Rosary and marriage

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I grew up praying the rosary and after I got married I asked my husband to pray it with me. For a moment in time he would pray it with my every night. We are having some difficulties in our marriage and my husband will no longer pray it with me. He says he prays it on his own and that I can pray it on my own. I want to pray it together because I know it can strengthen our marriage. Any suggestions?
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The Rosary is a lovely devotion, but, it is an optional devotion. Perhaps your husband would feel more comfortable praying together in a different way.

If you both like formal prayer, praying “Night Prayer” from the Liturgy of the Hours together is something to try.

Maybe simple extemporaneous prayer together where you each take turns giving thanks, making requests, simply talking to God about your day?

Yes, praying together is important in marriage. Find a prayer that feels comfortable for both of you.
Mary will help you whether you pray Rosary with your husband or Rosary without your husband.

You might ask your husband why, since it sounds like he does not have an issue with praying the rosary (prays it on his own) he doesn’t want to pray with you. Ask if he would prefer a different form of prayer to do with you, or is it that he is annoyed with you right now and doesn’t want to pray With You specifically. Tell him it means a lot to you to pray together, and you’d like to find some way that the both of you could continue praying together, even if it’s just for a couple minutes each day. Let him maybe suggest something.

Since you are having some difficulties in your marriage, instead of asking your husband to pray together with you, it might be better if you asked your husband if there is anything that he would like you to pray about for him.

Praying together can be a wonderful thing. Perhaps he is still be agreeable to grace before meals and short prayers?
Are you getting help from clergy, professionals, or even peer counselors (community or parish help services) to deal with the difficulties in your marriage?

The Rosary is wonderful, but it is not the all-in-all problem solver, and Mary is not necessarily going to make everything alright again. The Lord has given us many resources. I hope you’re using them.
The OP has another thread about how she is trying to speak to a priest and her husband is objecting, so I don’t think she is relying solely on the rosary here.
I’d keep at him about it and ask him to pray it with you. That it means a lot and is something you feel is important. Especially at this time in your marriage.

As a man, I would eventually give in to that. Even if I didn’t at the beginning.
Don’t make the rosary your battleground.

Say it on your own and work on the issues in your marriage.
I just disagree. If my wife had a particular prayer she really wanted me to say with her I’d do it. There’s no good reason not to say the rosary with your spouse. I’d keep asking.
Yes, but you and your DW are evenly yoked, but it doesn’t sound like the OP and her DH are
I get that. But I’m not even talking about from a religious perspective. If a husband can do something simple to make his wife happy he might do it from that perspective.
I have found that, in general, men pray the rosary different than women. There are exceptions, but most men like to keep it simple, maybe a short intention before each decade, but besides that keep it going, at a simple steady pace. Some women love to have lots of intentions, perhaps a meditation between mysteries, say the prayers slow, or some combination of the above. For married couples to say rosaries together, they both have to be willing to compromise on style.
I few years back our family was on a road trip which took two cars. Our in-laws were travelling with us, so I had 3 kids and my father-in-law in my car, my wife had the rest of the kids and her mother in her car. Now, we always say a rosary at the start of any road trip, so once we were on the road I told my father-in-law that we did so and ask if it was ok, he of course said yes. Later that night, my wife told me her father had told her mother, “if you said a rosary like (me), I would be willing to do that”.
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