Hi, my fellow Monicas, I was just wondering how involved your husband is in your children’s Catholicity?
My dh takes my boys to their conquest club (as long as it doesn’t interfere with work or his archery league).
He is off and on again with Mass attendance. In the last month we have started splitting up the big kids to take to different Masses–leaving the loud and unruly littles at home. This is a big improvement. For several months before that he did not go to Mass at all. Last year, he took two kids to the Easter Vigil. I was pretty surprised. I’ve never been to an Easter Vigil.
He generally leads grace before meals. Sometimes he tucks the kids in with prayers. Two years ago, during a brief (
) stint in RCIA, he started making the sign of the cross with prayers. It seems like a little thing, but it has meant so much to me not to be reminded at every meal that we are separated by faith.
It seems like twice a year or so, he suggests a family rosary.
He helps out (if work permits) at my older son’s retreats.
My immediate hope is that he will continue with the Mass attendance. I think it is so important for the kids to see him going to Mass faithfully. I’m hoping the younger kids will never be able to remember a time when Dad did not go to Mass.
Do your husbands take a role in faith life of your children?