Pro-Choice Denominations

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**Liberal and some mainline denominations: **In general, these either promote a woman’s right to choose an abortion, or are relatively silent on the matter. A number of liberal and mainline Christian and Jewish faith groups and organizations have publicly stated that abortions are sometimes an acceptable option, and should remain legal. According to lists prepared by The Secular Web and the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, they include, in alphabetic order:

**- **American Baptist Churches-USA
  • American Ethical Union
  • American Friends (Quaker) Service Committee
  • American Jewish Committee
  • American Jewish Congress
  • Central Conference of American Rabbis
  • Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
  • Council of Jewish Federations
  • Episcopal Church (USA)
  • Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot
  • Moravian Church in America-Northern Province
  • Na’Amat USA
  • National Council of Jewish Women
  • Presbyterian Church (USA)
  • Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
  • Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  • Union of American Hebrew Congregations
  • Unitarian Universalist Association
  • United Church of Christ
  • United Methodist Church
  • United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism.

Are there any denominations that identify themselves as “pro-choice” or remain silent on the issue that have not been listed? Any comments on denominations promoting “pro-choice” or remaining silent on the issue can be posted here, too.

(BTW- Some of them appear to be organizations, not specifically denominations.)
How on earth can any denomination or organization claiming to be Christian say the murder of a child is okay?

Truly, there will be those who call out Lord, Lord, and will be answered with a resounding “I do not know you”.

God Bless,
This is truly disgusting!

It reminds me of the religious teachers who crucified Christ. They had abandoned true worship in favor of thier own opinions and man’s teachings, as Jesus pointed out about them in Matthew 15:3.

The bible says that God loved us and knew us by name and loved us, even before we were concieved in the womb. It goes without saying how God must feel about us after we are concieved.
It is shocking to see mainline Protestant denominations like Presbyterian, Episcopal and Methodist on the list. It’s all shocking. Those were just the most surprising for me.

I don’t know how you can belong to a faith that identifies itself as pro-choice or remains silent on the issue and believe you are in His Church.
It is shocking to see mainline Protestant denominations like Presbyterian, Episcopal and Methodist on the list. It’s all shocking. Those were just the most surprising for me.

I don’t know how you can belong to a faith that identifies itself as pro-choice or remains silent on the issue and believe you are in His Church.
For the same reason many liberal churches ignore Leviticus 18:22, 20:13 by allowing openly practicing homosexuals to join: for the sake of being seeker-friendly. The doctrines of sin, judgement, repentance, and hell are taken out of the moder gospel message for the same reason.
what do you expect from liberal churches who attack the Bible as God’s word? who try to make God a woman in scripture? who suport the homosexual agenda and so on?

This makes me sick to my stomache :eek:

Where’s ELCA? The largest Lutheran group didn’t make either pro-choice or pro-life list? I see that their full communion partners made the pro-choice list (Moravian, Episcopal (USA), Presbyterian(USA), UCC, UMC):hmmm:
The only acceptable form of abortion I think would be exorcism, since you are aborting satan. 👍
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