Struggling with Embarrassing Sins; need help!

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I am a married woman, I’ve been married since 2016 but I’ve been with my husband since 2013. We have a 9 month old daughter together.

I’ve been struggling with embarrassing sins for about half of my life. When I was 7, I moved to a different state with my parents in a wealthy area. I was taunted for looking like a boy, for wearing baggy es, for being ugly, etc. This continued until I was 18. By the time I was 12-13, I was obsessed with being thin, being attractive, being appealing to men. I performed acts on camera (I won’t go into detail) when I was between 13-17 for men in their 30s and 40s online out of desperation for attention. I did not realize how bad this was until I was in my early 20s, when I realized I was severely underage and these men knew this, and continued to encourage me to do these acts.

At the end of 2017, my husband told me he was thinking about leaving me because he thought I was lazy, only treated him like an object, etc. He had given me no indication prior to that incident that he felt this way about me. We had been married for less than a year. That incident completely broke my trust. I had felt secure in my relationship until that point, even though in 2015 I believe there may have been an emotional affair (also possibly physical) between him and a woman from work. Now I cannot trust him; I do not trust that he loves me, that he’s sorry for what he said, that I have nothing to worry about.

Since that moment in 2017, I’ve struggled with what I struggled with years ago, with wanting male attention. I am in a constant state of emotional and mental preparation for being abandoned by my husband. I find myself subconsciously and consciously seeking positive attention from men around me and online. I think I believe that if I receive this attention, it will verify that I AM desirable, that I am wanted and that I have value, which I no longer feel I experience in my marriage. It’s become a constant issue, especially in the past few weeks. I cannot stop myself. I have committed a lot of embarrassing sexual sins because of it, I have avoided going to mass and I have not gone to confession due to embarrassment and shame.

I believe my perception of men has been colored by my experiences as a 7-18 year old from boys at school, and from the men online who knew I was underage and took advantage of me anyway. I think I believe that I only have value in a man’s eyes if I am sexually appealing or attractive, and that because my husband at one point expressed disinterest in me that I am no longer appealing to him and have no value to him.

I suppose I need a lot of validation due to my childhood, when I was never good enough for anyone (parents, friends, classmates, etc). It’s not an excuse, just an observation I’ve had to come to terms with.

I became Catholic Easter 2019. I was not religious until around October of last year, when I entered RCIA class. I did not understand sin or what it was until recently. I want to stop what I’m doing, but on one level I feel like this is the only way for me to not completely fall apart. Also, counseling is out of my budget at the moment.

One question, is your husband Catholic? Is God part of your marriage?

This seems to be a HUGE issue, but, do not panic.

The way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time. First thing, Confession. I would suggest making an appointment and talking to your priest.

Counseling. You literally cannot afford NOT to be seeing a counselor. You were exploited from a very young age. There are counselors out there who specifically care for those who were sexually exploited. Catholic Charities at your Diocese is a call to make.

Dinah’s Voice has resources:

Healing will have to happen in order to be vulnerable and trusting to your husband.

Praying for you.
Counseling. You literally cannot afford NOT to be seeing a counselor.
Yes! ^^

If you can, avoid secular pay-to-play counselors.
Try to find one that has a stake in your happiness.

The eight hundred pound gorilla in the room is his cheating.
I wouldn’t dwell too much on the stupid things you did while you were young!
First off? Can I just apologize to you for the way men have past-treated you? I mean seriously this is a first-line issue that I really wish there was a full-on cure for. But it is what it is at this point.

Second? The trick with being in a constant validation orbit is understandable. It’s a deficit you’ve got on your life’s balance sheet that’s just been rubbed a bit raw by the negatives that have piled in to reinforce it.

The cure for this is actually to try to just do things for other categories of people instead of just focusing in on men. I mean visit with some seniors? Or make cookies for a neighbor? Or find a way to volunteer at some level. The key is to build up a new facet that can start rounding out your brain’s wiring on how validation works. And who gives it.

I think you’ve got a lot of potential in this. I mean thoughtful people usually do.

Peace LightFury. I hope you get through this. I’m usually around to talk if you feel like it.

Dear sister,
It’s so great that you’ve joined the church. Keep in mind that you are just starting out on the journey. You can’t expect to know everything all at once, or to experience all the healing that God has for you all at once. It takes time. And each time we receive the Body and Blood of our Lord, we grow a little closer to him.

You have a baby with your husband, so it’s very important for your marriage to be strong, for her sake as well as yours.

Counseling would be ideal. Please talk to your priest. You could also talk to a wise older woman in the church; I find this helpful.’

I find praying the Rosary helpful. Perhaps your husband would pray it with you. You haven’t mentioned whether he’s Catholic or not, but the rosary has been known to help even non-Christians.
God bless.
I will keep you in my prayers, please know that Jesus loves you so much that He died for you and He would die for just you if given the chance again. You have infinite worth and value to Him.

God Bless
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