Stats for divorce and cohabitation?

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My younger sister is almost to the point of being engaged with her boyfriend. I know they will want to live together before marriage - my mom will even suggest it. :mad: šŸ˜¦

Is there a site out there with the stats listed for divorce and cohabitation? :confused:

I found the following at the National Center for Health Statistics:
Among the findings in the report: unmarried cohabitations overall are less stable than marriages. The probability of a first marriage ending in separation or divorce within 5 years is 20 percent, but the probability of a premarital cohabitation breaking up within 5 years is 49 percent. After 10 years, the probability of a first marriage ending is 33 percent, compared with 62 percent for cohabitations.
You can view a summary of the report ā€œCohabitation, Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the United Statesā€ at: or view the full 103 page report at:

I found the following statistics at:
Non-US Divorce Rates:
According to the report ā€œProfiling Canadaā€™s Families IIIā€, by The Vanier Institute of the Family, unmarried cohabiting couples are four times more likely to break up than married couples. ā€œCANADIAN TREND INCLUDES FEWER LEGAL MARRIAGESā€ News Staff, NOV 29, 2004. Cited in a posting on the Smart Marriages Listserv Nov. 29, 2004.
Cohabitation Data:
There is a higher risk, 40 to 85%, of divorce between couples cohabiting before marriage than couples waiting until after marriage to share a home together. (Bumpass & Sweet 1995; Hall & Zhao 1995; Bracher, Stantow, Morgan & Russell 1993; DeMaris & Rao 1992 and Glen 1990) Cited in a posting on the Smart Marriages Listserv, Sep 28, 2004.
I hope this helps!!!
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