Sibling issues - sexual activity and transgender

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Hey y’all. Please be kind.

I’m struggling with one of my siblings. I’m struggling with some of the things that they are doing. 3 years ago, he decided that he was actually a she. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I respect her. Now, she has been very open about being sexually active, but today it hit a boiling point. I had a suggestion for her to be a friend on Instagram, but saw a sexual picture of her. My mom offered to talk to her about it and to it being a public form and could cause issues with getting employment. She brushed it off and told me that she doesn’t care about it. Now I’m starting to question if I’m truly okay with it. I love her, but I can’t look at her anymore. I’m a neophyte and I’m unsure if I should talk to someone at the church about it and if so whom.
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I don’t know. I don’t know whom you could talk with. You are in a tough spot. If I were you, I would try to be patient, keeping some distance from the sexuality issues (to protect your own heart and spirit) but staying close enough to be there if and when your sibling needs you. The provocative and daring phase probably won’t last forever, and then your sibling may be in need of support, forgiveness, and normalcy. You both have my prayers.
The Church teaching is always “Love the sinner, hate the sin.”

No doubt you love the person your sibling is inside; you just don’t like what they are doing right now.
That’s okay.
You don’t have to be part of what they’re doing, or look at it. Nor are you responsible for getting them to stop. It sounds like you and your mom have already tried to get them to stop and it’s not working, so you’ve done all you can do.

It’s fine to tell your sibling that you don’t want to be looking at sexual pictures of them and you think it’s dangerous and harmful as well as immoral what they are doing, and you wish they’d have some self-respect and not be putting it all out there on the Internet. It sounds like you’ve probably already said this already as well.

So, at this point I would just pray for the person and distance yourself from the behavior you don’t like, such as putting sexual pictures on social media. I think most people would be repelled by seeing a sexual picture of their family member on Instagram, even without the transgender issue. It’s kind of an immature thing to put such pictures up, so it sounds like the person is acting out or experimenting, and will hopefully grow out of objectifying themself even if they persist in transgenderism.
You should talk with a priest about what to do.
And pray for your sibling’s struggles because he is an unhappy soul even if he convinced people to agree with his new persona. Pray God illumines him and take time off Instagram. That way you don’t have to explain why you don’t follow his posts. Say you are tired of social media and want to take a step back.
If you try to correct your sibling he will probably just push you back. We are all God’s children and so talk with the Father about the struggles of your sibling because He is more powerful than your sibling’s earthly parents.
As much as you feel you should be there for him, with siblings there should be a respectful distance anyway. (There usually is, when work or “love” draws them to different geographic zones.)

He seems to be daring everybody to celebrate his newfound sexuality with him. You can’t stop that, but there is no reason to be a part of it.

Social media is to an extent a plot from heqq. Disconnect it, and count it toward your penance.

GOD BLESS both of you.

Thank you so much everyone! I will be keeping my distance for the moment and pray. I tried to find the account to block it from showing up and I can no longer find the account to do so. I really appreciate it y’all!
I would suggest that you join enCourage.

Also talk to Catholic Charities at your Diocese. My Diocese has a Pax Christi group that welcomes LGBTQ and their family/friends to learn more about Church teaching. Your Diocese may have a similar support group.

ETA. No one wants to look at sexual photos of their sibling regardless of their sexual identity.
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