple as i can but I am reaching out for prayers please. Heres a little bit of a backstory, my husband and I have a beautiful 19 month old little boy and we recently moved to a different house almost a year ago. We recently got a dog within the last 6 months or so and yeah so heres the thing the dog is super sweet shes a lab and just the sweetest dog there ever was:) shes so good with our son:) she is an indoor/outdoor dog she is mostly outdoors t…
I’ll say it again. You are in denial. Please get help.
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“Sick” isn’t just limited to “contagious”. 🙂

Hugs! I hope things improve!
if you cannot go to mass due to your state, don’t go.

May i suggest you watch mass on tv, computer or listen it on the radio or does it “disgust” you too?
Definitely can try that:) I tried going this Sunday and ended up having to leave after a bit started feeling bad:/ ah! Thought the nausea and vomiting was over and such and well it has come back…anyway but thank you for the suggestions:)
My wife was sick for every single day with our fifth and that included throwing up and passing our at Mass. If she had known she would get that sick at Mass she would not have gone. I can’t believe your mom said that! Have you given her any reason to think you want to not go to Mass on Sunday? And this sounds like something that is not really her business anyway but rather the business of your own family.
Thank You so much for the well wishes:) it’s gotten better just dealing with random dizzy spells now and some nausea has stuck around so the throwing up still happens just not as often Praise God! 🙂 just the dizzy spells but unfortunately they might happen the entire pregnancy:/ unfortunately today I had a dizzy spell:/ they are so random…but it’s okay I know everything could be so much worse and I’m so thankful things aren’t:)
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No sir( I don’t mean any disrespect I’m from
The south so yes sir and no sir is ingrained in my head…it’s out of respect:) ) I haven’t, I love going to mass and hate missing when I don’t feel well:/ this pregnancy has been so intense so the times when I do feel bad are so random which I don’t understand sometimes, but it’s okay:)
Happy cake day!
I am pleased that you feel better! 🙂

I have never known the random dizzy spells, you are so unfortunate!
That’s strange that you had been sick since ovulation day!

Enjoy your second trimester, it is the better usually!
In the last we can feel very heavy and develop some others symptoms.

I have two children myself, the last is a baby. I loved being in my second trimester.
I am happy that you seems to be happy to be pregnant again and seems to get over your fear of getting pregnant again!

(if I am correct).
Happy cake day! 🙂 and yeah it’s been so weird and so different from when I was pregnant with my son. I never threw up once with my son and this pregnancy has been so much more intense emotionally and morning sickness wise. My husband knows the gender of our baby, but I am not finding out until delivery:) we shall see! 🙂 but yes I didn’t think I was pregnant at first, but my parents and my sisters figured it out before I even knew myself lol
No, it is your cake day, not mine!

I am happy to discuss with another mother…

two pregnancies are not the same! I find that in the second, time run faster than the first! And that I was less attentive to all the little details of the interaction with the baby that makes this part of life so unique! because it was known, and I had another child to take care! I find it is hard to carry of tow children, because we don’t have the same time, but it is very exciting to see the interaction and the love of the two children!

Your husband has a great secret to hide! I don’t know how he can manage to kept it a secret when doing some things, such as choosing a name, or looking to gender’s baby furniture! Many details can reveals something! is he effective?
I didn’t want to know the genders before births too! As my husband.

Interesting that your family learn of the pregnancy before you! Isn’t it scary?
My family learn the pregnancy very quickly the second time, because my belly was very obvious soon!
Ah my birthday that’s right lol it’s tomorrow:) it took me a moment to process that lol but yes the second pregnancy is so different and more difficult in some ways just because you’ve got another child to look after:) but it’s okay I’m so excited to see my son become a big brother:) yeah I don’t know how he hasn’t cracked yet and told me. He has been pretty dang good at keeping it secret ah lol I’ve even suggested names etc and he keeps the same facial expressions:) lol I wanna know sort of but a big part of me wants to stay in the dark and find out at birth:) my oldest sister is due anytime now with her fifth and she also doesn’t know the gender of her baby either nor does her husband:) we shall see!🙂
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