The Removal of God in the U.S

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I am so tired of seeing Religious symbols being taken down from parks and court houses and things of that nature. People want to strip God from everything, however they have no problem accepting money which says “In God We Trust”. Anyway, with all of this happening it really got me thinking that the Gov’t says that they just interpret the Constitution, but the Constitution is a "LIVING DOCUMENT"! The Constitution can be changed!
In a Democracy the majority is supposed to rule, and the U.S. is a Democracy the last time I checked, so if the majority of the U.S. is Christian then why can’t we all…Catholics, Protestants, Lutherns…etc…get together and write our Congressmen and Congresswomen and demand that the Constitution be ammended. If there were enuff voices, then we can stop taking God out of things for our children. I know that I am going to hear some people say that it will never happen. My question is why? We have to try! This is our country. We need to get out of our lazy rear end and do something. Any comments?

God Bless
It’s not the consitution, nor the bill of rights that needs to be changed, it’s the judges who don’t know how to read. Many of them are acting as if it reads “freedom from religion” instead of “freedom of religion”. When we get judges who can read, and comprehend what they are reading, then we will get our “Freedom Of Religion” back!

Linda H.
Linda H.:
It’s not the consitution, nor the bill of rights that needs to be changed, it’s the judges who don’t know how to read. Many of them are acting as if it reads “freedom from religion” instead of “freedom of religion”. When we get judges who can read, and comprehend what they are reading, then we will get our “Freedom Of Religion” back!

Linda H.
Your right. I suggest all the Christians in this country conspire together and take a day off and surrounding these courthouses with picket signs:banghead: The courts are continuasly stepping over and beyond the line. I will pray for the Judges as I build a cross in my front yard for good measure. I intend on finding Religious reminders and lining my yard with them!God Bless
Your right. I suggest all the Christians in this country conspire together and take a day off and surrounding these courthouses with picket signs:banghead: The courts are continuasly stepping over and beyond the line. I will pray for the Judges as I build a cross in my front yard for good measure. I intend on finding Religious reminders and lining my yard with them!God Bless
Better yet, why don’t we surround the courthouses with crosses? 😉
Perhaps we should take a leaf out of the Sikh book.Another theatre is considering taking this play which the Sikhs don’t like.
I could applaud that if i could verify whether the contents of this
performance are both true and balanced.I have not been surprised by the lack of comment from politicians,probably scared stiff they will be called racist.Especially as there will be an election in the next few months.I hope you will all pray that we will get suitable candidates elected.I did that for you when you were having your election in November.Don’t pray that a particular Party will win.Although the Conservative Party tends to produce more people who will be in line with Church Teachings on issues such as abortion,it lost power in 1997 to Tony Blair due to some M.P.s being guilty of marital infidelity,one strangled himself in a sex game,and Jonathan Aitken and Jeffrey Archer
spent time in prison.I reckon Tony Blair will hold a snap election
in case he gets another disaster like the David Blunkett affair with your fellow American,Kimberly Quinn.After all,it was an anti-sleaze platform which helped Tony Blair seven years ago.
In a Democracy the majority is supposed to rule, and the U.S. is a Democracy the last time I checked,
-nit-Wrong, we are a Republic. -/nit-

And I concur with the L’s. It’s those stinking Satanic judges.
I am so tired of seeing Religious symbols being taken down from parks and court houses and things of that nature. People want to strip God from everything, however they have no problem accepting money which says “In God We Trust”. Anyway, with all of this happening it really got me thinking that the Gov’t says that they just interpret the Constitution, but the Constitution is a "LIVING DOCUMENT"! The Constitution can be changed!
In a Democracy the majority is supposed to rule, and the U.S. is a Democracy the last time I checked, so if the majority of the U.S. is Christian then why can’t we all…Catholics, Protestants, Lutherns…etc…get together and write our Congressmen and Congresswomen and demand that the Constitution be ammended. If there were enuff voices, then we can stop taking God out of things for our children. I know that I am going to hear some people say that it will never happen. My question is why? We have to try! This is our country. We need to get out of our lazy rear end and do something. Any comments?

God Bless
Um, how should the Constitution be amended, exactly? Should it require a display of religious symbols in all public places? Only Christian symbols? Only Catholic icons? Maybe we should require that everyone attend Mass.

Christians are the majority, but the Constitution exists to protect the minority from the majority. Non-Jesus-believers have rights too, including the right not to have a particular religion supported by the government. Crosses and creches and the like should not be displayed on public property. Sorry. This is why it is great to live in our country.
Um, how should the Constitution be amended, exactly? Should it require a display of religious symbols in all public places? Only Christian symbols? Only Catholic icons? Maybe we should require that everyone attend Mass.

Christians are the majority, but the Constitution exists to protect the minority from the majority. Non-Jesus-believers have rights too, including the right not to have a particular religion supported by the government. Crosses and creches and the like should not be displayed on public property. Sorry. This is why it is great to live in our country.
I disagree with most of what you said. I will not for one stand for having crosses, pictures of Jesus and the Ten Commandments removed from public buildings. I think as christians we are just in having those symbols up, because our nation was founded with a belief in God. Evidently, you are not catholic, not even christian and are in no position what to tell us christians that we can’t put up religious symbols representing our christian faith.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
When did religion become a “no-no” in a public place, anyway? The establishment clause allows for freedom of worship, not for limiting religion to homes or private places.

“Separation of church and state” comes from a phrase in a letter of Jefferson, not from the Constitution.

I for one bristle at the idea of being forced to confine my worship to my home or prescribed areas. That’s like being under house arrest! How am I free to worship God if I’m only permitted to worship Him in private, when my whole faith demands public worship? I don’t just “take out” my Catholicism one hour a week at Mass as my “public” worship. . .every breath I take and every thought and action I do in my life is rooted in my faith in Christ Jesus. Every thought and action is through Him, for Him and in Him, whether I’m at work or home, awake or asleep. He deserves nothing less.
It is not the constitution that requires religious symbols to be taken away. It is the activist judges wo substitute their own whims instead of a strict interpretation of the constitution. The House of Representatives passed H.R. 2028 this year which forbid federal courts from hearing challenges to the Pledge of Allegiance. Also, Phyllis Schlafly wrote a book on the tyranny of activist judges and how to stop them. We need good judges.
It is worrying that God is being slowly removed from the US. He is being removed also from Europe and other places. A process of slow erosion is underway.

What is more worrying for us all is how God will remind us that He is still there and in charge.
Christians are the majority, but the Constitution exists to protect the minority from the majority. Non-Jesus-believers have rights too, including the right not to have a particular religion supported by the government. Crosses and creches and the like should not be displayed on public property. Sorry. This is why it is great to live in our country.
It would be great if the concern about minority rights was extended towards the disabled in the workplace.The pedlars of hard porn would claim their right to indulge in their little pleasures,as would some paedophiles.I have heard a university
lecturer claim there was nothing wrong with consenting paedophilia.What about those who don’t have a problem with incest?I’m quite happy to let these people have their own little private habits as long as they remain private.Once their private life becomes public and they are starting to set an example to our children,then we are entitled to object.
Another point i have made before,but i’ll say it again.Politicians
are too much inclined to take a vow of silence on certain issues
when they think public opinion is different from their own.In addition,there are British politicians who are demanding a
referendum on Europe and Tony Blair’s government is hedging,
because he is afraid the people will vote for the opposite of what he wants.Certainly,democracy should be about the will of all the
people,not a few hundred politicians.At the same time,minority
rights should not be allowed to damage the children of the rest.
I am a catholic who believes drunkenness to be sinful,but i don’t
see anything wrong with moderate consumption of alcohol.Yet,if
i lived in a community which was hostile to alcohol,i would be happy to avoid drinking alcohol in public.When there is a genuine
majority against public religious displays,decided by a referendum,then you might just have a case.Further,apart from the disabled,what about that other minority?Yes,what about the rights of the unborn?That is something your country,as well as mine,should be ashamed of.
Christians are the majority, but the Constitution exists to protect the minority from the majority. Non-Jesus-believers have rights too, including the right not to have a particular religion supported by the government. Crosses and creches and the like should not be displayed on public property. Sorry. This is why it is great to live in our country.
The nation seemed to be doing just fine before the latest “I am offended” minority group emerged to try and take the nation and its cultrual practices hostage.

The protection of minorities meant that the state could and would not seek to impose on them a forced conversion to the practice of faith not their own as a state religion; it allowed them to practice their own faiths.

This was not however supposed, or even meant to become a tierney of the minority. The cultural practices of Americans have been basically a Christian Judeo one - we have Thanksgiving to GOD, we have Christmas and New Year’s, tradtional holidays as well as a mixture of ethnic celebrations in various places at various times. These include St. Pat’s, St. Joseph’s etc. The Feast of Lights and Yom Kippur.

While all are welcome to attend these things and celebrate with us - no one is forced to. I have yet to ever meet a non-Christian who absolutely demanded access to the office over the Christmas holidays - and I never met one who reported for work in places where Good Friday gave a shut down at 3PM - these are traditional, cultural and religious expressions.

I welcome all minorities of other beliefs to the nation as legal immigrants - I do not need to change my cultural, religious habits for them. If these are so offensive, there are many other places on the globe to go live out whatever “dreamland” scenario" they envision where their delicate sensibilities won’t be bruised. Immigration is an option.
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