I have been discerning the priesthood for a long time. It wasn't until my Junior year of high school that I found out that I had some kind of gluten intolerance. Although undiagnosed, as soon as I had removed gluten from my diet, most of the digestion issues and dyspepsia I grew up with disappeared. I didn't initially realize this would become an issue in discerning the priesthood. It never occurred to me that although the consecrated host is no longer bread, the material effects on the body of bread remain. Although it is possible for a priest to use a low gluten presider host at Mass as long as he can consume it, I have still been rejected by five seminaries.
One of the added problems in me finding a seminary is that I originally was looking for one that could teach me how to celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass. After I had come to the Franciscan University of Steubenville, I had my first experience with the Traditional Latin Mass. After initially getting over the fact that the prayers are said silently (I had attended a few Novus Ordo Latin Masses before), I had grown fond of the older form of the Mass. Now at Franciscan University, on most Sundays, I attend Latin Mass at the local parish St. Peter.
One of my friends at the University began introducing me to audio sermons from the Sensus Fidelium channel on Youtube:
Most of the priests on the channel are from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP). Unlike some other traditionalist groups, they are not sedevacantist and remain true to the Church’s teaching. I was impressed with their degree of leaning, so I considered applying to enroll in Our Lady of Guadalupe seminary in Denton, Nebraska. Unfortunately, this is where my problems finding a seminary began. Just when I had already booked a flight to visit the place right after the end of my semester, they inform me that they would not be able to accommodate my dietary restrictions. Although, they agreed to refund me for the flight, my search for seminaries didn’t get any better.
After my rejection from the FSSP, I found absolutely no seminaries in North America that could offer any training in the extraordinary form, so I emailed the FSSP back for help finding other seminaries that might be able to teach me the Extraordinary form. Unfortunately, the two places they suggested to look (the Cannons Regular of St. John Cantius and the Cannons Regular of the New Jerusalem) could not accommodate me either.
The problem seems not to just be celebrating the Extraordinary Form. I was also rejected from two other communities of consecrated religious— the Norbertines of St. Michael’s Abbey in California and the CRNJ in Carrolton, Ohio.
It looks like I have to give up searching for seminaries that offer training in the Traditional Latin Mass. I don’t know any other languages fluently besides English (Although I do know some Latin and Greek.)