From the time of Jesus over two thousand years ago, Christians have carried the cross of religious persecution. Is it fair to say, the Catholic Church is being persecuted at an unprecedented scale at the present time? Now, in the years 2006 Catholics, and Christians of all denominations, are being crucified for their faith.
I am the father of two teenagers, both of whom have been educated in catholic elementary school, high school, and now my 19 year old son is in his second year at a catholic university. I am appalled at some of the things that are tolerated today in catholic institutions. Many of the educators have a far left liberal mind set. And when they have the opportunity to do so, push their personal and political agendas at the students.
Our children are being indoctrinated even in our catholic institutions.
I love my children, and my Catholic Faith, and I’ll be dammed if I am going to tolerate this nonsense anymore. I pray that the Lord will give me the grace to expose these people when they abuse their positions.
Subjects like abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriage, contraception, pre-marital sex,
And the list goes on, are being presented to our kids more then many people may want to believe. Many times these topics are brought up in a very nonchalant, or round about way. And then the teachers tend to introduce their liberal slant to the kids.
This type of religious persecution strikes at the core of our Catholic Faith, family life.
By trying to brainwash our children, they are attempting to destroy family life once again.
Anyone with young children in Catholic, or Christian schools, beware. Children need to be armed with the truth, so when someone tries to push this garbage on them they will recognize it and fight back.
God’s Peace,
I am the father of two teenagers, both of whom have been educated in catholic elementary school, high school, and now my 19 year old son is in his second year at a catholic university. I am appalled at some of the things that are tolerated today in catholic institutions. Many of the educators have a far left liberal mind set. And when they have the opportunity to do so, push their personal and political agendas at the students.
Our children are being indoctrinated even in our catholic institutions.
I love my children, and my Catholic Faith, and I’ll be dammed if I am going to tolerate this nonsense anymore. I pray that the Lord will give me the grace to expose these people when they abuse their positions.
Subjects like abortion, homosexuality, same sex marriage, contraception, pre-marital sex,
And the list goes on, are being presented to our kids more then many people may want to believe. Many times these topics are brought up in a very nonchalant, or round about way. And then the teachers tend to introduce their liberal slant to the kids.
This type of religious persecution strikes at the core of our Catholic Faith, family life.
By trying to brainwash our children, they are attempting to destroy family life once again.
Anyone with young children in Catholic, or Christian schools, beware. Children need to be armed with the truth, so when someone tries to push this garbage on them they will recognize it and fight back.
God’s Peace,