Priests and Nuns complicit in Spain’s stolen babies scandal

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The story of the country’s “lost children” began to come into public view in 2008 as part of a broad investigation by a crusading judge, Baltasar Garzon, into human rights violations under Franco, who came to power at the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939. Garzon estimated that in the first 15 years of the fascist dictatorship, more than 30,000 children were taken from their leftist parents in an official campaign by the government to minimize the societal impact of “Marxist genes.”
The children were given to families deemed more deserving. Their names were changed and they were issued identification documents that affirmed their new family lives and erased their pasts.
Amid allegations that Garzon had abused his office by opening the Franco-era files, Spain’s National Court halted his investigation before anyone could be charged.
By then, it had become clear that the practice of baby stealing continued well into the 1960s — though the motive had morphed from political ideology to business opportunity — and to a lesser extent even after the dictatorship ended in 1975.
Nuns and priests were often complicit in the thefts. Some mothers were told that their babies had died during childbirth.
What is the point of posting this? It’s extremely OLD news. The Catholic Church never states all of its members are sinless.
The article is from yesterday. Not everyone may be aware of what’s happening in Spain. Thank you.
Being able to recognize communist propaganda (which is what the “stolen children” narrative is) is a good skill.

As far as I can tell, there’s no evidence that this case involved anything more than documentary fraud. Spain under Franco was very socially conservative, many unwed mothers preferred to give up their children anonymously. Most American States today allow the same thing within a certain length of time following birth.
As far as I can tell, there’s no evidence that this case involved anything more than documentary fraud.
If there were only a few cases, it might be possible that they were fake. But several thousand cases have already been filed, and thousands more are being investigated.
Documentary fraud (writing that adoptive parents are the biological parents on a birth certificate) isn’t kidnapping though. Where’s the evidence that children were systematically stolen?

If ideologues had a beef with out government, they could just as well claim that “safe haven” laws were a front for children to be stolen from anonymous mothers.
Where’s the evidence that children were systematically stolen?
Where’s the evidence that it was “only” documentary?

I expect we’ll find out as these cases come to trial. Until then, I’m not going to throw around accusations of “Communist propaganda.”
The burden of proof lies on those making the accusation.

These (and plenty of other) allegations about the Franco regime have been around for decades. I’m not going to hold my breath.

Calling it communist progpaganda isn’t hyperbole BTW. Franco’s Spain was a favorite target of the largest propaganda machine in the history of the world (namely, that of the Soviet Union and international communism). You should always ask for evidence when accusations are made, but especially when the regime accused is no longer around and has been ruthlessly vilified.
The Left side of politics are again emotionalising with regards to children. It is the same play.

I am not Spanish but I have an Australian background and have listened to Leftist propaganda regarding ‘Stolen’ Australian children (the same Leftist language) by (of course) the big bad white Christian government.

It remains complete made up propaganda in Australia. . And because it is emotionalising deceitful propaganda the people making it in my opinion are evil. That is the Australian experience. Such emotionalising political propaganda is a complete fraud designed to be divisive, destructive of the record of certain identity groups and trying to establish moral victim groups of others that can then be used politically.’

I am quite prepared to hear rational arguments regarding injustice. The fact that this story arises at this time is no co-incidence. I would like to see my church stop being sucked in to media campaigns of strongly emotionalising irrational tactics thinking they are joining with people morally when in fact the church is being played and made to look weak. It is made to make pronouncements against political opponents simply by deceitfully framing issues to fool the church into thinking they are having a role in establishing a moral framework in society. They are being played.

btw, the real fascists were Mussolini’s Left wing government in Italy and to some extent the Hitler socialists in Germany who followed in his footsteps. The Hitler socialists were taking German looking babies from Slavic families in Poland as government policy. They were also killing a whole lot of Jewish and other babies and promoting abortion in Slavic regions. There is no debate about that. It definitely happened.

The church stood against the Hitler socialists and it has been the Left’s control of education which has ‘painted’ a different picture. The Left’s hold on society has gradually weakened the church regarding numbers and regarding influence and relevance. It has held the church hostage to a false moralising history and a false moralising present. It looks very bad when parts of the church seem to have developed Stockholm Syndrome with regards to what has happened in the western world over the last century or so.

If the church is (I pray) to go forwardly strongly and with dignity it has to face down this constant false moralising emotional straight jacket that its enemies places it in, time after time.
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