Is there a Holy Day of obligation this week? Is there a website with the litergical calender I can look at?
Well, for most who work for a living it is. Daily masses usually start at 7:30 or 8:00 am in my area, well after most people have started their work day.Don’t get me started on our Bishops who feel that making someone go to mass more than once a week is just too danged hard. (sigh).
The Annunciation is not on the list. Also, this list is shortened in the United States. So don’t get worried about Peter and Paul, for example. The next one to worry about is the Ascension, but it will probably be transferred to a Sunday, so probably it can be safely not worried about. Almost all places in the US do this.Can. 1246 §1 The Lord’s Day, on which the paschal mystery is celebrated, is by apostolic tradition to be observed in the universal Church as the primary holyday of obligation. In the same way the following holydays are to be observed: the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Epiphany, the Ascension of Christ, the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, the feast of Mary the Mother of God, her Immaculate Conception, her Assumption, the feast of St Joseph, the feast of the Apostles SS Peter and Paul, and the feast of All Saints.
We take time away from work for doctor’s appointments, kid’s little league, and sometimes even mental health days…where is the hardship in making it a priorty to get to mass a handful of days out of the year for Holy Days of Obligation? Additionally, many parishes have evening services on Holy Days of Obligation. IMHO, it’s just a watering down of the importance of these very special days.Well, for most who work for a living it is. Daily masses usually start at 7:30 or 8:00 am in my area, well after most people have started their work day.
AMEN!!!We take time away from work for doctor’s appointments, kid’s little league, and sometimes even mental health days…where is the hardship in making it a priorty to get to mass a handful of days out of the year for Holy Days of Obligation? Additionally, many parishes have evening services on Holy Days of Obligation. IMHO, it’s just a watering down of the importance of these very special days.
As already noted, the Solemnity of the Annunciation is not a universal holy day of obligation.I believe that the Annunciation (March 25) is usually a Holy Day of Obligation, but that since it falls on a Saturday this year it is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Next year it will fall on a Sunday, and in 2008 it will be on a Tuesday and might then be a Holy Day of Obligation. Check back in two years.
- Liberian
This is, IMHO, an unfair characterization.Don’t get me started on our Bishops who feel that making someone go to mass more than once a week is just too danged hard. (sigh).
Fair 'nuff. Perhaps it is a little hard on the Bishops. I’m sure they gave it prayerful consideration. It’s more of my own frustration with the watering down of Catholicism in America. I would rather hear the priest from the pulpit remind his flock that missing the Holy Day is a mortal sin than just assuming they’re going to miss it anyway and backdoor their fulfillment. The people that are so lax about missing Holy Days are likely not attending Sunday mass very consistently either. Why lessen the importance of the day for the faithful to accomodate those whose faith is in an earlier stage of conversion? Oh, man…I told you guys not to get me started.This is, IMHO, an unfair characterization.
I don’t think the US bishops said to themselves “Going to Mass is too hard, let’s knock out a couple of obligations.” I think they *recognized *that people *were not * fulfilling their obligations, and therefore likely committing grave sin, and said: “Let’s remove the potential for people to sin by removing some obligations.”
(Whether this was the wisest or most noble course is debatable, but to repeat: I don’t think the bishops did this on a whim)
If the Diocese of Columbus follows the US calendar, and I know no reason why it should not, there was no holy day of obligation this week. The next non-Sunday holy day of obligation is either Ascension, Thu 25-May (if it is not translated to Sun 28-May) or Assumption of the BVM, Tue 15-Aug.See, I am 16, and my parants will never drive unless there is a Holy day of obligation. I can’t find a thing from my Bishop on the diacees of Columbus site, and I called the office to get some very unhelpful man who said he had no idea…sorry…he was chewing loud…and I am stressed so I am a little bit cranky here.