the store I work at is having this huge compatition to see who can raise the most moeny in the district for the march of dimes. all cashiers are “encouraged” to participate. I’l have to sak all my customers if they would like to make a donation. who ever gets the most, will get a $50 gift card and if our store wins, we’ll have a pizza party. now, I really don’t care about prizes and all that, that’s not why I’m at work. but I’ve heard bad things about the march of dimes. ,I’ve heard that they support embrionic stem cell research and abortion. so, if any of this is trie, I would like to know and would like some documintation. we get all kinds of grief if we don’t participate. my supervisor is not a christian. my store manager is though. so if there is som ereal proof that they are participating in these things, can someone let me know? I want to do good works at my job and like participating in the charity fund raisers and I don’t want to look like a jerk if none of the things I’ve heard are true. can anyone give me some accurate information on the subject? thanks