Religious Orders and the Rosary

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If I were hypothetically considering a vocation to the religious life, what orders and/or congregations have a strong devotion to the Rosary (by reciting it daily as a group)? I know that the Dominicans are strong devotees of the Rosary, but I’m curious about the various branches of the Carmelites and Franciscans.
Honestly, I’m not sure. However, if you are a priest, you can pray the Rosary with others before daily mass. I think most parishes have a daily mass Rosary group.
the rosary is a prayer any priest can say and/or promote

regardless of his rank or order

deacon, brother, priest, sister, monsignor, bishop, arch-bishop, cardinal, pope

all you holy men & women should be praying the rosary
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I meant anyone can pray the Rosary before mass. If your a priest your usually the first one to Church so you can pray the Rosary with others.
Let me clarify. I’m considering a vocation as a religious brother, not necessarily a priest.
ok, shipmate

if you are devoted to the rosary; i’d go with the dominican vocation

one way or the other; priest; brother or friar
If I were hypothetically considering a vocation to the religious life, what orders and/or congregations have a strong devotion to the Rosary (by reciting it daily as a group)? I know that the Dominicans are strong devotees of the Rosary, but I’m curious about the various branches of the Carmelites and Franciscans.
In which country do you live?

My answer would vary, depending upon the part of the world you inhabit.
I live in Texas, USA
I don’t know American communities particularly well, especially since I don’t travel now that I am retired from doing programme presentations.

I would check with the Oblates of the Virgin Mary, the Mercedarians, the Fathers of Mercy [who are different from the Mercedarians], Saint Michael’s Abbey in California, and the Oratorians.

I believe the Marytown observance of the Conventual Franciscans pray the rosary as a community…in the United States, they are in a suburb of Chicago, as I recall.
I’ll add my voice in with all of those advising you to look at the Dominicans. The common rosary we know is the Dominican rosary, and the Order of Preachers has done much to spread that devotion.
There is a reason that I answered the way I did…stemming from my experiences with the Religious Communities. in the United States

The inquirer is not asking about Communities that promote the Rosary or have a historical connection to the Rosary – he is seeking a Community that prays the Rosary in common, as community. That is a very specific question. One can, therefore, immediately exclude the classical monastic orders, for example.

This is what the Southern Province of Dominicans says about the daily life of a friar:
A typical day in the novitiate begins with Lauds (Morning Prayer) followed by the community Mass where the friars are often joined by students, faculty and staff from the University of Dallas as well as others from the local neighborhood. After breakfast, the novices are frequently engaged in common study with the novice master or a scholar brought in as the opportunity and need arise.

Time during the day is also allotted for private prayer and study. Each novice shares in the duties of caring for the house and also chooses a specific form of apostolic ministry to round out the balance of prayer, study, and ministry. The novices are encouraged to develop their own creative gifts in areas of personal enrichment and to regularly exercise. Vespers (Evening Prayer) is celebrated at 5 PM followed by recreation and dinner. The day concludes with Compline (Night Prayer) at 7:45pm.
In contrast, the rosary is prayed as a community daily at 4:30 by the Norbertine Abbey I mentioned – see here

And the rosary is prayed as a community three days per week by the Conventual Franciscans of Marytown – see here.

From experience, I know that there are Carmelite hermits who do pray the Rosary as a community but this is atypical for Carmelite friars

The last priory of Brigittine Monks, however, do so

If the recitation of the Rosary as a community is an important or essential value to this inquirer about Religious life, then that is a criteria he should place at the top of his list since it is not frequently encountered in male Religious life, as a community exercise.

If the inquirer were a woman, I could offer a number of American communities to pursue.
Thank you for the information. That is exactly what I meant. The three communities I’m most attracted to are the Dominicans, Franciscans, and Carmelites. So that is why I was asking. 👍
Dominicans (they wear the rosary on their habit… usually)
Franciscans (Franciscans of the Immaculate … but not sure about their current status after all the witch hunt/ Franciscans of the Eternal Word… the one founded by Mother Angelica… are more traditional)
Heralds of the Gospel (they pray all 4 mysteries everyday and also wear it on their habit)
Canons of St John Canitus (They too pray and wear the rosary)
I stand by what I said previously. The Dominican cloistered nuns and lay fraternities pray the rosary in common. I was under the assumption that the friars did the same. Would seem hypocritical of them not to.

The Carmelites pray the Brigittine rosary. The Franciscans pray the Rosary of the Seven Joys of Our Lady, and the Rosary of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady on Fridays (at least the Poor Clares do). I was curious to see which form of rosary you were being attracted to. There is quite a difference between the four kinds.
The traditional five-decade Rosary is what I meant, sorry I keep forgetting to clarify
I haven’t actually decided on that yet. I’m not actively discerning at the moment. Right now I’m focusing on college and my career, but I’m still keeping a possible religious vocation in mind. Wherever God leads me, I will go.
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