I was attacked verbally on this very question from some homosexuals recently. This is what I had to say, and in turn THEY had nothing further to say to me…well…except that I was “intolerant”
Naturally, their argument is that JESUS (NEVER) said ANYTHING about Homosexuals… FIRST: I told them he CONFIRMED, Genesis…MAN & WOMAN, etc… THEN…
in fact, when one can read DEEPER into what scripture tells us, one does in FACT find Jesus speaking of this subject:
Jesus spoke to the Apostles of sending them the HOLY SPIRIT to FURTHER (INSTRUCT) them on their mission to spreading the FAITH and TEACHINGS of GOD. Jesus BREATHED the HOLY SPIRIT (INTO/ONTO) the Apostles telling them to RECIEVE the HOLY SPIRIT. Since we believe in the HOLY TRINITY…ONE GOD in THREE (DISTINCT) BEINGS…GOD the Father, God the Son, and GOD, the Holy Spirit… they CANNOT be separated from each other, but yet each act accordingly…but ALWAYS in UNION…ONE in being (WITH) the FATHER…The Holy SPIRIT (PROCEEDS from the Father AND the SON…WITH the Father and the Son, he is WORSHIPPED and GLORIFIED…he has SPOKEN (thru) the Prophets… therefore, ALL that the apostles taught and agreed upon, was from the Holy Spirit…which was breathed upon/into the Apostles by Jesus HIMSELF… the Apostles didnt say things on their own accord, unless they stated something was of THEIR (OWN) opinion. So technically, YES…Jesus DID speak out on homosexuality, thru the teachings of the Holy Spirit (which proceeds from the Father & Son) he said HE would SEND the Paraclete to instruct and help… end of story, end of debate with Homosexuals who say Jesus NEVER said ANYTHING on being Gay… um, yeah…he did… its not even a stretch to accept this expanation…only ones pride and being steeped in that sin will harden their hearts to accepting this FACT… you cannot separate the Acts of the Apostles, Letters, etc…from NOT being part of the NEW TESTAMENT…something that homosexuals try arguing…that NOWHERE in the NEW TESTAMENT are their actions CONDEMNED… um…yeah… the action IS… The ACTS, etc…wasnt just thrown in as an afterthought…
Regardless…dont expect a round of applause and a conversion from whatever homosexual you explain this to… like a dyed in the wool far left liberal, they will most likely IGNORE your proof, explanation, well reasoned debate, and instead of addressing what you said, they will go flit off to some other point, topic, etc… to try and support their viewpoint…