Self-Studying Thomism

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I would like to acquire a firm basis in Thomist philosophy. I found a curriculum of a seminary, which attached reading lists to their courses, some of which are in languages I understand. Their philosophy courses are things such as “Logic”, “Natural Philosophy”, “Metaphysics”, “Ethics”, “Antique Philosophy”, … There is no mention of what every course requires as prerequisite knowledge, and neither does it suggest how all these courses follow each-other.

Could any philosophers here perhaps direct me a bit and sketch a broad outline of how to study Thomist philosophy? What subjects I should tackle first and which later, the prerequisite knowledge, textbook suggestions, …

I will be grateful for any help you can provide.

I would like to acquire a firm basis in Thomist philosophy. I found a curriculum of a seminary, which attached reading lists to their courses, some of which are in languages I understand. Their philosophy courses are things such as “Logic”, “Natural Philosophy”, “Metaphysics”, “Ethics”, “Antique Philosophy”, … There is no mention of what every course requires as prerequisite knowledge, and neither does it suggest how all these courses follow each-other.

Could any philosophers here perhaps direct me a bit and sketch a broad outline of how to study Thomist philosophy? What subjects I should tackle first and which later, the prerequisite knowledge, textbook suggestions, …

I will be grateful for any help you can provide.
I’m not a philosopher, but for what my opinion is worth, I’d recommend “Aquinas” by Edward Fesser. It gives a good introduction to metaphysics and how Aquinas applies it. It is a book to read and savor slowly, not quickly.
I’m not a philosopher, but for what my opinion is worth, I’d recommend “Aquinas” by Edward Fesser. It gives a good introduction to metaphysics and how Aquinas applies it. It is a book to read and savor slowly, not quickly.
I also recommend Feser as a good source. Besides ‘Aquinas’ there is also his textbook which I hear is quite good and oriented to people learning the material for the first time. It gives good definitions of philosophical terms that other books and articles take for granted. See here.
Dr. Taylor Marshall has a free Thomist e-book on his website.
On U-tube Peter Kreeft does several talks on Aquinas that may interest you. He has also edited s.hort versions of the Summa with commentary
I decided I wanted to understand Thomas also, so I became his student and read the Summa Theologica, letting him be my master. I am now about half way through the second reading - it is amazing the second time through. You have the context of the first reading - everything in it depends on knowing everything else in it - to understand the first pages you must remember the last pages, and vice versa.
I find Feser very helpful. He does have a very analytical approach, though, and, though he denies it is not the case, I can see people reading his works and feeling God is a distant, disinterested being.

That is not an anti-recommendation! Like I said, I find him helpful, and he’s my go-to resource as a novice, and once you understand the implications you could hardly consider God as described by Feser as fistant or disinterested. I just wanted to say, for a more personal approach, and one full of wonder, I found W. Norris Clarke’s *The One and the Many *very helpful. Not as clear as Feser on some points, and it has a slow strart, and he has one example of hydrogen and oxygen molecules both being flammable (they’re not, but it doesn’t disprove the point, he was just trying to point out the emergence of new properties), but he had a very broad view and grand picture presentation of Thomism that I must recommend.
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