Question - how to handle a Fundamentalist Aunt

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Iam a convert to catholicism, i have a fundamentalist aunt, she distributes Jack Chick tracts, she once distributed the Big Betrayal at a wedding reception, are there any good sources that can refute the Big Betrayal,
My aunt one time called me a harlot because i converted, then she refered to the Catholic church as the hoar of bablyon, are there any bible quotes i can use on her to change her mind.
Currently iam going through Scott Hahn’s bible study on the Book of Revelation.

Iam looking for any good sources that can refute Jack Chick, because my aunt believes everything that Chick Publications publishes.

she also distributes the Alberto comic series, i try to tell her that Alberto Rivera was a fraud, she will not believe me, i personally feel that Jack Chick went off the deep end about 30 years ago, and i dont believe in the garbage that he spews
Hi fcb2001,

I would suggest the booklet, Chick Tracts: Their Origin And Their Refutation, A Catholic Answers Special Report.

You can order it through the Catholic Answers website.

God bless!

I would pray for her. Ask the Holy Spirit to change her heart.
thanks, its a great resource
Here’s a nice website Don’t be fooled by Jack Chick that gives page-by-page of a few of the Jack Chick tracts.
The other posters give good resources for you to study but I caution engaging in discussions during weddings, family functions etc. Prepare ahead of time responses like “We dont seem to agree but I would love to talk about this later”. When in a crowd of people no one wants to back down and seem weak. Your best bet is to be prepared but in a one on one scenario. A lot of the emotion will be gone and common sense and the Holy Spirit have some room to operate.

Good Luck!
It shows you the brainwashing that goes on is these extreme fundamentalist churches. Their only real doctrine seems to condemn Catholicism.

Fundamentalists believe in the Bible alone but in reality, they are told by their pastors as to what to believe and how to intrepret Scripture. And these Pastors are in turn conditioned by the small available, biased learning resources that they refer to in teaching.

If you know your Catholic faith you can easily and gently refute anything your Aunt throws at you. Just use some good old common sense teaching, something that was definitly lacking in her fundamentalist boot camp.
I would start out with, “Aunt Inez, I would love to get your scratch biscuit recipe!” Actually, I did have an Aunt Inez, but she was Baptist, not so much fundamentalist. In the beginning she passed out a few tracts, but we could always agree on food.

Dear JimG:

Hi! I sympathize with you brother --because I have an entire huge family made up of these types!!! I’m overwhelmed! I say just recommend some simple books, websites, etc. if she/they have e-mail, simply send some stuff and then just drop it. That’s what I’ve done. I’ve e-mailed/sent some stuff and just let them be. It’s hard I know sooo well!!! But some people will never change and choose to never the see the other side of the coin --that’s their choice.

God Bless~~~~

Karl Keating’s book, “Catholicsm and Fundamentalism” (one of my personal apologetic faves) has a chapter that refutes many of the Jack Chick tracts/objections/accusations.

I would try and give her some Catholic information, as gifts, and see how she responds. If she is totally hostile, the best thing to do is sincerely pray for her, be a good Catholic Christian example to her, and keep studying yourself. The more you learn the faith, the more you will be able to answer some of her arguments.
Sure you’re not a relative of mine?

I have the same type of aunt. Fortunately my mother was the convert and was a strong enough person to tell hee old sister to cease and desist, epecially in making anti-Catholic comments to her kids.

About all you can do is just pray for her, and avoid her as much as possible. I’ll bet she is about as popular with other family members as she is with you.
Iam a convert to catholicism, i have a fundamentalist aunt, she distributes Jack Chick tracts. . .

Iam looking for any good sources that can refute Jack Chick, because my aunt believes everything that Chick Publications publishes.

she also distributes the Alberto comic series, i try to tell her that Alberto Rivera was a fraud, she will not believe me, i personally feel that Jack Chick went off the deep end about 30 years ago, and i dont believe in the garbage that he spews
You have my sympathy and my prayers. I have family members who distribute this stuff–in fact, before my conversion to the Catholic Church, I did also. I don’t how how amenable your aunt is to rational discussion, but these can be really hard core cases to deal with. They don’t very often respond to rational argument or evidence. Nevertheless, if it will help there was an article published years ago in Christianity Today (I think it was the March 1983 issue, but I’m not 100% sure) that exposed this whole Chick-Alberto fraud. It might be worthwhile for you to get a copy of it (I have one in my file, and would be glad to send you a copy if you want it) and go over it with her, because this is an evangelical Protestant publication, and would carry more weight with her than Catholic sources.

With Christ’s love,
My sympathies. I have the same aunt. Are you and I related??

My aunt actually is a major Binny Hinn fan and once told me I would burn in hell unless I left the Church (I am an adult convert so she is really appalled.) Thus far she has refrained from giving me Jack Chick tracts, but I cannot have ANY conversation with her without it becoming a religious debate.

After about three years of prepping for these conversations (memorizing large portions of apologetics materials) I finally now just smile and say, “Aunt Mim, I’m not going to argue with you any more, but I will keep praying for you.” Then I smile and change the subject. 👍

Good luck!
Holiness and humility are hard to argue with. Our lives are always our best witness. Pray, pray, pray.
i would like the copy of the article, my aunt goes to an independent baptist church, and she has a fire and brimstone preacher
You have my sympathy and my prayers. I have family members who distribute this stuff–in fact, before my conversion to the Catholic Church, I did also. I don’t how how amenable your aunt is to rational discussion, but these can be really hard core cases to deal with. They don’t very often respond to rational argument or evidence. Nevertheless, if it will help there was an article published years ago in Christianity Today (I think it was the March 1983 issue, but I’m not 100% sure) that exposed this whole Chick-Alberto fraud. It might be worthwhile for you to get a copy of it (I have one in my file, and would be glad to send you a copy if you want it) and go over it with her, because this is an evangelical Protestant publication, and would carry more weight with her than Catholic sources.

With Christ’s love,
i dont think we are related, my aunt goes to an independent baptist church, she had a firestorm fit when i converted in 1999, in fact my aunt’s oldest son converted to catholicism in 1998, she went to catholic church, and left a few tracts, she left Why is Mary Crying, The Death Cookie, Are Roman Catholics Christians, and Last Rites
My sympathies. I have the same aunt. Are you and I related??

My aunt actually is a major Binny Hinn fan and once told me I would burn in hell unless I left the Church (I am an adult convert so she is really appalled.) Thus far she has refrained from giving me Jack Chick tracts, but I cannot have ANY conversation with her without it becoming a religious debate.

After about three years of prepping for these conversations (memorizing large portions of apologetics materials) I finally now just smile and say, “Aunt Mim, I’m not going to argue with you any more, but I will keep praying for you.” Then I smile and change the subject. 👍

Good luck!
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