The Catholic Church is WRONG about same sex marriage

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I am a gay man, and I am Catholic, and YES a person can be BOTH and still find favor in God’s eyes. I am OPEN about my sexual orientation (God created me this way, I did not CHOOSE to be gay) and I am VERY ACTIVE in my church and I am part of the paid staff. There are many things I want to say on this topic. First off, God is LOVE and whenever 2 people enter into a loving relationship, God is present with them. I do not belive God intends for me to go through my life ALONE without the love and support of a spouse. And for me, my spouse would be another gay man. We have the same exact love any man and woman share, and love is never wrong. Love is a beautiful HUMAN expereince and it should not be denied to anyone.

I constantly have the same Bible versers quoted to me over and over… namely the story of Soddom and Gomorrah and a few other quotes. It always strikes me that when it comes to homosexuality, it seems it’s ok to take things out of context and to attach extraordinary moral value to a few lines of Biblical text. This is not done for any other issue except for homosexuality. The Bible is full of laws and moral teachings on sex, dietary laws, agriculture, and marriage. What about the teaching that if a woman becomes a widow, she is to marry her husband’s brother. Why don’t we uphold that teaching from the Bible? In some of my religious education classes in high school and college, I remember teachers saying how many of the laws (like not planting two different crops in the same field) were part of an older system of moral teaching that is no longer applicable to God’s people today. We no longer put adulterous women to death, for example. But, we cling to the quotes about homosexuality in the Bible and say they still apply. Why is that? And why is that fair?

The Catholic Church is not perfect. Over the last 2000 years mistakes were made, laws were changed, new interpertations of the Bible came to light. I believe it’s only a matter of time before the Catholic Church wakes up and changes it’s stand on homosexuality and same sex marriage. For right now, the gay community isn’t fighting for sacramental rights. We know the difference between equality and protection under the law and equality at the altar. We want LEGAL recognition of our life-long commitments as two people, fully in love, who want to share their lives completely with each other. We want the same legal rights and priviledges a man and woman get when they marry: things like filing joint taxes, inclusion in the family medical leave act, insurance coverage, and the hundreds of other rights and privieldges that comes with marriage. That is a start. Once we become equal under the law, we’ll deal with making same sex marriage an equal sacrament in the Church. It will happen someday. I believe it is God’s will. It might take a while for the Church to recognize it as such, but it will happen. Afterall, the Church finally figured out the earth isn’t flat and that it actually revolves around the sun. People died for believing such things before the Church figured out where it went wrong. Ooops! Like I said, the Catholic Church is not perfect.

And neither is marriage. If marriage is such a sacred institution, a sacramental covenant between God, a woman and a man, why is the divorce rate so high? Why are so many couples unfaithful to each other? Why is there so much domestic violence? Is this what you are protecting? Is this the sacred bliss you want to deny to same sex couples? I heard one comedian on tv say, “I’m for gay marriage, I think they should be just as miserable as the rest of us!” And then there are the Britney Spears and the Liza Menelli’s, the Liz Taylors and the Jennifer Lopez’s of the world who treat marriage like a joke. Why doesn’t the Catholic Church speak out about these things?

The Catholic Church has lost it’s hold on the bedroom. Many Catholics disregard Church teachings about contraception, sex outside of marriage, adulty and divorce. Yet there is no outcry about these issues either. The outcry only comes when two men or women who love each other want to share thier lives together and be treated equally with the same rights and priviledges as everyone else.

It’s enough to make me ashamed to be Catholic or even a Christian. And people ask me why don’t I just leave the Catholic Church and join one that is more accepting. Well, my honest answer is this: God has made it clear to me that He wants me to stay in the Catholic Church, to speak out and to help correct what is wrong, and I say to Him “Thy will be done…”

I still here the saying “What would Jesus do?” I know, when I get married to the the MAN that I love, and when we make our vows before God, Jesus will be with us, celebrating with us just as He did at the wedding in Cana. Because God is love, and love is never wrong.
I am a gay man, and I am Catholic, and YES a person can be BOTH and still find favor in God’s eyes. I am OPEN about my sexual orientation (God created me this way, I did not CHOOSE to be gay) and I am VERY ACTIVE in my church and I am part of the paid staff. There are many things I want to say on this topic. First off, God is LOVE and whenever 2 people enter into a loving relationship, God is present with them. I do not belive God intends for me to go through my life ALONE without the love and support of a spouse. And for me, my spouse would be another gay man. We have the same exact love any man and woman share, and love is never wrong. Love is a beautiful HUMAN expereince and it should not be denied to anyone.

I constantly have the same Bible versers quoted to me over and over… namely the story of Soddom and Gomorrah and a few other quotes. It always strikes me that when it comes to homosexuality, it seems it’s ok to take things out of context and to attach extraordinary moral value to a few lines of Biblical text. This is not done for any other issue except for homosexuality. The Bible is full of laws and moral teachings on sex, dietary laws, agriculture, and marriage. What about the teaching that if a woman becomes a widow, she is to marry her husband’s brother. Why don’t we uphold that teaching from the Bible? In some of my religious education classes in high school and college, I remember teachers saying how many of the laws (like not planting two different crops in the same field) were part of an older system of moral teaching that is no longer applicable to God’s people today. We no longer put adulterous women to death, for example. But, we cling to the quotes about homosexuality in the Bible and say they still apply. Why is that? And why is that fair?

The Catholic Church is not perfect. Over the last 2000 years mistakes were made, laws were changed, new interpertations of the Bible came to light. I believe it’s only a matter of time before the Catholic Church wakes up and changes it’s stand on homosexuality and same sex marriage. For right now, the gay community isn’t fighting for sacramental rights. We know the difference between equality and protection under the law and equality at the altar. We want LEGAL recognition of our life-long commitments as two people, fully in love, who want to share their lives completely with each other. We want the same legal rights and priviledges a man and woman get when they marry: things like filing joint taxes, inclusion in the family medical leave act, insurance coverage, and the hundreds of other rights and privieldges that comes with marriage. That is a start. Once we become equal under the law, we’ll deal with making same sex marriage an equal sacrament in the Church. It will happen someday. I believe it is God’s will. It might take a while for the Church to recognize it as such, but it will happen. Afterall, the Church finally figured out the earth isn’t flat and that it actually revolves around the sun. People died for believing such things before the Church figured out where it went wrong. Ooops! Like I said, the Catholic Church is not perfect.

And neither is marriage. If marriage is such a sacred institution, a sacramental covenant between God, a woman and a man, why is the divorce rate so high? Why are so many couples unfaithful to each other? Why is there so much domestic violence? Is this what you are protecting? Is this the sacred bliss you want to deny to same sex couples? I heard one comedian on tv say, “I’m for gay marriage, I think they should be just as miserable as the rest of us!” And then there are the Britney Spears and the Liza Menelli’s, the Liz Taylors and the Jennifer Lopez’s of the world who treat marriage like a joke. Why doesn’t the Catholic Church speak out about these things?

The Catholic Church has lost it’s hold on the bedroom. Many Catholics disregard Church teachings about contraception, sex outside of marriage, adulty and divorce. Yet there is no outcry about these issues either. The outcry only comes when two men or women who love each other want to share thier lives together and be treated equally with the same rights and priviledges as everyone else.

It’s enough to make me ashamed to be Catholic or even a Christian. And people ask me why don’t I just leave the Catholic Church and join one that is more accepting. Well, my honest answer is this: God has made it clear to me that He wants me to stay in the Catholic Church, to speak out and to help correct what is wrong, and I say to Him “Thy will be done…”

I still here the saying “What would Jesus do?” I know, when I get married to the the MAN that I love, and when we make our vows before God, Jesus will be with us, celebrating with us just as He did at the wedding in Cana. Because God is love, and love is never wrong.
My thoughts on the matter…

Homosexuality is abnormal. Abnormal being, “deviant from the norm.” Does that mean homosexuals should be discriminated
against? No. Does, that mean homosexuals should be scorned? No. But, I do find it absurd when individuals try and act as if homosexuality is as normal as heterosexuality. I’m sorry, it’s “abnormal.” I’ve always found it amusing when people try to rationalize to me that homosexuality is normal. They begin to go into this long dissertation about how there are various animal species that exhibit “homosexual behavior.” I’m sorry, first
off they don’t exhibit “homosexual behavior.” These species exhibit “bisexual behavior.” If there were quote a “homosexual exhibiting” species, they would be extinct. That’s right, extinct. The function of sex is to prolong the longevity of our species through procreation. Homosexual species don’t propagate – they can’t – it’s against their biological function. Plus, let me clear up the fact, as humans, we have the pleasure of having logic, rational thought, the ability to reason. Wild animals do not possess
this ability.

The “gay gene”, etc.

So, often gay rights activists try to claim that homosexuality is definitely genetic…they point to Dr. Dean H. Hamer who located a “gay gene.” This is not truthful. I’ll explain. Hamer’s DNA research focused on a part of the X chromosome at Xq28. He analyzed the sequence in 40 pairs of homosexual brothers…he concluded that the same genetic markers exised in ~ 83% of them. Activists misinterpret his research…saying it proves homosexuality is definitely genetic. But, in his report…Hamer even states:

“The pedigree failed to produce what we originally hoped to find: simple Mendelian inheritance. In fact, we never found a single family in which homosexuality was distributed in the obvious pattern that Mendel observed in his plea plants.” (Hamer and Copeland)

Dr. George Rice replicated Hamer’s research…and produced different results…he concluded, “Our data does not support the prescence of a gene of large effect influencing sexual orientation at position Xq28.” (Male Homosexuality: Absence of Linkage to Microsatellite Markers at Xq28)
I am a gay man, and I am Catholic, and YES a person can be BOTH and still find favor in God’s eyes. I am OPEN about my sexual orientation (God created me this way, I did not CHOOSE to be gay) and I am VERY ACTIVE in my church and I am part of the paid staff. There are many things I want to say on this topic. First off, God is LOVE and whenever 2 people enter into a loving relationship, God is present with them. I do not belive God intends for me to go through my life ALONE without the love and support of a spouse. And for me, my spouse would be another gay man. We have the same exact love any man and woman share, and love is never wrong. Love is a beautiful HUMAN expereince and it should not be denied to anyone.

I constantly have the same Bible versers quoted to me over and over… namely the story of Soddom and Gomorrah and a few other quotes. It always strikes me that when it comes to homosexuality, it seems it’s ok to take things out of context and to attach extraordinary moral value to a few lines of Biblical text. This is not done for any other issue except for homosexuality. The Bible is full of laws and moral teachings on sex, dietary laws, agriculture, and marriage. What about the teaching that if a woman becomes a widow, she is to marry her husband’s brother. Why don’t we uphold that teaching from the Bible? In some of my religious education classes in high school and college, I remember teachers saying how many of the laws (like planting two different crops in the same field) were part of an older system of moral teaching that is no longer applicable to God’s people today. We no longer put adulterous women to death, for example. But, we cling to the quotes about homosexuality in the Bible and say they still apply. Why is that? And why is that fair?

The Catholic Church is not perfect. Over the last 2000 years mistakes were made, laws were changed, new interpertations of the Bible came to light. I believe it’s only a matter of time before the Catholic Church wakes up and changes it’s stand on homosexuality and same sex marriage. For right now, the gay community isn’t fighting for sacramental rights. We know the difference between equality and protection under the law and equality at the altar. We want LEGAL recognition of our life-long commitments as two people, fully in love, who want to share their lives completely with each other. We want the same legal rights and priviledges a man and woman get when they marry: things like filing joint taxes, inclusion in the family medical leave act, insurance coverage, and the hundreds of other rights and privieldges that comes with marriage. That is a start. Once we become equal under the law, we’ll deal with making same sex marriage an equal sacrament in the Church. It will happen someday. I believe it is God’s will. It might take a while for the Church to recognize it as such, but it will happen. Afterall, the Church finally figured out the earth isn’t flat and that it actually revolves around the sun. People died for believing such things before the Church figured out where it went wrong. Ooops! Like I said, the Catholic Church is not perfect.

And neither is marriage. If marriage is such a sacred institution, a sacramental covenant between God, a woman and a man, why is the divorce rate so high? Why are so many couples unfaithful to each other? Why is there so much domestic violence? Is this what you are protecting? Is this the sacred bliss you want to deny to same sex couples? I heard one comedian on tv say, “I’m for gay marriage, I think they should be just as miserable as the rest of us!” And then there are the Britney Spears and the Liza Menelli’s, the Liz Taylors and the Jennifer Lopez’s of the world who treat marriage like a joke. Why doesn’t the Catholic Church speak out about these things?

The Catholic Church has lost it’s hold on the bedroom. Many Catholics disregard Church teachings about contraception, sex outside of marriage, adulty and divorce. Yet there is no outcry about these issues either. The outcry only comes when two men or women who love each other want to share thier lives together and be treated equally with the same rights and priviledges as everyone else.

It’s enough to make me ashamed to be Catholic or even a Christian. And people ask me why don’t I just leave the Catholic Church and join one that is more accepting. Well, my honest answer is this: God has made it clear to me that He wants me to stay in the Catholic Church, to speak out and to help correct what is wrong, and I say to Him “Thy will be done…”

I still hear the saying “What would Jesus do?” I know, when I get married to the the MAN that I love, and when we make our vows before God, Jesus will be with us, celebrating with us just as He did at the wedding in Cana. Because God is love, and love is never wrong.
I am a gay man, and I am Catholic, and YES a person can be BOTH and still find favor in God’s eyes. I am OPEN about my sexual orientation (God created me this way, I did not CHOOSE to be gay) and I am VERY ACTIVE in my church and I am part of the paid staff. There are many things I want to say on this topic. First off, God is LOVE and whenever 2 people enter into a loving relationship, God is present with them. I do not belive God intends for me to go through my life ALONE without the love and support of a spouse. And for me, my spouse would be another gay man. We have the same exact love any man and woman share, and love is never wrong. Love is a beautiful HUMAN expereince and it should not be denied to anyone.

I constantly have the same Bible versers quoted to me over and over… namely the story of Soddom and Gomorrah and a few other quotes. It always strikes me that when it comes to homosexuality, it seems it’s ok to take things out of context and to attach extraordinary moral value to a few lines of Biblical text. This is not done for any other issue except for homosexuality. The Bible is full of laws and moral teachings on sex, dietary laws, agriculture, and marriage. What about the teaching that if a woman becomes a widow, she is to marry her husband’s brother. Why don’t we uphold that teaching from the Bible? In some of my religious education classes in high school and college, I remember teachers saying how many of the laws (like planting two different crops in the same field) were part of an older system of moral teaching that is no longer applicable to God’s people today. We no longer put adulterous women to death, for example. But, we cling to the quotes about homosexuality in the Bible and say they still apply. Why is that? And why is that fair?

The Catholic Church is not perfect. Over the last 2000 years mistakes were made, laws were changed, new interpertations of the Bible came to light. I believe it’s only a matter of time before the Catholic Church wakes up and changes it’s stand on homosexuality and same sex marriage. For right now, the gay community isn’t fighting for sacramental rights. We know the difference between equality and protection under the law and equality at the altar. We want LEGAL recognition of our life-long commitments as two people, fully in love, who want to share their lives completely with each other. We want the same legal rights and priviledges a man and woman get when they marry: things like filing joint taxes, inclusion in the family medical leave act, insurance coverage, and the hundreds of other rights and privieldges that comes with marriage. That is a start. Once we become equal under the law, we’ll deal with making same sex marriage an equal sacrament in the Church. It will happen someday. I believe it is God’s will. It might take a while for the Church to recognize it as such, but it will happen. Afterall, the Church finally figured out the earth isn’t flat and that it actually revolves around the sun. People died for believing such things before the Church figured out where it went wrong. Ooops! Like I said, the Catholic Church is not perfect.

And neither is marriage. If marriage is such a sacred institution, a sacramental covenant between God, a woman and a man, why is the divorce rate so high? Why are so many couples unfaithful to each other? Why is there so much domestic violence? Is this what you are protecting? Is this the sacred bliss you want to deny to same sex couples? I heard one comedian on tv say, “I’m for gay marriage, I think they should be just as miserable as the rest of us!” And then there are the Britney Spears and the Liza Menelli’s, the Liz Taylors and the Jennifer Lopez’s of the world who treat marriage like a joke. Why doesn’t the Catholic Church speak out about these things?

The Catholic Church has lost it’s hold on the bedroom. Many Catholics disregard Church teachings about contraception, sex outside of marriage, adulty and divorce. Yet there is no outcry about these issues either. The outcry only comes when two men or women who love each other want to share thier lives together and be treated equally with the same rights and priviledges as everyone else.

It’s enough to make me ashamed to be Catholic or even a Christian. And people ask me why don’t I just leave the Catholic Church and join one that is more accepting. Well, my honest answer is this: God has made it clear to me that He wants me to stay in the Catholic Church, to speak out and to help correct what is wrong, and I say to Him “Thy will be done…”

I still hear the saying “What would Jesus do?” I know, when I get married to the the MAN that I love, and when we make our vows before God, Jesus will be with us, celebrating with us just as He did at the wedding in Cana. Because God is love, and love is never wrong.
Eusebius of Caesarea:
“[H]aving forbidden all unlawful marriage, and all unseemly practice, and the union of women with women and men with men, he [God] adds: ‘Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for in all these things the nations were defiled, which I will drive out before you. And the land was polluted, and I have recompensed [their] iniquity upon it, and the land is grieved with them that dwell upon it’ [Lev. 18:24–25]” (Proof of the Gospel 4:10 [A.D. 319]).

“[T]hose shameful acts against nature, such as were committed in Sodom, ought everywhere and always to be detested and punished. If all nations were to do such things, they would be held guilty of the same crime by the law of God, which has not made men so that they should use one another in this way” (Confessions 3:8:15 [A.D. 400]).

The Apostolic Constitutions:
“[Christians] abhor all unlawful mixtures, and that which is practiced by some contrary to nature, as wicked and impious” (Apostolic Constitutions 6:11 [A.D. 400]).

The Didache:
“You shall not commit murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not commit pederasty, you shall not commit fornication, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not practice witchcraft, you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill one that has been born” (Didache 2:2 [A.D. 70]).

Justin Martyr:
“[W]e have been taught that to expose newly-born children is the part of wicked men; and this we have been taught lest we should do anyone harm and lest we should sin against God, first, because we see that almost all so exposed (not only the girls, but also the males) are brought up to prostitution. And for this pollution a multitude of females and hermaphrodites, and those who commit unmentionable iniquities, are found in every nation. And you receive the hire of these, and duty and taxes from them, whom you ought to exterminate from your realm. And anyone who uses such persons, besides the godless and infamous and impure intercourse, may possibly be having intercourse with his own child, or relative, or brother. And there are some who prostitute even their own children and wives, and some are openly mutilated for the purpose of sodomy; and they refer these mysteries to the mother of the gods” (First Apology 27 [A.D. 151]).

Basil the Great:
“He who is guilty of unseemliness with males will be under discipline for the same time as adulterers” (Letters 217:62 [A.D. 367]).

“If you [O, monk] are young in either body or mind, shun the companionship of other young men and avoid them as you would a flame. For through them the enemy has kindled the desires of many and then handed them over to eternal fire, hurling them into the vile pit of the five cities under the pretense of spiritual love. . . . At meals take a seat far from other young men. In lying down to sleep let not their clothes be near yours, but rather have an old man between you. When a young man converses with you, or sings psalms facing you, answer him with eyes cast down, lest perhaps by gazing at his face you receive a seed of desire sown by the enemy and reap sheaves of corruption and ruin. Whether in the house or in a place where there is no one to see your actions, be not found in his company under the pretense either of studying the divine oracles or of any other business whatsoever, however necessary” (The Renunciation of the World [A.D. 373]).
Becasue it falls under many topics… politics, family life, sacraments… and I want my message to be seen.
“Love one another” – Jesus

(kinda puts your quotes to shame, huh?)
And I am normal. Homosexuality is not a mental disease or defect. Check the DSMIII if you don’t believe me.
**Matthew 16:18-19: And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. **

Or, in Latin

**Et ego dico tibi quia tu es Petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam et portae inferi non praevalebunt adversum eam
et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum et quodcumque ligaveris super terram erit ligatum in caelis et quodcumque solveris super terram erit solutum in caelis **

Apostolic Fathers:

Cyprian of Carthage:
“The Lord says to Peter: ‘I say to you,’ he says, ‘that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.’ . . . On him [Peter] he builds the Church, and to him he gives the command to feed the sheep [John 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles, yet he founded a single chair [cathedra], and he established by his own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were that also which Peter was *, but a primacy is given to Peter, whereby it is made clear that there is but one Church and one chair. So too, all [the apostles] are shepherds, and the flock is shown to be one, fed by all the apostles in single-minded accord. If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he imagine that he still holds the faith? If he [should] desert the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he still be confident that he is in the Church?” (The Unity of the Catholic Church 4; 1st edition [A.D. 251]).

“The blessed apostles [Peter and Paul], having founded and built up the church [of Rome] . . . handed over the office of the episcopate to Linus” (Against Heresies 3:3:3 [A.D. 189]).

“[T]his is the way in which the apostolic churches transmit their lists: like the church of the Smyrneans, which records that Polycarp was placed there by John, like the church of the Romans, where Clement was ordained by Peter” (Demurrer Against the Heretics 32:2 [A.D. 200]).

Optatus of Milevus:
“In the city of Rome the episcopal chair was given first to Peter; the chair in which Peter sat, the same who was head—that is why he is also called Cephas ‘Rock’]—of all the apostles, the one chair in which unity is maintained by all. Neither do the apostles proceed individually on their own, and anyone who would [presume to] set up another chair in opposition to that single chair would, by that very fact, be a schismatic and a sinner. . . . Recall, then, the origins of your chair, those of you who wish to claim for yourselves the title of holy Church” (The Schism of the Donatists 2:2 [A.D. 367]).

Ignatius of Antioch:
“Ignatius . . . to the church also which holds the presidency, in the location of the country of the Romans, worthy of God, worthy of honor, worthy of blessing, worthy of praise, worthy of success, worthy of sanctification, and, because you hold the presidency in love, named after Christ and named after the Father” (Letter to the Romans 1:1 [A.D. 110]).

“You [the church at Rome] have envied no one, but others you have taught. I desire only that what you have enjoined in your instructions may remain in force” (ibid., 3:1).

Catechism of the Catholic Church:

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

In conclusion…the Church is right…you are wrong.*
And I am normal. Homosexuality is not a mental disease or defect. Check the DSMIII if you don’t believe me.
Re-read my prior posts slowly.

You should also re-examine all scientific periodicals.

CMA: “If same-sex attraction were genetically determined, then one would expect identical twins to be indentical in their sexual attractions. There are, however, numerous reports of identical twins who are not identical in their sexual attractions.”

The Bailey and Pillard Study: “environmental influences play a strong role in the development of homosexuality.”

Dr. Simon Levay Study: “To many people, finding a difference between gay and straight men is equivalent to proving that gay men are “born that way.” Thme and again I have described as someone who “proved that homosexuality is genetic,” or some such thing. I did not. My observations were made only on adults who had been sexually active for a considerable period of time. It is not possible, purely on the basis of my observations, to say whether the structural differences were present at birth, and later influenced the men to become gay or straight, or whether they arose in adult life, perhaps as a result of the men’s sexual behavior.”

Dr. A Dean Byrd (University of California at Berkley): "Professor Breedlove concluded that the brain is not a static organ. It changes and adjusts to behavior, and in the case of his study, specifically to sexual behavior. Thus, when someone engages in a particular act repeatedly, certain neural pathways in the brain are strengthened. Since the brain is a physical organ, when these neural pathways are strengthened, it is reflected in the chemistry of the brain. Someone who repeatedly plays basketball will have a different brain than someone who studies rocket science. Likewise, a homosexual person’s behavior likely causes a different resulting brain structure. Studies such as LeVay’s, even if conclusive, show only what science already knows about the brain.
Please do not take this as an attack. You are loved, and I hope you will continue to learn from and contribute to the Church.

That being said, I hope you will reconsider your views on this subject and pray that you will refrain from homosexual sex, because your soul is in peril.

I realize that natural law philosophy is “out of vogue,” but that is one of the foundations for the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. God created everything with some fundamental purpose. Human sexuality was created both for bonding AND for reproduction. To use this gift otherwise is to go against God’s order of things. Dirt feeds vegetables, and vegetables feed humans. If you skip the carrot and go directly to eating dirt, it is–like homosexual acts–a disordered use of God’s creation and, if universally practiced by all humans, would lead to the earthly extinction of the species.

I strongly encourage you to pray and reflect upon what the Church teaches about human sexuality. If you find that you still cannot consider yourself anything other than gay (yes, I know it’s politically incorrect to say a gay person can change his or her “preference,” but I have personally known several “fashionably gay” young people who later grew up and got over it), then I can only pray that you serve the Church and the world in a single and celibate capacity. If you continue to find yourself drawn to married life, I hope you find a nice woman with whom you can be happily devoted to.

Take care, and God bless.
Gaycatholic, it boils down to authority, do you accept the authority of Jesus Church?
Please do not take this as an attack. You are loved, and I hope you will continue to learn from and contribute to the Church.
That being said, I hope you will reconsider your views on this subject and pray that you will refrain from homosexual sex, because your soul is in peril.

I realize that natural law philosophy is “out of vogue,” but that is one of the foundations for the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. God created everything with some fundamental purpose. Human sexuality was created both for bonding AND for reproduction. To use this gift otherwise is to go against God’s order of things. Dirt feeds vegetables, and vegetables feed humans. If you skip the carrot and go directly to eating dirt, it is–like homosexual acts–a disordered use of God’s creation and, if universally practiced by all humans, would lead to the earthly extinction of the species.

I strongly encourage you to pray and reflect upon what the Church teaches about human sexuality. If you find that you still cannot consider yourself anything other than gay (yes, I know it’s politically incorrect to say a gay person can change his or her “preference,” but I have personally known several “fashionably gay” young people who later grew up and got over it), then I can only pray that you serve the Church and the world in a single and celibate capacity. If you continue to find yourself drawn to married life, I hope you find a nice woman with whom you can be happily devoted to.

Take care, and God bless.
Please do not take this as an attack. You are loved, and I hope you will continue to learn from and contribute to the Church.
That being said, I hope you will reconsider your views on this subject and pray that you will refrain from homosexual sex, because your soul is in peril.

I realize that natural law philosophy is “out of vogue,” but that is one of the foundations for the Church’s teaching on homosexuality. God created everything with some fundamental purpose. Human sexuality was created both for bonding AND for reproduction. To use this gift otherwise is to go against God’s order of things. Dirt feeds vegetables, and vegetables feed humans. If you skip the carrot and go directly to eating dirt, it is–like homosexual acts–a disordered use of God’s creation and, if universally practiced by all humans, would lead to the earthly extinction of the species.

I strongly encourage you to pray and reflect upon what the Church teaches about human sexuality. If you find that you still cannot consider yourself anything other than gay (yes, I know it’s politically incorrect to say a gay person can change his or her “preference,” but I have personally known several “fashionably gay” young people who later grew up and got over it), then I can only pray that you serve the Church and the world in a single and celibate capacity. If you continue to find yourself drawn to married life, I hope you find a nice woman with whom you can be happily devoted to.

Take care, and God bless.
GayCatholic said:
“Love one another” – Jesus

(kinda puts your quotes to shame, huh?)

You don’t have to tell me what Jesus taught…the Catholic Church teaches what Christ taught. The Catholic Church was founded by Christ upon Peter.
Ok, so you posted a lot of quotes about the Church… yes, Jesus instituted the Church and made Peter the first Pope. And I assume the quotes you provided were to bring validity to your final statement that the Church is right and that I am wrong… well the Church makes mistakes. Don’t believe me? Ask Pope John Paul II :

Pope urges Catholic Church to admit to mistakes of the past

Religion News Service

Pope John Paul II called on the Roman Catholic Church Wednesday (Sept. 1) to acknowledge its past mistakes in order to “start a new page of history” in the year 2000.

“The church certainly does not fear the truth that emerges from history and is ready to recognize its mistakes wherever they are ascertained, above all when it is a question of respect owed to persons and to communities,” John Paul said.

The pope told pilgrims attending his weekly general audience that the church must seize “the precious occasion of the grand jubilee of the year 2000 (to) begin a new page of history, overcoming the obstacles that still make divisions among human beings and Christians in particular.”

Starting with his 1994 apostolic letter on the coming of the third millennium of Christianity, “Tertio Millennio Adveniente,” John Paul has made the acknowledgment of past mistakes a major theme of the holy year 2000. He will pray on Ash Wednesday, March 8, 2000, for the forgiveness of the mistakes “of the children of the church.”



**Pope John Paul II (June 4, 2004):

“Rights are at times reduced to self-centered demands: the growth of prostitution and pornography in the name of adult choice, the acceptance of abortion in the name of women’s rights, the approval of same sex unions in the name of homosexual rights…”

“In the face of such erroneous yet pervasive thinking, U.S. Bishops should stress to congregations their special responsibility for evangelizing culture and promoting Christian values in society and public life.”**
I respect your honesty and courage. Personally, I see all human-beings, gay, non-gay, white, black, brown , the same. All human beings are created by God and are equally loved by God.

We as human-beings are fallible. Jesus by His holy example has shown us that despite all the wrongs which have done to Him on earth, He forgave and returned with love. Hence, I do not hate Muslims nor Saddem. After all, as Jesus had said to those that threw stones at Mary Magdalene, he who has not sinned can cast the first stone.

I frimly believe in peace and prefer to resolve issues with love and patience rather than war and hatred.

Anyway, my point is, gay or non-gay, as God’s children, He will always loves us.

I hope you will live happily and be embraced in God’s graces.
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