Suicide at the Crystal Cathedral

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I agree with Rev. Schuller’s description that a Johnnie Wayne Carl was killed by a disease. He was battling a serious mental illness and had stopped taking a drug that was helping him with manic depression. This should not be viewed as a religious scandal or as a scandal of Christianity, although I am sure that some will look at it that way.

About eight years ago, my very close friend bought a gun, drove to another state, checked into a cheap motel and shot himself dead. My friend also had suffered with mental illness. And his situation had greatly improved when he found Christ about 20 years earlier. I know that those of us who have lost a loved one to suicide suffer more from that loss than other illnesses. My friend Larry had talked with me on the phone about suicide in somewhat general terms a few times before he did it.

I am in RCIA. And I suppose that one of the greatest benefits of Roman Catholicism may be the ability to go to confession and talk with a Priest. Maybe my good friend Larry would still be here if he knew he could talk with somebody in confidence – we were both not Catholic.

This holiday season can be hard for many people. If anyone is having problems, please seek help. And if you are on medication, please don’t stop taking it without talking about it with your doctor. If you are unhappy with your current doctor, please find another doctor.

I suggest that we should all pray for Mr. Carl’s family. They will be suffering so much this Christmas. And also pray for Rev. Schuller and his Church. Thank you.
I am sorry to hear about your friend. A friend of mine once commited suicide too and it is something I will never forget.
I will keep them all in my prayers…:gopray:

Thank you for this post, I also lost someone ti suicide this year, she was only 13 and I am very concerned for her imediate family as this holiday season progresses. Please pray for Tiffany’s repose and for her family as well.

Linda H.
I had two very close friends that shot themselves. One man and one Woman. In both cases I feel like I failed to reach out to them when they needed me most. I’ll say a prayer for all families that have suffered from a relative that took thier own life.
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