Something won't let me post in the ghost thread!

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I have a ghost story, because i see them all the time, I won’t get into detail because i feel that whatever it is i’m seeing won’t let me post the story. These things that I see though, don’t scare me when i see them.

I’ve tried to post in the ghost thread 3 times and another one that i had found once and each time i go into detail about the account and each time i get a message that there is an error so i can’t post it. Do you think something is telling me not to tell my story? I’m kinda confused as to what these things are then, are they evil, good? I dont’ know! But whatever the case, i can post in every other thread except when i try to tell that story.
Please describe what you see. Do they say anything to you? How do you feel when you see them?
well, they are shadowy figures, 6 ft tall or more, they look a lot like humans only no distinct shape. I can’t see faces or clothign just shadow. I often see them at the corner of my eye and when i look at them, they stay there for a few seconds then vanish or walk around a corner or into a room, when i investigate they aren’t there. At first i thought they were ghosts but these “beings” have followed me through 7 different houses in 4 different towns. I started to see them after my father died when I was 8 and frequently started to see them after my grandfather, nana, and brother-in-law died when i was 17. I’ve been seeing them a lot in the last 3 years (im 20). They don’t speak to me but they (or it) kinda mentally speak to me, i don’t knwo what they say, but i think that is how I remain calm and don’t get scared. After reading a bit on evil spirits in this forum, I’m kinda freaked as to what i am seeing. Anny suggestions?
well, they are shadowy figures, 6 ft tall or more, they look a lot like humans only no distinct shape. I can’t see faces or clothign just shadow. I often see them at the corner of my eye and when i look at them, they stay there for a few seconds then vanish or walk around a corner or into a room, when i investigate they aren’t there. At first i thought they were ghosts but these “beings” have followed me through 7 different houses in 4 different towns. I started to see them after my father died when I was 8 and frequently started to see them after my grandfather, nana, and brother-in-law died when i was 17. I’ve been seeing them a lot in the last 3 years (im 20). They don’t speak to me but they (or it) kinda mentally speak to me, i don’t knwo what they say, but i think that is how I remain calm and don’t get scared. After reading a bit on evil spirits in this forum, I’m kinda freaked as to what i am seeing. Anny suggestions?
Lots of attention lately on the demonic in these forums lately!! :confused:

I’d post this question to St. Michael’s Call:

There’s a staff that answers these sort of questions, loyal to the magisterium and such. Led by a convert who had experience with new age and things demonic. He would have good information for you.

God Bless and pray the Rosary!!
This is very strange indeed. Frankly, if it were me, I would be worried because this is not natural or for that matter normal.

I know you have expressed your apprehension at visiting your local parish priest because you are still investigating the Church, but this should be one more incentive to see him.

I don’t know if you are like a lot of non-catholics and see the Blessed Mother as a hurdle but if you don’t, then I would suggest praying to her for help. I think it was the Virgin Mary herself that said the greatest defense, or weapon, against the devil is the rosary. Someone please correct me on this if I’m wrong.

You have more choices as well. Ask your guardian angel for their protection. Recite the St. Michael the Archangel prayer. You could order small prayer cards online or get them at your local Catholic bookstore.

Whatever you think you are comfortable with.
So I take it that this isn’t a good thing? i wasn’t sure because I always heard that bad spirits make you scared. These ones don’t I just see them and feel calm, not happy or joyful, just calm, as if I never saw them but I know I have cause they’ve opened locked doors before.
Oh i went to the st. micheals site and posted my question. It will take a while for the answer but when I get it i will let you guys know…thanks for the help!!
Raphaela, I think you could benifit by using holy water often. It can’t hurt and it is powerful against evil spirits should there be any.
I don’t see anything wrong with asking this question on this site. Any time you feel out of your depth with any thing in your life the absolute best thing to do is talk to a good priest! ASAP!

St. Michael the archangel protect us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do though oh prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God thrust into hell satan and all evil spirts who prowl about the earth seeking the ruin of souls!
Thank you very much!! I saw another one last night, I was pretty scared. This whole evil spirit thing is just plain creeping me out.
This is the reply i got from that website that was linked earlier.
Dear Rachel:
What you are describing sounds like a demonological problem. The people at Catholic Answers are right to tell you that this is not a good thing.
In order to more properly diagnose, however, we would need a lot more information. Do not fear, God loves you and is with you along with your Guardian Angel. Call on your Guardian Angel to help you and protect you. I would advise that you see the self-help section of our website, linked below. After following that advice, if things do not improve, then get ahold of us when we open for new clients again. The link to the Help Request Form will be at the bottom of the HELP page when we open it up again. We hope to open up for new clients shortly. God Bless,
Bro. Ignatius Mary
The other thing I would suggest is to visit with an orthodox priest if there is one in your area. (Orthodox, meaning faithful to all of the Catholic teachings.)

He may be able to help you discern what you are seeing and/or hearing.

Do not fear, for God is with you always. Next time you see something or become fearful, say the name, “JESUS” aloud or in your head, and that should bring you much peace.

God Bless.
The other thing I would suggest is to visit with an orthodox priest if there is one in your area. (Orthodox, meaning faithful to all of the Catholic teachings.)

He may be able to help you discern what you are seeing and/or hearing.

Do not fear, for God is with you always. Next time you see something or become fearful, say the name, “JESUS” aloud or in your head, and that should bring you much peace.

God Bless.
I agree, talk to a priest and don’t be afraid to sound “stupid” or anything like that. A good, orthodox priest will not make you feel bad for anything you may ask. Please do look into the information that was provided by St. Michael’s Call - thes elf-help prayers and such. These things aren’t of God. I can’t tell you why they are there or why they manifest, but God is with you. He is with you always even if you haven’t always known it or ever acknowledge it.
But I have a feeling God is working inside or else you wouldn’t be here! 😉
Please keep us posted on any progress!! 👍
Whats wrong with St. Michaels call? I checked out the site and thought it was really great. Just asking because maybe I missed something. They say they are in line with Rome and support the Pope.

I think its best to say Jesus’ name out loud, as evil spirits can’t hear what you are thinking.
well, they are shadowy figures, 6 ft tall or more, they look a lot like humans only no distinct shape. I can’t see faces or clothign just shadow. I often see them at the corner of my eye and when i look at them, they stay there for a few seconds then vanish or walk around a corner or into a room, when i investigate they aren’t there. At first i thought they were ghosts but these “beings” have followed me through 7 different houses in 4 different towns. I started to see them after my father died when I was 8 and frequently started to see them after my grandfather, nana, and brother-in-law died when i was 17. I’ve been seeing them a lot in the last 3 years (im 20). They don’t speak to me but they (or it) kinda mentally speak to me, i don’t knwo what they say, but i think that is how I remain calm and don’t get scared. After reading a bit on evil spirits in this forum, I’m kinda freaked as to what i am seeing. Anny suggestions?
Holy water, I had supernatural things happen in my home 3 years ago, and since I blessed the house with holy water, includung the attic, I haven’t heard a thing.
Hi Raphaela:

No one has posted for awhile probably because the posts are going back pages now.

I hope the situation is better now. I would say the holy names of Jesus and short prayers like: Jesus have mercy me. Blessed be the names of Jesus. Blessed be the cross of Jesus. Make some up if you want. Ask the help of your guardian angel.

Let us all know how you are. We are all praying for you. You need the prayers of others to support you. God bless you. :bowdown:
Well, everything seems ok. I’ve seen one more of those figures since my last post, but other than that, everythign’s fine. It kinda freaked me out that these things could be evil, I’ve always thought they were nice because they didn’t scare me. I pray everynight before i go to bed for protection from evil spirit’s now.Thank you very much for your concern, Super Mom, it means so much to me!! Thanks for your prayers!!
This demon your seeing is called mehmelor which means dark shadow. Lots of people are seeing this demon recently it seems. The reason the demon is there is to try and possess you. What im thinking happen was when your father died at 8, you went into a sort of depression, and when your grandfather died at 17 you did again and when these demons saw you weakened by depression they started aiming for you . As the bible says Satan is like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. or where the dead body lays the vulchers gather. Meaning Satan preys on the weak and defenseless much like a Vulcher goes after wounded animals.

Please listen to what i have to say.

1.Never speak to these Demons , it will appear harmless but there doing this to win over your emotions , if they establish an emotional connection with you in some sort of way they will feed of your energy and try to possess you. This is why alot of times demons pretend to be dead relatives or friends.
  1. See a Priest and have him bless some Holy oil , take the oil and annoint your room , saying this Room is for the holy spirt alone in Jesus’s name amen.Remember God is in you be bold and unafriad when you do this , your reclaiming your domain.This will strike fear into a demons being.
  2. Put Sacramentals in your Room , Cross, Rosary , Sacred images.
  3. Make sure your not in any sort of Mortal sin , this will put you in a weaken state . Go to confession if you have to and confess your sins if need be.Make sure your attending church and your living up to your faith, this will make you strong and will protect you against these sort of things.
  4. If you see one say Jesus Christ rebuke my enemies but do not talk to them or direct anything to them , ignore them , simply call upon the lord with faith . The Prayer to Saint Michael is helpful as well.
  5. see a Priest or a mature Christian person and have them go into your room with you too pray, there’s power in the prayer of the rightous.
  6. Ask a priest to speak with an exorcist if the problem persists.
Im here to help you as well, Remember God responds to Love, Demons respond to fear, dont be afraid for you have Power over these beings if you Trust in the LORD and appeal to him .
Ok, that all sounds just a little too freaky for my liking.

I usually have a rosary hanging on my door, but i think now that I have a bed, I’ll hang it on the bedpost so it’s a little closer. I never speak to these things, it never occured to me to speak with them. But if I may, how do you know what the demon’s name is, and why did you ask if I was gothic?
Gothics are sometimes involved in the occult . Have you been involved in the occult? This could be another reason for the sightings of these beings. If you have any books in regard to the occult , anything at all related to the occult I suggest you burn it or bury it or just get rid of it someway .This includes Music that is clearly Occultic or Demonic.
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