Something not in the news at all. B-52 sorties

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I live near Washington and there is something the government is not telling us. That the Holy Spirit has led me to see.

Every day I am seeing B-52 sorties, several very large heavy bombers under fighter escort everyday.

The last time I heard about this was during the cold war.

The Holy Spirit has led me to belive the US is preparing for a much larger war.
I live near Washington and there is something the government is not telling us. That the Holy Spirit has led me to see.

Every day I am seeing B-52 sorties, several very large heavy bombers under fighter escort everyday.

The last time I heard about this was during the cold war.

The Holy Spirit has led me to belive the US is preparing for a much larger war.
I hope the B-52s are in the air practicing. But you need to know that if we went into a larger war, we would be using B-1s and B-2s for the 1st strike, not B-52s. B-52s are old technology and are used for other purposes.

Likely you are seeing large transport planes moving around. We are relocating a lot of troops and equipment right now.
Did a quick google search…B-52 Washington sorties…and came up with this:
The B-52 continues to prove its worth in combat, he said The venerable bombers dropped 29 percent of all the bomb tonnage delivered in Operation Iraqi Freedom but only flew about three percent of the sorties…
Luckily, B-52 does not = atomic bomb. They are probably on alert in case needed again in Iraq.

God Bless,

I live near Washington and there is something the government is not telling us. That the Holy Spirit has led me to see.

Every day I am seeing B-52 sorties, several very large heavy bombers under fighter escort everyday.

The last time I heard about this was during the cold war.

The Holy Spirit has led me to belive the US is preparing for a much larger war.
For the past few weeks it has been on my mind that our enemies might take, especially during these holydays, the opportunity to attack this country in a most dramatic way. On this hunch I have increased the saying of the Rosary to prevent this from happening.
Up until sometime in the 90’s, the Air Force had B-52’s stationed at Carswell in Fort Worth. B-52’s flying was a daily thing, the crews need to keep up proficiency training in peace time so that they can be prepared in case war does arise. Now that the B-52’s have moved on, we still have plenty of Air Force, Navy, and Marine fighters, transports, ASW, etc. aircraft flying about.

I don’t read anything sinister in what you’ve described. Sounds like standard operations.
I don’t read anything sinister in what you’ve described. Sounds like standard operations.
B-52s in combat don’t fly with fighter escort, especially now that smart bombs are taking over. They fly high enough that our current adversaries have no way of taking them down. Also, by the time the bombers enter an area in force, the fighters have already decimated the enemy air force (IRAQ) or has convinced them to stay on the ground or flee to “neutral” territory (IRAN).

Also, don’t think of B-52s in the old SAC (Strategic Air Command) way of thinking. They don’t just sit around waiting with nukes in their bellies. They are a MAJOR part of conventional warfare, and they’ve even taken part in close air support missions, which used to be the exclusive realm of helos, AC-130s and A-10s, supplemented with some fast movers. They are also scheduled to be in service until after 2050 - that’s 100 years in operational status!!! They will probably outlive the B-1 and B-2!
I can assure you these are b-52s and they are flying at very high altitute with fighter escort. The C-110s abd such fly much lower and are audible.
I can assure you these are b-52s and they are flying at very high altitute with fighter escort. The C-110s abd such fly much lower and are audible.
Are C-110s still in service?
I can assure you these are b-52s and they are flying at very high altitute with fighter escort.
I don’t doubt that you’ve seen them with escorts, but you certainly have not seen them with escorts in combat. There may very well be a reason that they have been escorted in CONUS for some training purpose, but I’m certainly not privy to that. My one question is, how do you tell a B-52 at high altitude from a KC-135 or KC-10? Did you actually get out the old binoculars and get a count of their engines and the fighters. I don’t mean to be a smart$@#, but my trainer is about the size of an F-16 and it’s virtually invisible even at 15,000’.
Your right but the fighter I see a small silver dot with one exaust.

The B-52, I can make out 4 engines, with 2 small pods each and they trow of two contrails. 747s at that height do not create that much contrail or move so fast or so deliberately.

FInaly you do not see 747s flying with fighter escort and also they fly at a bit lower alititude.

I recently got new glasses and my vision is near perfect.
Maybe the Pentagon has stepped up security over Washington for the Christmas holidays? I don’t know much about B-52s but they can be used for other things than just bombing, correct?
The B-52, I can make out 4 engines, with 2 small pods each and they trow of two contrails. 747s at that height do not create that much contrail or move so fast or so deliberately.
Sounds just like it. What you are actually seeing are 8 engines. They are paired up on under wing pylons. I wouldn’t interpret seeing them as any sign of something new coming down the pipe, though. They have been used extensively since day 1 against the Taliban. They’re probably training or coming back from deployment.
The B-52, I can make out 4 engines, with 2 small pods each and they trow of two contrails. 747s at that height do not create that much contrail or move so fast or so deliberately.
Sounds just like it. What you are actually seeing are 8 engines. They are paired up on under wing pylons. I wouldn’t interpret seeing them as any sign of something new coming down the pipe, though. They have been used extensively since day 1 against the Taliban. They’re probably training or coming back from deployment.
The Hidden Life:
I don’t know much about B-52s but they can be used for other things than just bombing, correct?
Nope, they’re purely used as bombers. They’re pretty much a huge bomb bay, with a little tiny cockpit and navigator stations below it.

Oh, and the posts about the escorts got me thinking of a good story. Apparently a few years back an F-16 (single engine fighter) was having some engine trouble, so he called up to get his priority for landing increased. The controller replied back that he would have to standby because a B-52 was coming in with an engine out. The fighter jock replied back, “Ah, the dreaded seven engine approach!”

I live near Washington and there is something the government is not telling us. That the Holy Spirit has led me to see.

Every day I am seeing B-52 sorties, several very large heavy bombers under fighter escort everyday.

The last time I heard about this was during the cold war.

The Holy Spirit has led me to belive the US is preparing for a much larger war.
I live in Memphis,Tn. We are close to Millington millitary base and I don’t remember the last time I had seen war planes flying around. The last week I have seen two. I also had an unsettled spirit.I am going to be praying about it. God Bless
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