Purpose(s) of Ceremony

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Salvete, omnes!

What, in Catholic theology, is/are the purpose(s) of ceremony?

Is it to help reinforce the moral principles of Christianity? If this is the case, if we were theoretically without any ceremony, whether that be the Mass or the veneration of images, would that somehow take away from our ability (whether in a small or great way) to observe moral teachings, even if we had all of those teachings, only, without the ceremonies? Would we be more likely to sin in our daily lives without the presence of ceremonies to remind us of moral truths? Or, again, is such really even the purpose of ceremony? Can, theoretically, a society that does not observe ceremony (religious? otherwise?) be just as moral as one that has ceremony? (In this last question, I’m assuming either a Christian or non-Christian society with its own moral standards and judged by its own morality. Also, if we must, let’s discount any influence ofthe Holy Spirit in moral observance for the moment as thsi question, while it can relate to Catholicism/Christianity, is also much broader than that.)

If enforcing morality is not the purpose of ceremony and if a society can be just as moral with or without ceremonial influence, what, exactly, is the purpose of ceremony? Is it, perhaps, to make things invisible/spiritual more relatable? For instance, in terms ofthe Mass or veneration of images, does it make the spiritual truths in the Mass more visible to our eyes and the beauty of the Saints more fully present/vivid/inspiring in some way to us? If this is the case, does this have any effect on our moral observance? And, again, if a society did not observe ceremony, would it be capable of being as moral as one that did?
Salvete, omnes!

What, in Catholic theology, is/are the purpose(s) of ceremony?

Is it to help reinforce the moral principles of Christianity? If this is the case, if we were theoretically without any ceremony, whether that be the Mass or the veneration of images, would that somehow take away from our ability (whether in a small or great way) to observe moral teachings, even if we had all of those teachings, only, without the ceremonies? Would we be more likely to sin in our daily lives without the presence of ceremonies to remind us of moral truths? Or, again, is such really even the purpose of ceremony? Can, theoretically, a society that does not observe ceremony (religious? otherwise?) be just as moral as one that has ceremony? (In this last question, I’m assuming either a Christian or non-Christian society with its own moral standards and judged by its own morality. Also, if we must, let’s discount any influence ofthe Holy Spirit in moral observance for the moment as thsi question, while it can relate to Catholicism/Christianity, is also much broader than that.)

If enforcing morality is not the purpose of ceremony and if a society can be just as moral with or without ceremonial influence, what, exactly, is the purpose of ceremony? Is it, perhaps, to make things invisible/spiritual more relatable? For instance, in terms ofthe Mass or veneration of images, does it make the spiritual truths in the Mass more visible to our eyes and the beauty of the Saints more fully present/vivid/inspiring in some way to us? If this is the case, does this have any effect on our moral observance? And, again, if a society did not observe ceremony, would it be capable of being as moral as one that did?
I think you are right when you say that your question goes beyond the relation between ceremonies and Christianity. So, my answer to your question “Is it to help reinforce the moral principles of Christianity?” would be “no, the purpose of ceremonies, if there is a purpose on them, is not reduced to the reinforcement of the christian moral principles”.
Salvete, omnes!

What, in Catholic theology, is/are the purpose(s) of ceremony?

Is it to help reinforce the moral principles of Christianity? If this is the case, if we were theoretically without any ceremony, whether that be the Mass or the veneration of images, would that somehow take away from our ability (whether in a small or great way) to observe moral teachings, even if we had all of those teachings, only, without the ceremonies? Would we be more likely to sin in our daily lives without the presence of ceremonies to remind us of moral truths? Or, again, is such really even the purpose of ceremony? Can, theoretically, a society that does not observe ceremony (religious? otherwise?) be just as moral as one that has ceremony? (In this last question, I’m assuming either a Christian or non-Christian society with its own moral standards and judged by its own morality. Also, if we must, let’s discount any influence ofthe Holy Spirit in moral observance for the moment as thsi question, while it can relate to Catholicism/Christianity, is also much broader than that.)

If enforcing morality is not the purpose of ceremony and if a society can be just as moral with or without ceremonial influence, what, exactly, is the purpose of ceremony? Is it, perhaps, to make things invisible/spiritual more relatable? For instance, in terms ofthe Mass or veneration of images, does it make the spiritual truths in the Mass more visible to our eyes and the beauty of the Saints more fully present/vivid/inspiring in some way to us? If this is the case, does this have any effect on our moral observance? And, again, if a society did not observe ceremony, would it be capable of being as moral as one that did?
I’m not sure what you mean by ceremony here. To me the Mass is more than just ceremony. There is the Liturgy of the Word where we listen to the word of God and hear the preacher’s sermon. And, then there is the Liturgy of the Eucharist where we honor God and receive the Bread of Life. So, there is a lot more going on then just mere ceremony.

Also, while Christianity has a moral component to it, it can not be reduced to mere morality. If that was the case then why be a Christian at all? Since, even non-Christians can live moral lives. Christianity is really about partaking in the divine Life of God. Partaking in the divine nature as St. Paul writes about. While it’s good to do acts of charity, who are you doing them for? We need to recognize that there is a God over us all and to live our lives for him. This is the greater purpose that we do charity for God. It’s not just about us living moral lives, but living for God. And, having a relationship with him. The Church helps us to grow in our walk with God in many ways. For instance, through the Sacraments, and especially through the Eucharist at Mass. It is often a slow growth, but nonetheless growth nonetheless to holiness and love if we allow God’s grace into our lives.
I’m not sure what you mean by ceremony here. To me the Mass is more than just ceremony. There is the Liturgy of the Word where we listen to the word of God and hear the preacher’s sermon. And, then there is the Liturgy of the Eucharist where we honor God and receive the Bread of Life. So, there is a lot more going on then just mere ceremony.

Also, while Christianity has a moral component to it, it can not be reduced to mere morality. If that was the case then why be a Christian at all? Since, even non-Christians can live moral lives. Christianity is really about partaking in the divine Life of God. Partaking in the divine nature as St. Paul writes about. While it’s good to do acts of charity, who are you doing them for? We need to recognize that there is a God over us all and to live our lives for him. This is the greater purpose that we do charity for God. It’s not just about us living moral lives, but living for God. And, having a relationship with him. The Church helps us to grow in our walk with God in many ways. For instance, through the Sacraments, and especially through the Eucharist at Mass. It is often a slow growth, but nonetheless growth nonetheless to holiness and love if we allow God’s grace into our lives.
Mere ceremony”? Could we get rid of it and everything would remain the same, Carl? Even a school graduation, hand shaking or kissing your girlfriend are ceremonial acts. It seems to me that we are ceremonious because we are corporeal living beings. But it is hard to me to think of ceremonies in terms of “purposes”. Kissing your girlfriend expresses your love for her. “What is the purpose of kissing your girlfriend?” is an equivalent question, within a given culture, to this other: “What is the purpose of expressing your love for your girlfriend?”. I would say, there is no purpose!
Thanks, guys, so far for your responses.

Everything we do has to have some purpose, I would argue. Otherwise, we wouldn’t do it.

Also, Christ/His Church have instituted various ceremonies. Again, why would they do this without some purpose in mind? If there were no purpose, God/Christ would neither have instituted them in the Old or in the New Testaments.

So, again, I ask, what is their purpose?

I would argue, myself, that, as far as morality, I would do fine with merely the teachings of Christ/the Church as well as encouragement from others to help me live a moral life. Ceremony, I would argue, both in my case and likely in that of others, does little to nothing to make me “more moral”. I try to live a moral life because a) it is the right thing to do and b) it is God’s perfect Way. I don’t honestly think I’d be any less or more moral with or without ceremony to aid me, if that is what it is supposed to do.

What do you guys think, indeed? Would you tend to be any less moral if you didn’t have the ceremonies of the Church? If sol, please explain. If not, what would you lack if you didn’t have the ceremonies ofthe Church? What would a lack of ceremony proper take away from your life? What do the ceremonial acts proper of the Church do for you? Indeed, I might ask these questions also in the context of all ceremony, which may also help us in understanding the purpose of Christian ceremony. (Perhaps this will go further as an approach in answering the question at hand.)

Here are some of my proposals. See what you think and, if you agree, please feel free to elaborate on them. If not, please state your reasons for disagreement. Also, please feel free to add anything you feel needs to be added: To me, ceremony is a kind of poetry that uplifts the soul with its presence. It shows us the underlying beauty within acts. It brings spiritual realities closer to our physical senses. It lends itself to a deeper focus ofthe mind on events, to a deepry contemplation of them. It makes us feel them more vividly. It puts us in the moment more fully. It speaks to the heart and uplifts it to God/the Divine. It is perhaps more about relationship/the soul/the heart. It centers us more on the subject at hand. It is perhaps less about morality and more about the essence of Who God Is, in all his Perfect Beauty, Grandeur, Profundity, Eternity and Complete Love. What would I lack if I didn’t have ceremony in my life? --For me, the answer is…poetry, beauty, the ability deeply to be moved, the ability to center my mind in the moment.

Even if these things are true, still the question is how much, if at all, it lends to improving one’s moral life. Again, I would suggest that it does little to nothing in this department, as, I think, the presence of the moral doctrines themselves along with help from others are sufficient for the living of a moral life.

Maybe we have someone with some degree of an anthropological background that might help us udnerstand these issues better? But, again, even if you’re not an anthropologist, please feel free to contribute, as you could offer just as much insight as anyone here.

Again, if ceremony had no purpose, if it didn’t add something that was lacking in our lives, why would God be so conscious of instituting it both in OT and in NT times? So, yes, I would argue that it, in fact, has a purpose. The question is, what purpose?

Also, I have explored several possible purposes for ceremony here. Are all of these the case, do you think? Some? None? Can we even narrow down ceremony to one well-defined purpose or are the purposes indeed multiple?
Mere ceremony”? Could we get rid of it and everything would remain the same, Carl? Even a school graduation, hand shaking or kissing your girlfriend are ceremonial acts. It seems to me that we are ceremonious because we are corporeal living beings. But it is hard to me to think of ceremonies in terms of “purposes”. Kissing your girlfriend expresses your love for her. “What is the purpose of kissing your girlfriend?” is an equivalent question, within a given culture, to this other: “What is the purpose of expressing your love for your girlfriend?”. I would say, there is no purpose!
I could see a school graduation being ceremonial. But I don’t see how kissing your girlfriend is ceremony. Here is how Webster’s dictionary defines ceremony;
Full Definition of ceremony
plural cer·e·mo·nies
:  a formal act or series of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention <the marriage ceremony>
a :  a conventional act of politeness or etiquette <the ceremony of introduction> b :  an action performed only formally with no deep significance c :  a routine action performed with elaborate pomp
a :  prescribed procedures :  usages <the ceremony attending an inauguration> b :  observance of an established code of civility or politeness <opened the door without ceremony and strode in>
2b above is how some people may see the Mass. A formal action with no significance. They may in fact view all Sacraments that way - Baptism, Marriage, etc. However, that is not what is really happening. In a Sacrament there is the outward rite and appearances, but there is also the hidden element,the heart and soul of it, that is the grace we receive, God’s divine life, in us. There is the relational element where we are giving ourselves to the other person. This is true in the Eucharist for instance, just as it is true at a wedding ceremony. There is a formal act with a hidden reality. It has significance for the people involved even if outside observers only see the ritual observance. Again, think of why people get married rather than just live together. They are making a public commitment to each other before man and God. They are officially giving themselves to each other, for better or for worse. And upon such ceremony families are built. Why do people cry at weddings if it is just a formal act with no significance?
Now, for many people the Mass can become ‘mere ceremony’ over time, that is a formal act with no significance. Just like a marriage ceremony could lose its significance for people over time. For instance if the marriage ceremony were practiced every week instead of just once it may become routine, even dull, for some people, a ritual with no significance. But, even in this case the ritual does continue to have significance even if we can not recognize that significance. It has the same significance it did when it was only performed once. Its just that we have lost sight of that significance focusing only on outside appearances.
When you think about it this is true for many things. Other people see the external us. But, they don’t see the internal us. They don’t see the hidden reality that is in us. This is why we do things that let them know that hidden reality. For instance, why you kiss your girlfriend. Or why you buy her flowers on valentines day.

When something becomes formal and we dress up for it like at a wedding it is usually because we want to ascribe greater significance to it.
When you think about it this is true for many things. Other people see the external us. But, they don’t see the internal us. They don’t see the hidden reality that is in us. This is why we do things that let them know that hidden reality. For instance, why you kiss your girlfriend. Or why you buy her flowers on valentines day.

When something becomes formal and we dress up for it like at a wedding it is usually because we want to ascribe greater significance to it.
That last sentence, YES! 🙂 I was just going to aedd this as an additional element for the purpose(s) of ceremony. It lends greater weight to the theing ceremonialized. ( Just made a new word, apparently, as spell check didn’t recognize it. 😃 )
Thanks, guys, so far for your responses.

Everything we do has to have some purpose, I would argue. Otherwise, we wouldn’t do it.

Also, Christ/His Church have instituted various ceremonies. Again, why would they do this without some purpose in mind? If there were no purpose, God/Christ would neither have instituted them in the Old or in the New Testaments.

So, again, I ask, what is their purpose?

I would argue, myself, that, as far as morality, I would do fine with merely the teachings of Christ/the Church as well as encouragement from others to help me live a moral life. Ceremony, I would argue, both in my case and likely in that of others, does little to nothing to make me “more moral”. I try to live a moral life because a) it is the right thing to do and b) it is God’s perfect Way. I don’t honestly think I’d be any less or more moral with or without ceremony to aid me, if that is what it is supposed to do.

What do you guys think, indeed? Would you tend to be any less moral if you didn’t have the ceremonies of the Church? If sol, please explain. If not, what would you lack if you didn’t have the ceremonies ofthe Church? What would a lack of ceremony proper take away from your life? What do the ceremonial acts proper of the Church do for you? Indeed, I might ask these questions also in the context of all ceremony, which may also help us in understanding the purpose of Christian ceremony. (Perhaps this will go further as an approach in answering the question at hand.)

Here are some of my proposals. See what you think and, if you agree, please feel free to elaborate on them. If not, please state your reasons for disagreement. Also, please feel free to add anything you feel needs to be added: To me, ceremony is a kind of poetry that uplifts the soul with its presence. It shows us the underlying beauty within acts. It brings spiritual realities closer to our physical senses. It lends itself to a deeper focus ofthe mind on events, to a deepry contemplation of them. It makes us feel them more vividly. It puts us in the moment more fully. It speaks to the heart and uplifts it to God/the Divine. It is perhaps more about relationship/the soul/the heart. It centers us more on the subject at hand. It is perhaps less about morality and more about the essence of Who God Is, in all his Perfect Beauty, Grandeur, Profundity, Eternity and Complete Love. What would I lack if I didn’t have ceremony in my life? --For me, the answer is…poetry, beauty, the ability deeply to be moved, the ability to center my mind in the moment.

Even if these things are true, still the question is how much, if at all, it lends to improving one’s moral life. Again, I would suggest that it does little to nothing in this department, as, I think, the presence of the moral doctrines themselves along with help from others are sufficient for the living of a moral life.

Maybe we have someone with some degree of an anthropological background that might help us udnerstand these issues better? But, again, even if you’re not an anthropologist, please feel free to contribute, as you could offer just as much insight as anyone here.

Again, if ceremony had no purpose, if it didn’t add something that was lacking in our lives, why would God be so conscious of instituting it both in OT and in NT times? So, yes, I would argue that it, in fact, has a purpose. The question is, what purpose?

Also, I have explored several possible purposes for ceremony here. Are all of these the case, do you think? Some? None? Can we even narrow down ceremony to one well-defined purpose or are the purposes indeed multiple?
Misty, I will agree with you that without ceremonies the presence of beauty would, at least, be greatly reduced in our lives. And for the moment I will not discuss if beauty just is, or is for a purpose.

Our neighbors are implied in our moral behaviors. Morality is a specific kind of interaction with them. We are introduced in the life of a community mainly by learning its moral behaviors. But what are these behaviors if not a diversity of ceremonies? There are certain activities that we have to perform in a specific way. There are things that we are instructed to avoid, and there are some procedures to do it. So, when you say that you could live a moral life without ceremonies, what do you mean?

Let’s say, for example, that you will assist the poor. How would you do it without a ceremonious behavior? How would you show respect and love for their dignity without a kind of ritual approach?
We have a fundamental need for ritual. The more important an event or phenomenon in our lives is, the more likely we are to ritualize it. The Church tells us the sacraments, for instance, are important in part through their ritualization of them. The sacraments don’t need certain “frills” to be valid, but it helps US. It also calls out the beauty and orderliness of God.
When you think about it this is true for many things. Other people see the external us. But, they don’t see the internal us. They don’t see the hidden reality that is in us. This is why we do things that let them know that hidden reality. For instance, why you kiss your girlfriend. Or why you buy her flowers on valentines day.

When something becomes formal and we dress up for it like at a wedding it is usually because we want to ascribe greater significance to it.
Of course not every kiss you give to your girlfriend is a ceremony. It might become, or be in some occasions, just a mechanical act. It will express nothing. It will not be a ceremony at all. It seems as if you tend to think that in those cases, the only thing that remains is precisely the ceremony; but actually a ceremony appears as the corporeal manifestation of a spiritual impetus. It is when this spiritual impetus exists when there is a ceremony which makes us vibrate and respond to it with emotion. You call that spiritual impetus a “hidden reality”; but if it exists, it is not hidden. It will appear as a corporeal manifestation: A ceremony.
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