Tithing if spouse disagrees

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Not sure what to do in this circumstance. I want to tithe and my husband doesn’t agree. I do not work so all this money comes from his job. Anyone else run into this and if so, how did you resolve it?
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Decide, as a couple, a total dollar amount of charitable contributions you want to make during the calendar year. Then split that amount in half. You donate where you wish, and he can donate where he wishes.
Contributing can be in the form of time, talent, and treasure. If you give 4 hours a week to a worthy cause, that cause is getting 4 hours of direct value. Plus, if you’re available time to volunteer is more limited, you might tap into “talent” by upping the intensity and passion you apply to the time you do have to volunteer.
I guess it would depend on why he disagrees and why you’re (presumably) adamant on your position. Is there a reason the two of you can’t meet in the middle?
I think @QwertyGirl and @Brian_K both have good ideas. I would also comment that the Catholic Church does not require tithing, and (as Brian points out), money is not the only way to support the Church.
There is no requirement for tithing in the Catholic Church.

I’ve been married happily for 40 years to my husband. My advice to you is to submit to your husband in this matter.

Discuss a reasonable amount that he is happy to give, and leave it at that and do NOT dwell on it or keep worrying about it. God honors your submission to your husband.

There is a reason your husband feels uncomfortable with giving a tithe. If he does the family finances, it would be good to make sure you know what is happening with his paycheck and just how “tight” the budget is. It’s possible that you and he are on the edge of poverty and he knows it, and he is trying to make sure that you are happy and that you both have enough cash to pay your bills. Sometimes there are debts that one of the spouses doesn’t know about.

The important thing is that you trust him and demonstrate your trust and confidence in him. I’m not talking about being a naive little airhead who ignores signs that your husband is in trouble (gambling, porn, etc.). If you have a feeling that something like this is going on, definitely look into it.

But if he seems to be working hard and giving you enough money to pay for your responsibilities in the home, then don’t worry about tithing at this time in your marriage.

Keep in mind that many people in your parish are comfortable financially and able to give above and beyond a tithe. Your family will hopefully get there someday, but in the meantime, let these others make up for your smaller amount of donations.

Also keep in mind that even if you have a paying job, too, along with caring for your home and family, your husband may still feel uncomfortable with a tithe of this paycheck. So getting a job is not the answer.

One thing you can do if your husband is willing is establish a “blessing jar” in your home. When something good happens in your family, contribute a coin–it can be a quarter, a dime, even a penny, if that’s what you feel comfortable with–whatever. Once a month, give it o your parish.

Another thing you can do is give up a “treat” that you always buy for yourself at the grocery store, or any store. E.g., if you treat yourself to a Starbucks once or twice a week, give it up and donate the money to your parish instead. If you have children, don’t ask them to give anything up–it’s more important that children see the generosity and love of God. Make sure they give their dime or whatever to the offering and make sure they realize what the money is used for.

Finally, consider a “tithe” of time. Your parish will love you! I know that often young wives are very busy and don’t have a lot of time, but if you can carve out even an hour or so a week, volunteer for something at your parish. We have a crew of people in our parish who volunteer to help dust once a week–they have a good time doing it, and it helps cut the cost of hired cleaning services (so in a way, you ARE tithing “cash!”). Ask your parish where help is needed and than volunteer that valuable time.
My grandparents put $2 in the envelope every week and in the basket it went.

My grandfather was an usher for 25 years. Was captain of the ushers till after my grandmom died and his health went downhill.

During the St. Cosmos and Damian Feast every year, my grandmom would do some cooking in the hall downstairs where they would sell the food and my mom would sell raffle tickets.

I miss those days!
Tithing is a great goal, heck going over tithing is supposed to be our goal. For now, decide on something smaller, maybe start with 2% and then slowly increase til you hit a tithe.
If your finances allow, see about seeing aside an amount of funds that each of you can spend without requiring the (name removed by moderator)ut of one another. I know I’d have issues if some of my wife’s purchases were from “our money” instead of “her money”.
Even if you were the one bringing in the family income, it is just that–the family income. Church contributions should therefore be treated like any other big purchase is treated in your family. I’ll get myself into trouble and add that your husband ought to have final say over what and how you give, although I hope that you two can have a good, healthy discussion that leads to an outcome you can both be happy with.
There is no requirement for tithing in the Catholic Church.
Converts speak the same language, but, just in case our OP is not a convert, I will mention that many cradle Catholics use the word “offering” and “tithe” interchangeably.

“Tithe” means an offering to the Church that amounts to 10% of your income. Other amounts given are simply called “offerings”, “giving”, “financial support of your parish”.
If you can’t convince him, then you can give of your time, volunteering for charity.

Or maybe your Church has Aid For Friends, where you put a portion of your food in trays they provide and take them to a central freezer, where somebody else will take it to a shut in.

Or you can knit baby caps and afghans for people in need.
What is the reason your husband is against it? Does he just not want to part with the funds, or does he have a philosophical or moral objection?
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There is no requirement for tithing in the Catholic Church.

I’ve been married happily for 40 years to my husband. My advice to you is to submit to your husband in this matter.

Discuss a reasonable amount that he is happy to give, and leave it at that and do NOT dwell on it or keep worrying about it. God honors your submission to your husband…
This whole post was such a good answer
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I am not sure of what the OP mean by “tithing” and what percentage of income is involved, but I want to underline, as our diocesan accountant has educated us, that contribuying to our Church’s live is not a charitable work.
It is not something that give money for the poor people, migrants, ill children etc.

It is a matter of responsability. We are part of the Churche, we used Her service, so we contribute financially to make her live.

If both the spouses are Catholics, I see no reason to not contribute according to our means.
We don’t need to make irrational contributions, or make us live in the streets for that, but give something if we can.
The amount is to be debate between the couple. A very small amount is more than nothing because it create a faithfullness to the gift.

I myself do not work, we have very limited incomes, but we contribute because we can.
Why is your husband against it?

I’ll tell you. I cannot tithe. Morally I cannot and will not tithe money into a general fund. I will support programs and apostolates and charities within my faith but I cannot tithe to a general fund that can support scandals in the Church.

If your husband has a certain belief or problem with tithing you should talk about that and respect his position.
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