Sure he does. Bet he hates at least one vegetable, too. Bet he’s not fond of bedtime.
At four, if ________ causes extra work, interference with what the child wants to do, or inconvenience to a particular child (not all- thank goodness), then he or she “hates” it.
Your son doesn’t have a grasp on the magnitude of the word “hate”. And he knows Mommy. He sees her, can touch her, can hear her voice. Mommy’s real. The concept of God can be hard for some children, because God is not all that tangible to a four year old.
My granddaughter developed hand and arm atrophy every time she had to write her name or print a word. She developed a weakened brain for memorization when it came to time to memorize or recite the Pledge of Alliegance or prayers. Mass involved getting dressed and staying clean for about an hour, until we got home and got Sunday Breakfast (as opposed to a drink of milk and little roll to sustain her before Mass). And these things were “hated”. I am sure she would have said she “hated” God, except she liked our priest, and was convinced that when he put on his “tablecloth” (casuble), he became God (which is as close to in persona christi as most 4 year olds will get).
You can try to reason with him, but you won’t get far. I am sure he has figured out that the “hate” God pushes your buttons.
In my opinion: Your best is to calmly and simply tell him that he may “hate” God, but God does not hate him, and you certainly don’t hate God. And no matter what God-activity is about to happen (grace, night prayers, Mass), he will be doing those things. Period. Nothing else will happen until they are accomplished. The food will not be passed to him, the story will not be read and tuck-ins happen, the fun of Sunday will not commence, until the God-activity is completed. He doesn’t have to be happy about it. He just has to do it. And as long as he doesn’t throw a temper (which should escalate you into a temper consequence of the highest mangitude), keep going on with the God-activity. When the God-activity is completed, go on with whatever is next.
He will probably outgrow it, too.
But see what Dr. Ray has to say if what I said doesn’t make sense.