I would like to see a refutation of this rebuttal to Copleston: A set of contingent beings is not necessarily contingent, and God’s existence is not required to explain such a set.
Recently “Catholic Answers Live” brought my attention to this debate between Copleston and Russell. To be clear, Russell has no good response, fails to make this objection, and a stalemate occurs because of his stubbornness.
Nonetheless, it is a good opportunity to discuss the argument from contingency, because this is perhaps my central problem with it: It assumes that everything in the universe is contingent in a non-cyclical way. Coincidentally, Fr. Robert Spitzer fails egregiously to prove this point in his terrible not-worth-reading book New Proofs … by tripping over (misapplying) his own definitions. (As I recall, he reworks the problem in terms of ‘conditioned realities’ and ‘conditions’, and then mistakes the two.)
My argument is that we know matter is converted into energy, and energy is converted into matter. If a set – the universe – contains these two things, it appears that one of the two necessarily will exist for all time: We have never seen both matter and energy cease to exist. It appears the principle of sufficient reason ends here with matter and energy just as the theist would say it ends with God: Just as God “contains the reason for His own existence”, we can equivalently say that the universe “contains the reason for its own existence” by virtue of having matter and energy.
This raises the question of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, i.e. that entropy has been seen to always increase as objects decrease in energy, and of the history of the universe, as we extrapolate the expansion of galaxies backwards to the Big Bang: Wouldn’t the universe be cold and still now if it had always existed? Doesn’t the expansion of the universe show that the universe had a beginning? The answer is agnosticism. We simply do not know, and it is an unjustified assumption of the theist to declare that there was nothing before the Big Bang, and it is an unjustified assumption to declare that our mathematical modeling of our observations which we call the Second Law of Thermodynamics must apply everywhere for all time. (Apparently it is also a misconstruing of the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin theory to declare that it proves our universe is finite, because it also rests on a set of assumptions we’re not sure are true for our universe.)
Hence the argument from contingency, as presented by Copleston (and Catholic Answers), fails to prove God’s existence because it rests on the unjustified assumption that the universe itself is contingent.
Recently “Catholic Answers Live” brought my attention to this debate between Copleston and Russell. To be clear, Russell has no good response, fails to make this objection, and a stalemate occurs because of his stubbornness.
Nonetheless, it is a good opportunity to discuss the argument from contingency, because this is perhaps my central problem with it: It assumes that everything in the universe is contingent in a non-cyclical way. Coincidentally, Fr. Robert Spitzer fails egregiously to prove this point in his terrible not-worth-reading book New Proofs … by tripping over (misapplying) his own definitions. (As I recall, he reworks the problem in terms of ‘conditioned realities’ and ‘conditions’, and then mistakes the two.)
My argument is that we know matter is converted into energy, and energy is converted into matter. If a set – the universe – contains these two things, it appears that one of the two necessarily will exist for all time: We have never seen both matter and energy cease to exist. It appears the principle of sufficient reason ends here with matter and energy just as the theist would say it ends with God: Just as God “contains the reason for His own existence”, we can equivalently say that the universe “contains the reason for its own existence” by virtue of having matter and energy.
This raises the question of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, i.e. that entropy has been seen to always increase as objects decrease in energy, and of the history of the universe, as we extrapolate the expansion of galaxies backwards to the Big Bang: Wouldn’t the universe be cold and still now if it had always existed? Doesn’t the expansion of the universe show that the universe had a beginning? The answer is agnosticism. We simply do not know, and it is an unjustified assumption of the theist to declare that there was nothing before the Big Bang, and it is an unjustified assumption to declare that our mathematical modeling of our observations which we call the Second Law of Thermodynamics must apply everywhere for all time. (Apparently it is also a misconstruing of the Borde-Guth-Vilenkin theory to declare that it proves our universe is finite, because it also rests on a set of assumptions we’re not sure are true for our universe.)
Hence the argument from contingency, as presented by Copleston (and Catholic Answers), fails to prove God’s existence because it rests on the unjustified assumption that the universe itself is contingent.