Rumsfeld Blasted For "Auto-Signing" Letters to Troop's Families

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What’s worse?
Rummy not personally signing the letters or the MSM and other libs painting our Boys deaths as futile and the war as an evil agenda?
Rumsfeld made the acknowledgment in a statement to military newspaper Stars and Stripes, saying that he would begin signing such letters.

The President has always signed such letters.
I just cannot believe that people are making such a big deal out of this. Have we become a nation of touchie-feely oversensitive weenies or what?
As a person with a daughter in the military, I don’t think the letter signed would make me any happier if she made the ultimate sacrfice. I heard talk radio doing this topic this morning, and a military veteran called in and said that he thought that a letter signed by that person’s immediate officer might be a personal touch that would really mean something, but a signed letter from the Secretary of Defense wouldn’t actually make that much difference to him. I tend to agree. If the person never met my loved one, then why would that be important?

I understand that this is just politics and that is why it is making news. Would anything really make the loved ones happy, when their person has died? I think the people that have built this story up are sick, and don’t have our fallen soldiers in mind at all.
I think it’s much ado about nothing, except that I heard on a radio report that he had promised to personally sign these a couple years ago - so the issue is him being dishonest, rather than using the machine. Still, not a big deal - he changed his policy, now he’s changing it back.

However, when a little breeze like this issue, or the armor question a week ago, are enough to make Rumsfeld look like he’s falling, it shows just how precarious his position has become.
Our local radio station was talking about this today - numerous calls from people stating that Rumsfeld had personally called and visited wounded in hospitals etc., touched base with families.

Frankly I’m tired of the carping from many who hae done nothing or not much and the whining of the MSM.

There are just so many hours in a day, the man appears to working most of them. People need to give it a break and quit the constant critique.
I just cannot believe that people are making such a big deal out of this. Have we become a nation of touchie-feely oversensitive weenies or what?
Who raised you? If someone’s son or daughter just died for our country, it is the height of ingratitude to call any reaction they might have to that enormous loss a unbelievably “big deal” made by “touchie-feely oversensitive weenies.” How callous can you get?

I’m not saying you should keep your opinions to yourself. Just please consider who might disagree with you and show a little more compassion and respect.
Who raised you? If someone’s son or daughter just died for our country, it is the height of ingratitude to call any reaction they might have to that enormous loss a unbelievably “big deal” made by “touchie-feely oversensitive weenies.” How callous can you get?

I’m not saying you should keep your opinions to yourself. Just please consider who might disagree with you and show a little more compassion and respect.
As a US Navy Hospital Corpman who spent 15 years working with Marines, had some of my own friends pay the price, some of them past IN MY OWN HANDS, if I had a kids that paid the price, that is what would honor me and my family, not some dumb letter. If I got one, great, frame it and hang it. If not, I still get to live with the honor of knowing that my son/daughter was willing to pay whatever price there was to pay for freedom.
Who raised you? If someone’s son or daughter just died for our country, it is the height of ingratitude to call any reaction they might have to that enormous loss a unbelievably “big deal” made by “touchie-feely oversensitive weenies.” How callous can you get?
And who raised you? the people making he ruckus are not the families it’s the MSM - the families ALL receive personal representative visits to express sympathy, show concern and offer asistance during such a tragic period.

The biggest hypocrisy of all is that many of the media would carve you up, eat up you and spit you out if there was some scandal revolving around your family with little or no regard for your privacy, your pain and your sorrow.
Dear Trelow,

Surely you can understand there is a difference between supporting the warrior and supporting the war. Nearly everyone supports the soldiers. I sure do. But I don’t neccesarily support the war. I’ll support the soldiers in whatever mission they are assigned to. But that doesn’t mean I support the mission. You, like your beloved Bush administration, are trying to equate supporting the two. To you, if I am against the war, I don’t support the troops. Ironically, if I don’t want to send the soldiers into battle, then they’re more safe then if they were in battle. Please tell me you understand my point?
Was someone expecting him to personally sign 200,000 of these? Geez! Then he would have been criticized for sepnding too much time on that rather than on the war.
Dear Trelow,

Surely you can understand there is a difference between supporting the warrior and supporting the war. Nearly everyone supports the soldiers. I sure do. But I don’t neccesarily support the war. I’ll support the soldiers in whatever mission they are assigned to. But that doesn’t mean I support the mission. You, like your beloved Bush administration, are trying to equate supporting the two. To you, if I am against the war, I don’t support the troops. Ironically, if I don’t want to send the soldiers into battle, then they’re more safe then if they were in battle. Please tell me you understand my point?
no… that’s a concept him and lots can’t seperate… i guess that i will never understand it either… :cool:
Was someone expecting him to personally sign 200,000 of these? Geez! Then he would have been criticized for sepnding too much time on that rather than on the war.
In case you lost count, we have about 1,200 casualties over a period of 24 or so months, not quite 200,000. That would make him signing about 2 a day. I think he can take 2 minutes out of his day and sign 2 letters, no?
Dear Trelow,

Surely you can understand there is a difference between supporting the warrior and supporting the war. Nearly everyone supports the soldiers. I sure do. But I don’t neccesarily support the war. I’ll support the soldiers in whatever mission they are assigned to. But that doesn’t mean I support the mission. You, like your beloved Bush administration, are trying to equate supporting the two. To you, if I am against the war, I don’t support the troops. Ironically, if I don’t want to send the soldiers into battle, then they’re more safe then if they were in battle. Please tell me you understand my point?
I know, undermining our government and spreading propaganda of the enemy must be the best way to support our troops.

Dang, I’m stupid. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

" He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters." Matthew12:30
In case you lost count, we have about 1,200 casualties over a period of 24 or so months, not quite 200,000. That would make him signing about 2 a day. I think he can take 2 minutes out of his day and sign 2 letters, no?
Sorry. I misunderstood who he was writing to.
I know, undermining our government and spreading propaganda of the enemy must be the best way to support our troops.

Dang, I’m stupid. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

" He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters." Matthew12:30
No kidding. Nothing better than going up to someone risking thier life and saying, “I support you, but not what your doing.”
I’m a strong Bush supporter, but my pal Donny made a huge mistake. If my husband died in combat for under the United States flag (and being an Army wife, it could happen) I would appreciate a personally signed letter noting his sacrifice. Maybe not for me but for my children and someday grandchildren, etc. However you can’t dwell on the past and can only correct these things for future reference. Bad mistake, fix it and move on.
Was someone expecting him to personally sign 200,000 of these? Geez! Then he would have been criticized for sepnding too much time on that rather than on the war.
There weren’t 200,000. These letters were sent to families who had a family member killed in Iraq, thanks be God there certainly haven’t been that many casualties. The number is around 1000, and President Bush (whom I would assume would have less time on his hands) has signed every single one.

Would a letter make a difference to me if some one in my family was killed. No. But to send a tacky computer signed letter would definately add salt to the wound.

I am a supporter of the war and troops, I voted for Bush - just need to make that clear before anyone attacked my republican party membership but I know disrespect when I see it.
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