Telling family about my conversion

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I am a Catholic convert from a Fundamental Baptist background. I was confirmed and entered the Church this Easter Vigil! However, my family does not yet know. My Baptist pastor’s family, whom I am fairly close to, also has no idea. Any thoughts on when and how to tell both my family and my pastor’s family about my conversion. I currently live an hour from all of them, but now that I am out of school, I will be seeing my old church family more since I will be visiting my parents more often. Several of the church members will be coming to my college graduation party. I am sure questions such as “so will you be back in the music ministry?” will come up. I want to be honest and not deny my faith, but I am unsure how to navigate this since my family doesn’t even know of my conversion yet.
You’re just going to have to deal with it. You’re going to have to tell them sometime if you’re going to be around them.

You should’ve told your family long ago. Now, apparently, you have a steep uphill climb with everyone at once. I say ‘apparently’ because I assume otherwise you wouldn’t be posting about it unless you were worried that they’re not going to take it well.

Anyway, tell your family first after a big meal and they’re a little groggy.
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I wouldn’t worry about it. There’s no need to make a huge and awkward proclamation. If asked, just say that you’re worshipping at another Church. When they press you for more information you can elaborate or not. Remember, it’s your personal business where and how you worship God.

Feel free to discuss this issue with your Parish Priest too.
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First, congratulations and welcome! I’ve been thinking about you lately and wondering. I can appreciate what you are going through - it was hard for me at the age of 60! I finally just told my parents and they didn’t believe me. I remember thinking that I was denying Christ in not telling them (also Baptist). It sounds like you know the types of questions you will be asked. I think the best approach is to answer the questions honestly and as simple as possible. Don’t try to convince them - just give as much information as they ask for. As for your immediate family and the pastor, they may ask deeper questions. If they really want to understand, you can go there. My sisters would bait me with a question, and leave without waiting for a response. I did stress that I wasn’t going to try to convert them and that I was thankful for the faith they instilled in me - the springboard into the Catholic Church. I’m still praying for you.
You are probably right. However, I did tell them of my desire to convert. This conversation did not go well. They have been aware to some degree of my attendance at Mass. The reason (whether this is a good one or not) I did not tell them, is that I attended a Baptist University. If all came out before I graduated, and the university found out, I would have lost my nursing degree.
That is harsh! Your ability to be a good nurse should not depend on which church you attend.
Congratulations and welcome home!
I would focus on the things you have in common: the goodness and provision of God, the love of Christ, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. They may not be aware of how much scripture the Catholic church is based on.
I wouldn’t worry about it. There’s no need to make a huge and awkward proclamation.

There is no need for a big “coming out” family discussion.

When it does come up, thank your parents for raising you with a solid Christian foundation. Thank them for introducing them to Christ Jesus, tell them that relationship has grown and that Christ called you to come into full Communion with the Catholic Church. Remind them of the Scripture James 4:17.

Don’t debate with them, if they are upset, understand it is out of love for you and acknowledge that.

If you live far away from your parents, maybe make contact with the Catholic church near them, explain to the Pastor your situation. Ask them who in that parish would be a good resource for your parents, then you can say “mom and dad, Joe and Sally Smith at St Such and Thus Church said they will be happy to sit down with you and discuss these things”.

Another good resource is the video “Common Ground”. It is available on Prime Video.
Thank you for the resource, I’ll definitely check it out. I guess I feel as if I am living a lie and not being truthful by not coming out and telling them. This is what bothers me the most. I’ve skirted around details of my life so that they did not know of my conversion.
Yes, it’s a Baptist university. A previous student who reverted to Catholicism also got in trouble for going to Mass.
It’s not a bad school, just anti-Catholic. It would have been difficult to transfer nursing clinical credits, so I was kind of stuck.
This is not uncommon for faith-based colleges and universities. A Baptist College can decide to only accept students attending Baptist Churches, for instance. Add to this the possibility that parents may be paying for schooling, it becomes a huge struggle for one who is considering converting. I can’t say for sure, but I would wager that Catholic Universities may have had some sort of same rule in the past.
I have heard of seminaries and theological schools that can take degrees back, but not nursing schools, or schools that offer nursing as a major. Is this school like that. If so, you’ll probably find out, once you start looking. For a job. Nothing to do with you, personally…but, I question the quality of any kind of education, given at such a school. Yes, they have the right to favor Baptist students, but to be able to rescind a degree?

I’m sorry, but I feel your problems with this 'college degrees are only beginning!
There are Baptist Nursing Schools in several parts of the US. Here are the requirements for one I selected at random. Notice, there is nothing that requires the person to be a Baptist:

They are clear about their policy Diversity and Non-Discrimination | Baptist Health System School of Health Professions

This may be some obscure school that does not receive federal funding.

It could be a case of someone converted to Catholicism (or Judaism or any other faith/denomination) and the parents pulled their support. The students told the tale of the “Guy who became Catholic and got kicked out of school” and it becomes a legend.

At any rate, it seems that our OP is now past that school, I will pray that the education they received was of the highest quality and that they go on to be God’s hands on earth to their patients. Good nurses have saved my husband’s life more than once.

I hope she chooses advanced cardiac nursing. The “navy seals” of the nursing world.
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I hope what you’re saying is right.

As I said, I never heard of such a school that gave a degree in nursing. I’ve only heard of those that specialize in theology…their own theology. Most of these schools are not accredited, so, if somehow a group like that did manage to start a college, the OP could have rough times ahead.

But, like you, I’m hoping for the best. The OP went through a lot, and could use some good news! Here’s hoping!
I have my degree now. Both the university and the nursing school are accredited and receive federal funding. The catch is that when you apply and enter the school, you must sign an agreement to abide by all rules of the school. Within these rules is the requirement to only attend a church from the approved list of churches 95% of which are Baptist the others are Bible/community churches. To become Catholic is to break the agreement- which I did, with a lot of fear.
I hope that maybe now you can go back, make sure that the Federal Government knows of this religious coercion, and make it easier for others!
I payed my own way through school, so the case of parents withholding funds was not an issue in my case.
Both the university and the nursing school are accredited and receive federal funding. The catch is that when you apply and enter the school, you must sign an agreement to abide by all rules of the school. Within these rules is the requirement to only attend a church from the approved list of churches 95% of which are Baptist the others are Bible/community churches. To become Catholic is to break the agreement- which I did, with a lot of fear.
Glad to hear of the impact nurses had in your and your husbands life. God is good! I have floated to the cardiac ICU a few times as a CNA. Cardiology is fascinating! My hope is to become a trauma/psychiatric nurse. 😉
As crazy as it may sound, it’s perfectly legal due to contractual law.
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