Respect and Reverence in Church

  • Thread starter Thread starter Elizabeth_Texan
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Does anyone know where to go for back up info in reference to how to conduct oneself in church—i.e., quiet, no talking, etc. Most times it is a zoo after Mass. No one seems to have any respect or reverence for Jesus in the tabernacle anymore. It feels like we have gotten the protestant mentality where there is no Jesus present.
Help, or am I the crazy one???
I guess I just assumed it was common sense to carry onself with reverence in Church. To be modestly dressed, to be silent and prayerful, etc, I figured that was all basic info and not in need of explanation. If there is a source of info on something like that, let me know. I’ll post it all around my Church.
Elizabeth Texan:
Does anyone know where to go for back up info in reference to how to conduct oneself in church—i.e., quiet, no talking, etc. Most times it is a zoo after Mass. No one seems to have any respect or reverence for Jesus in the tabernacle anymore. It feels like we have gotten the protestant mentality where there is no Jesus present.
Help, or am I the crazy one???
No, you are not crazy. Check the GIRM. The newest directives call for a respectful quiet before Mass as people prepare themselves.

I guess I’m one of the lucky ones. At my parish this is observed, as is silence in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. In fact, shorts aren’t allowed at Adoration.
I really hate to hear someone’s cell phone ring in mass. I can understand if someone forgets and it rings if they quickly turn it off. Of course, that should remind anyone else with a cell phone to be sure theirs is also turned off but I am surprised how often it doesn’t. The worst is when people actually answer it or jump up and hurry out so they can talk to the caller. I realize there are some professions, such as doctors and nurses who may need to keep in touch but they should put their phones and pagers on vibrate. Our priest has asked several times and once really gave a scolding to the assembly about the importance of turning off their cell phones. I notice he has posted a “Turn your cell phone off” sign in a conspicuous place as you walk in. It should just be common sense.
Quick answer-the nearest indult Tridentine rite. A vast difference to and from service.People don’t talk unnecessarily or wander aound in the naves, they will say what they need to say in a foyer.The volume of noise never reaches the cattle market level it does in the novus ordo places. All together Reverence with the capital…or so I found after changing my liturgical allegiance.
I really hate to hear someone’s cell phone ring in mass. I can understand if someone forgets and it rings if they quickly turn it off. Of course, that should remind anyone else with a cell phone to be sure theirs is also turned off but I am surprised how often it doesn’t. The worst is when people actually answer it or jump up and hurry out so they can talk to the caller. I realize there are some professions, such as doctors and nurses who may need to keep in touch but they should put their phones and pagers on vibrate. Our priest has asked several times and once really gave a scolding to the assembly about the importance of turning off their cell phones. I notice he has posted a “Turn your cell phone off” sign in a conspicuous place as you walk in. It should just be common sense.
That really burns me up, too!:banghead: Sometimes you can hear 2 or 3 phones ring. And yes, people actually get up and answer it. I also don’t like the immodesty of some of the women who come to church. I did attend Mass at a parish where a mother and daughter came in in shorts. It was summer, and the church was a great big stone church that had no air conditioning. Fr. said at the end of Mass that he realized it was hot, but we should all try to be more respectful in the manner in which we dress to approach Jesus. I almost clapped! At my parish, it isn’t addressed, and I think it should be. For the most part, women are modestly dressed, but some of the teenagers look like strippers.
Elizabeth Texan,

You are NOT crazy…it is embarrassing at times the irreverence of talking, not genuflecting, cell phones (as has been mentioned), people leaving after 1 verse of the exit hymn, rushing to leave the Lords presence as quickly as possible!.

I have seen some discrete, but firm messages at the end of the hymnal or bulletin to the effect of “Please be mindful of our custom to respectfully remain in the Church until the last verse of exit hymn has been completed”. Perhaps we could use a note about how to properly exit the Church after that!
This past Sunday I was at Mass and we have a Contemporary Music Group at our noon Mass. The leader of the group needed to do someting to the side of our ambo, I suspect something with the sound system. He actually crossed between the Altar and Tabernacle, while talking to someone fifty feet away :eek: He never reveranced Our Lord in the Tabernacle!!! Didn’t bow to the Altar either!!! HE DID THIS TWICE!!! :bigyikes: People don’t genuflect, they speak to each other like they are in a bowling alley before and after church. I have been there praying the Our Lady Of Perpetual Help prayers with a group before Wed night Mass and people will walk in and start greeting people loudly while we’re trying to pray. I’m thinking of leaving that parish. :crying:
Quick answer-the nearest indult Tridentine rite. A vast difference to and from service.People don’t talk unnecessarily or wander aound in the naves, they will say what they need to say in a foyer.The volume of noise never reaches the cattle market level it does in the novus ordo places. All together Reverence with the capital…or so I found after changing my liturgical allegiance.
Proper (or poor) behavior is not unique to those that attend the Tridentine Mass.

To suggest attending a Tridentine Mass will cure all the liturgical ills many of us face today is simply untrue.
Elizabeth Texan,

You are NOT crazy…it is embarrassing at times the irreverence of talking, not genuflecting, cell phones (as has been mentioned), people leaving after 1 verse of the exit hymn, rushing to leave the Lords presence as quickly as possible!.

I have seen some discrete, but firm messages at the end of the hymnal or bulletin to the effect of “Please be mindful of our custom to respectfully remain in the Church until the last verse of exit hymn has been completed”. Perhaps we could use a note about how to properly exit the Church after that!
Actually Mike at a Catholic church a friend of mine goes to , his priest will say his blessing at the end of Mass at the BACK of the church. This may not confom to the GIRM, but it does prevent people from leaving early.
People don’t genuflect, they speak to each other like they are in a bowling alley before and after church.
I’ve had people bump into me when I stop to genuflect. But I can top your story. 😉 We have altar servers & EMs who don’t seem to understand anything about the Real Presence of Christ. Altar servers at one parish will cross between the altar & the tabernacle & bow to the altar - presenting their backsides to God! At our regular parish which has a “hidden”, unmarked tabernacle chapel, EMs wil bring the Consecrated Hosts from the tabernacle, and, while holding our Lord, bow to the altar!

When our priest has been confronted on these issues & others(by me!) his excuse is, “I’m not going to tell anyone what to do.” Of couse he does, if it’s very liberal. I told him that if he doesn’t preach what is correct, who will? No answer. 😦
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