Self serving of the Precious Blood

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I was at a daily mass service at a Jesuit University in Nebraska and the priest left the Precious blood on the alter for the individuals to serve themselves. I have read that this is NOT allowed and so, consequently, my wife and I were unable to receive the Precious Blood. Am I correct that this is wrong, and what should I do if this comes up again.


You are correct. “ The chalice may never be left on the altar or another place to be picked up by the communicant for self-communication (except in the case of concelebrating bishops or priests), nor may the chalice be passed from one communicant to another. There shall always be a minister of the cup.The chalice may never be left on the altar or another place to be picked up by the communicant for self-communication.”
*This Holy & Living Sacrifice *

*Redemptionis Sacramentum * [104.] “The communicant must not be permitted to intinct the host himself in the chalice, nor to receive the intincted host in the hand. As for the host to be used for the intinction, it should be made of valid matter, also consecrated; it is altogether forbidden to use non-consecrated bread or other matter.

Inaestimabile Donum Instruction Concerning Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery:
  1. Eucharistic Communion. Communion is a gift of the Lord, given to the faithful through the minister appointed for this purpose. It is not permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up the consecrated bread and the sacred chalice, still less that they should hand them from one to another.
  2. The faithful, whether religious or lay, who are authorized as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist can distribute Communion only when there is no priest, deacon or acolyte, when the priest is impeded by illness or advanced age, or when the number of the faithful going to Communion is so large as to make the celebration of Mass excessively long.[20] Accordingly, a reprehensible attitude is shown by those priests who, though present at the celebration, refrain from distributing Communion and leave this task to the laity.
  3. The Church has always required from the faithful respect and reverence for the Eucharist at the moment of receiving it.
What you describe is a serious liturgical abuse and should be reported immediately. I recommend you read the following guidelines.

How to address a liturgical abuse:
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