They Fight and Die, But Not For Their Country

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On Veteran’s Day, Kyle Burns of Laramie, Wyoming lost his life in Iraq. At his memorial service, the Associated Press reported, he was remembered “as a marine who died for his country.” Another fallen American was honored in Topeka the same week. Clinton Wisdom, said a reporter for Channel 13 news, was “a soldier who had died for his country.” There was another service in Belington, West Virginia, for Romulo Jiminez, killed at age 21 in Fallujah. “He not only died for his country, he died for each one of us individually to preserve freedom,” said the funeral director. Wisconsin lost three men in Iraq that week, including Todd Cornel, 38. “What he did was what he wanted to do, and he died for his country, for our freedom,” said his father.

The rest of the
I am not sure what you mean by the title of the thread verses the content of your statement.Please clarify.God Bless
On Veteran’s Day, Kyle Burns of Laramie, Wyoming lost his life in Iraq. At his memorial service, the Associated Press reported, he was remembered “as a marine who died for his country.” Another fallen American was honored in Topeka the same week. Clinton Wisdom, said a reporter for Channel 13 news, was “a soldier who had died for his country.” There was another service in Belington, West Virginia, for Romulo Jiminez, killed at age 21 in Fallujah. “He not only died for his country, he died for each one of us individually to preserve freedom,” said the funeral director. Wisconsin lost three men in Iraq that week, including Todd Cornel, 38. “What he did was what he wanted to do, and he died for his country, for our freedom,” said his father.

The rest of the
More leftist hyperbole in the thread title.

God Bless our troops in all they do for our freedom and the freedom of others.
More leftist hyperbole in the thread title.

God Bless our troops in all they do for our freedom and the freedom of others.
About the author from the website: "Ted Rall writes for a generation unjustly maligned as a pack of lazy slackers. He voices Generation X’s frustration and resentment at the excesses of the baby boomers who’ve left a spent America in their mammoth wake.

Wow! That’s deep. Very, very deep.

Uh huh. :whacky:
About the author from the website: "Ted Rall writes for a generation unjustly maligned as a pack of lazy slackers. He voices Generation X’s frustration and resentment at the excesses of the baby boomers who’ve left a spent America in their mammoth wake.

Wow! That’s deep. Very, very deep.

Uh huh. :whacky:
Ted Rall??? Is that the cartoonist??

Uncharitalbe words to follow…thought, but not written here.
I have to say that this filth sickens me.

Soldiers fight and die for their own darn reasons. This article suggests that we are a bunch of automatons that accept everything we are told as gospel truth. If we were as gullable as Peacemonger that might be true, but most of us are well aware of the politics behind a given situation, it IS our asses on the line y’know…and we’re perfectly willing to fight for our country’s best interests. Whether they are economic, political, or defensive (and remember…the best defense is a good offense…).
I have to say that this filth sickens me.

Soldiers fight and die for their own darn reasons. This article suggests that we are a bunch of automatons that accept everything we are told as gospel truth. If we were as gullable as Peacemonger that might be true, but most of us are well aware of the politics behind a given situation, it IS our asses on the line y’know…and we’re perfectly willing to fight for our country’s best interests. Whether they are economic, political, or defensive (and remember…the best defense is a good offense…).
You have to remember those who won’t serve their country or can’t serve their President always have to diminish those who do. It’s the attempt to make their behavior seem “noble” and “intellectual” - they don’t fool as many as they used to anymore however.
I have to say that this filth sickens me.

Soldiers fight and die for their own darn reasons. This article suggests that we are a bunch of automatons that accept everything we are told as gospel truth. If we were as gullable as Peacemonger that might be true, but most of us are well aware of the politics behind a given situation, it IS our asses on the line y’know…and we’re perfectly willing to fight for our country’s best interests. Whether they are economic, political, or defensive (and remember…the best defense is a good offense…).
Me… gullible? Puhleeeeeeeeze. I bet you still believe Saddam really was behind 9-11 and our invasion of Iraq was a humanitarian gesture. :rotfl:
You have to remember those who won’t serve their country or can’t serve their President always have to diminish those who do. It’s the attempt to make their behavior seem “noble” and “intellectual” - they don’t fool as many as they used to anymore however.
I assume you’re talking about me. Well I have served my country, honorably I might add. And serving the President doesn’t mean being a brainless moron.

This article in no way disrespects the soldiers who have died in battle.

Remedial reading anyone?
Another great generation is amongst us. That some don’t see that is very sad.
Another great generation is amongst us. That some don’t see that is very sad.
It’s sad that we define a “great generation” by how many people we kill.
I assume you’re talking about me. Well I have served my country, honorably I might add. And serving the President doesn’t mean being a brainless moron.
Yes, you’ve mentioned it several times. Serving is different IMO than “putting in time” and people who write articles like this are using the old “saw” I’m agin it all, but I support the troops - I’m sorry - I can never figure out how one supports people doing something they are so against and columnists like this who like to diminish what others fight for, stand for and why they did it, are usually trying to rationalize themelves, far more than they are offering any valid opinion on anyone else.
This article in no way disrespects the soldiers who have died in battle.
It certainly tries to but sneakily…
Remedial reading anyone?
Let us know how you make out.
It’s sad that we define a “great generation” by how many people we kill.
Maybe that is how you define it, but that is not how I define it.

To me a great generation is one who is willing to lay down it’s life for others. Not hide and badmouth those fighting for other’s freedoms.

Most of the people in the Middle East live under tyranny. What we are doing in Iraq will free not only the 25 million in Iraq, but has the potential of freeing the region. That is not something that America has done in a very long time. Those who are frustrated in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Iran are watching us very, very closely. If we succeed they have hope, if we fail, or like some people what us to do, run away, they only have continued dispair as solice.

You choose what you call great, I say what our young people are doing now is indeed, great.
I assume you’re talking about me.
No I wasn’t thinking of you at all. I was referring to people who write the kind of thing you posted. About as clever as the Mad Magazine cover.
It’s sad that we define a “great generation” by how many people we kill.
I’ve never met anyone but yourself who does. They are defined by the sacrifices they made, the valor with which they served and the honor they earned. They came back and built a great post war nation. That’s why they are called the greatest generation.
Me… gullible? Puhleeeeeeeeze. I bet you still believe Saddam really was behind 9-11 and our invasion of Iraq was a humanitarian gesture. :rotfl:
Bush never said that Saddam was ‘behind’ the 9-11 attacks! The only people I ever hear saying that are you libs. :mad:

Iraq was invaded because they scoffed at the ‘or else’ clause of the last 46 million or so UN resolutions. Iraq was invaded because they continued to shoot at our planes as they patroled the No Fly Zones that were agreed to by Saddam after the LAST war. Iraq was invaded because after 8 years of Oil for food, Saddaam had been aquiring weapons (from the French & Germans I might add) that were purchased with money that was for humanitarian aid.

So yes, you are gullible.

As for terror links…Saddaam financed terrorism in Israel & Palestine. He paid a hefty price to the families of suicide bombers…as a reward.

I could go on…but it’s late. The Wife is calling…turn it off…turn it off…
Me… gullible? Puhleeeeeeeeze. I bet you still believe Saddam really was behind 9-11 and our invasion of Iraq was a humanitarian gesture. :rotfl:
I dont believe he was, but Saddam was behind Mutlitple mass graves, torture of innocent people for pleasure, oppression of women and poor, genocide, and various other Evils.

Where ar the “Weapons of Mass Destruction”??? Saddam IS (was) a Weapon of Mass Destruction.

God Bless our President and our Troops for what they are doing. God Bless you too Peacemonger, May he help you remember that the only reason you have the freedoms you do is because someone else was willing to die for it.

Feedom ISN’T Free!
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