Rumsfeld: Military is evolving

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Rumsfeld: Military is evolving

…What we have found in four years, in dozens of town hall meetings with military and civilian personnel all over the world, is a department of about 3 million dedicated professionals proud to serve their country. The men and women in uniform are putting their lives at risk for our country. Many have paid the ultimate price, and I honor their service and the sacrifice and dedication of their families and loved ones. It is on their behalf that we must do all we can to develop a military designed to meet the challenges of this era.
Watch this presentation by Dr. Barnett. It explains a lot about what is happening with the restructuring of the military.

[ Special: Thomas P.M. Barnett, Author, “The Pentagon’s New Map”](javascript:playClip(clip06)) (12/20/2004)
I see Heir Rumsfeld has created yet another dufus propagandic turn of phrase… “The Military is EVOLVING”… actually, from what I read, I think they are WISENING UP to the LIE they are sold

This one is as good as “The mother of all coalitions”…or…“No matter how much armor one has you can still”…blah…blah…VOMIT…
It seems to me that one of the problems we are facing today is that we determined during the late 90’s that nation building was something the US did see as a necessity and did not want to do. I have heard some generalized statements that we have been dismantling the military capabilities unique or primarily for “nation building”. I am not sure what those would be.

I am sorry Gilliam if your link addressed this but the link didn’t work for me.

The campaign to take IRAQ went fantastically well but it seems from the day we took over things have not gone as well as would be hoped. This can be explained by an underestimation of distrust of the US, poor understanding of the Iraqi social/political dynamics, Sunni fears and resolve to maintain some power, and to a military not as well prepared to control a country as they were to take it.

I think that our military could do a better job of being prepared to maintain control (security for themselves and the occupied populace) and a part of this is a better understanding the social/political dynamics within countries that we may have to involve ourselves with.

Note: I am not complaining nor criticizing, but only trying to understand the lessens to be learned.

Is anyone knowledgeable or provide references to if there is some validity to these claims and if or how the US military is addressing these issues systemically?
Faithful 2 Rome:
I see Heir Rumsfeld has created yet another dufus propagandic turn of phrase… “The Military is EVOLVING”… actually, from what I read, I think they are WISENING UP to the LIE they are sold

This one is as good as “The mother of all coalitions”…or…“No matter how much armor one has you can still”…blah…blah…VOMIT…
I don’t mean to be rude but you seem to be somewhat vocabulary challenged: every war campaign evolves from the original expectations to the pragmatic realities as they occur. War and the enemy are not totally predictable - thus techniques, campaigns, plans and strategies do evolve.

You need to know that when the soldier asked about armor, it was a “fake supposition” the armor had been 96% upgraded complete apparently; You do not sound as if you read Secty Rumsfeld’s complete reply but just heard the sound byte which floats around MSM.

Sometimes half a story just isn’t good enough for a complete understanding.
Um…pardon me…but please dont say you dont mean to be rude and then attempt a lame insult of stating I must be vocabulary challenged cause we differ on the war…check my NUMEROUS posts…my grasp of vocabulary and how to express myself and mean what I say is very good…sorry if ya dont like the fact I am against this war, and those behind it…I’d appreciate you said THAT than try to insult me basisly on my vocabulary as if I am some rube who doesnt have a grasp of issues and language because I may not see things the way you do… not that I am being rude or anything. :rolleyes:
Faithful 2 Rome:
Um…pardon me…but please dont say you dont mean to be rude and then attempt a lame insult of stating I must be vocabulary challenged cause we differ on the war…check my NUMEROUS posts…my grasp of vocabulary and how to express myself and mean what I say is very good…sorry if ya dont like the fact I am against this war, and those behind it…I’d appreciate you said THAT than try to insult me basisly on my vocabulary as if I am some rube who doesnt have a grasp of issues and language because I may not see things the way you do… not that I am being rude or anything. :rolleyes:
Say what? Sure seems like your post just confirmed her characterization! 🤓
Faithful 2 Rome:
I see Heir Rumsfeld has created yet another dufus propagandic turn of phrase… “The Military is EVOLVING”… actually, from what I read, I think they are WISENING UP to the LIE they are sold

This one is as good as “The mother of all coalitions”…or…“No matter how much armor one has you can still”…blah…blah…VOMIT…
For those who aren’t so ready to regurgitate the tripe fed to them by the national media…

The SecDef is referring to making the military better able to fight what was coined as 4th generation warfare by the late USAF Col John Boyd. I highly recommend his biography.

Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War
USAF Col John Boyd.
Is that Pappy Boyd or someone else?
Faithful 2 Rome:
Um…pardon me…but please dont say you dont mean to be rude and then attempt a lame insult of stating I must be vocabulary challenged cause we differ on the war…check my NUMEROUS posts…my grasp of vocabulary and how to express myself and mean what I say is very good…sorry if ya dont like the fact I am against this war, and those behind it…I’d appreciate you said THAT than try to insult me basisly on my vocabulary as if I am some rube who doesnt have a grasp of issues and language because I may not see things the way you do… not that I am being rude or anything. :rolleyes:
You seemed to have a problem with the words: evolving, wising (vs wisening) and thug along with “basisly” (I don’t know what is is) so far - and let me be blunt so there is no misunderstanding between us: when I want to criticize your take on the war I’ll say so. When I mention your vocabulary problems, that’s the issue and nothing else. Capisce? :rolleyes:
Is that Pappy Boyd or someone else?
I think you are referring to Pappy Boyington, the leader of the Marine’s Black Sheep Squadron in WWII. That is a different guy, but also a very interesting one. Supposedly, he flew better drunk… I actually have the book, but I haven’t read it yet. I used to watch the TV show whenever I caught it on TV as a kid.
I think you are referring to Pappy Boyington, the leader of the Marine’s Black Sheep Squadron in WWII. That is a different guy, but also a very interesting one. Supposedly, he flew better drunk… I actually have the book, but I haven’t read it yet. I used to watch the TV show whenever I caught it on TV as a kid.
The minute I pushed that send button it came to me - sigh.
as for the drinking – when people complained to Lincoln that Grant was always drinking, Lincoln said he was going to send him a case of whatever it was. 😛
Is that Pappy Boyd or someone else?
That would be Colonel “Pappy” Boyington, not Boyd, and he was Marine Corps, not Air Force.
Other excellent books on Fourth Generation Warfare are:

The Sling and the Stone
Thomas X. Hammes COL, USMC

War in the Shadows: The Guerrilla in History
Robert B. Asprey (NOTE: Two volumes, only for the truly interested)

Charles Thayer (an eternal classic in the field of counter insurgency, required reading for some classes at JFK/SWCS)

The Tigers Way

One More Bridge to Cross
John Poole LTC, USMC (ret)

Also of interest to some may be LTC Poole’s newest book
Tactics of the Crescent Moon: Muslim Battlefield Tactics
an excellent analysis of the enemy in Iraq and other areas that we presently face as well as evolutionary possibilities.
Faithful 2 Rome:
check my NUMEROUS posts…my grasp of vocabulary and how to express myself and mean what I say is very good…sorry if ya dont like the fact I am against this war, and those behind it…I’d appreciate you said THAT than try to insult me basisly on my vocabulary as if I am some rube who doesnt have a grasp of issues and language
Corrections to Post #4: All corrections are in red
Faithful 2 Rome:
I see Heir (German term for Mr. is HERR) Rumsfeld has created yet another dufus (incorrect term dufus is a noun, not an adjective, correct term would be idiotic, moronic, foolish, etc) propagandic ( word construction = propagandistic) turn of phrase… “The Military is EVOLVING”… actually, from what I read, I think they (incorrect pronoun agreement, singular should be used instead of plural, military in context of your statement is a singular entity) are WISENING (Not a word, thesaurus shows possible substitutes are, growing, growing in intelligence or wisdom, increasing in knowledge) UP to the LIE they are being ( verb modifier to identify present tense) sold.

This one (Too general, use specific noun to identify idea in previous paragraph, “This phrase…” or “This statement…”) is as good as “The mother of all coalitions”…or…“No matter how much armor one has you can still”…blah…blah…VOMIT…(Entire paragraph is a run on sentence and/or sentence fragment, consider revising)/QUOTE]
Faithful 2 Rome:
I see Heir Rumsfeld has created yet another dufus propagandic turn of phrase… “The Military is EVOLVING”… actually, from what I read, I think they are WISENING UP to the LIE they are sold

This one is as good as “The mother of all coalitions”…or…“No matter how much armor one has you can still”…blah…blah…VOMIT…
As usual, all semi-coherent noise with no substance.

Disagree with this or that policy if you feel like it, but at least have something resembling an actual, well-formed, informed thought.

– Mark L. Chance.
Corrections to Post #4: All corrections are in red
Faithful 2 Rome:
I see Heir (German term for Mr. is HERR)
Rumsfeld has created yet another dufus (incorrect term dufus is a noun, not an adjective, correct term would be idiotic, moronic, foolish, etc) propagandic ( word construction = propagandistic) turn of phrase… “The Military is EVOLVING”… actually, from what I read, I think they (incorrect pronoun agreement, singular should be used instead of plural, military in context of your statement is a singular entity) are WISENING (Not a word, thesaurus shows possible substitutes are, growing, growing in intelligence or wisdom, increasing in knowledge) UP to the LIE they are being ( verb modifier to identify present tense) sold.

This one (Too general, use specific noun to identify idea in previous paragraph, “This phrase…” or “This statement…”) is as good as “The mother of all coalitions”…or…“No matter how much armor one has you can still”…blah…blah…VOMIT…(Entire paragraph is a run on sentence and/or sentence fragment, consider revising)/QUOTE]What are you, the forum’s English grammar teacher? Go get a glass of milk and some cookies and lay off the caffienated products chief, you’ll live a longer and happier life.
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