Priest praises Pope Francis for ‘evolving’ Church to accept homosexuality

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In this case, the word ‘evolving’ is used to define words and actions that satisfy a certain group.

God have mercy,
We need to show love to the sinner, but hate the sin. Sodomy will always be a mortal sin no matter how its defined by the CC.
This priest is advocating nothing less than acceptance of sodomitical lifestyles. That is not remotely compatible with Catholicism. And he is crediting the pope with some sort of “change” in Church practice under this pontificate. It is outrageous and indefensible.
So the article says this

“BELFAST, June 22, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – A Redemptorist priest told thousands of pilgrims at an annual celebration of faith in Northern Ireland that Catholic doctrine under Pope Francis has undergone an “evolution” that now makes homosexual relations accepted as “normative.” “

Where is the document that Pope Francis approves homosexual relations?

I call bull until that document, direct from the Holy See, is produced
Are we all praying for a cure for SSA and other gender disorders?
And to think that the U.S. Catholic bishops are considering punishing Catholics who enforce President Trump’s ‘immoral’ border policies. Some even going so far as to suggest “canonical penalties.” And yet, here we have this priest, who is supposed to be a steward of Catholic Church teachings, promoting things that are nothing short of heretical. Where are the “canonical penalties?” Cue the crickets sounds.

Houston…we’ve got a problem!
And to think that the U.S. Catholic bishops are considering punishing Catholics who enforce President Trump’s ‘immoral’ border policies. Some even going so far as to suggest “canonical penalties.” And yet, here we have this priest, who is supposed to be a steward of Catholic Church teachings, promoting things that are nothing short of heretical. Where are the “canonical penalties?” Cue the crickets sounds.

Houston…we’ve got a problem!
You expect the US Bishops to recommend “canonical penalities” for a religious priest serving in Brazil and preaching in Ireland? 🤨
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So many strawmen given in this address. Where are Catholics not treating those who identify as “LGBT” not treating them as equals? Catholics aren’t out bashing these people, and I don’t see any other Christian communities doing this either (outside of the Westboro Baptists). But then the priest talks about questions on condom use. This shows where he is at regarding all these sexually charged “questions” and his “comprehensive” view of doctrine. It’s sad enough that he is out here in public espousing these views, but even sadder that there are those that agree with him. Clearly, from his words, he has more in mind than just human dignity when he talks about “equality”:
“The difficulty that the Church has to accept LGBT members as equals is due to a tradition of over two thousand years in which only heterosexual relations were regarded as normative.”
Other Catholics really want to agree with this? I mean, it doesn’t shock me given our present cultural climate, but the above statement shows a denial of what has been revealed to us not only by the Church, but by simple biology. Sexual activity between a man and a woman is “normal” or “normative”. Sexual activity between two men and two women is “abnormal”, is not “normative”, and is not morally upright. This should not be controversial, but to suggest it in most places in the cultural milieu of the day is seen as “hateful”. But of course, it’s the exact opposite.

Sexual activity between those of the same sex is not normative at all, and to suggest that such sexual activity should be considered “normative” is scandalous, especially coming from a pastor of souls. How sad this whole situation is.

Furthermore, doctrine doesn’t “evolve” in any way which Fr. McCarthy is suggesting. What he suggests is a rupture with the Church’s teaching. He mentions questions. What questions? Getting back to his comments on contraception, particularly condom use, he’s apparently forgotten or ignored the words of Pope St. John Paul II:
“[E]ven within the Christian community voices have been heard, and are still being heard, which cast doubt upon the very truth of the Church’s teaching [on contraception]. This teaching has been vigorously expressed by Vatican II, by the encyclical Humanae Vitae, by the apostolic exhortation Familiaris Consortio and from the recent instruction “The Gift of Life”. A grave responsibility derives from this: those who place themselves in open conflict with the law of God, authentically taught by the Church, guide spouses along a false path. The Church’s teaching on contraception does not belong to the category of matter open to free discussion among theologians. Teaching the contrary amounts to leading the moral consciences of spouses into error.”
May God have mercy on us.
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You expect the US Bishops to recommend “canonical penalities” for a religious priest serving in Brazil and preaching in Ireland? 🤨
If a priest persists in holding to a position that is heretical, and COMPLETELY contrary to consistent Catholic Church teachings , and speaks openly in public on said issue, spreading error and confusion and placing countless souls in serious jeopardy, IMO, that priest should be laicized. Full stop!
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You expect the US Bishops to recommend “canonical penalities” for a religious priest serving in Brazil and preaching in Ireland? 🤨
If a priest persists in holding to a position that is heretical, and COMPLETELY contrary to consistent Catholic Church teachings , and speaks openly in public on said issue, spreading error and confusion and placing countless souls in serious jeopardy, IMO, that priest should be laicized. Full stop!
Why are you telling me this? I have no canonical authority in the Church to choose which priests are given faculties within a diocese. I have no authority to laicize a priest. And neither do you.

If you’re concerned about this, write a letter to a cardinal, or a bishop, or the Vatican. Repeatedly replying to my post – which was about you being all upset that the USCCB spoke out about the immigration issue and not about this ONE priest outside of the US – is pointless and rude.

Time to move on, especially if this is bothering you as much as it seems to be…
Sorry padre but I think I’m gonna go with Jesus on this one lol. I wonder if he knows of Pope Francis’ recent comment on the family…
It is painful to say this today: people speak of varied families, of various kinds of family” but “the family [as] man and woman in the image of God is the only one”
This is the same as those who can’t accept Jesus’ teaching against women priests or any other teaching that causes dissidents to say…‘this is a hard teaching, who can accept it’ No matter how much the teaching is re-enforced there pride keeps them from accepting it.

Our Lady said the final battle will be an attack on the family so we shouldn’t be surprised. Gear up! lol (Ephesians 6:10 -18)
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