TriCare question for anyone who "deals" with them

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Ok, so I mentioned that I have an appt with a napro doc after the new year. I got the appt b/c I plan on going whether Tricare grants the referral or not. Now, I have an appt with my PCM on friday to convince him I need the referral – I’m planning on really focusing my argument on my moral convictions, that the base OB/GYN is going to suggest things that I cannot/will not partake in. That this practice is the ONLY one in the state that meets with my religious requirements for treatment…b/c no doc likes to argue religion…lol.

Any other advice on how to secure the referral? I have set my appt for Friday afternoon – hoping that on the day before the holiday weekend he’ll just want to get me out of there and will be less likely to drag it all out (of course that could mean he just says “nope” and kicks me out)
I fought your fight for about a year, culminating with complete coverage of my surgery with Dr. Hilgers (including airfare, hotel and meals). IT CAN BE DONE!!!

The biggest thing is your chart and your knowledge. I even had to see an RE since we have one here now. Even he was accepting of what I was looking for (accepting not necessarily agreeing). I found the morality helpful only when they were suggesting immoral things.
We have an RE here too. I haven’t been able to get in to see him tho…; but I only gave it a half-hearted effort…so it’s as much my fault. So long as I can get someone to actually pay attention to me, I will be happy. I’m tired of them telling me my losses are “insignificant” because they don’t meet with their narrow definitions (b/c they weren’t successive – and b/c I have two healthy children, full term, etc.) –
I tried to get a referral to a napro OB/GYN. The person I talked to on the phone said that I had to have a reason for a referral, so I had to make an appointment with the provider on base. In talking to the provider, before she actually examined me, she told me that I could go to any Tri-Care approved doctor for regular care. Luckily, this pro-life doctor is approved by Tri-Care (AKA a Tri-Care provider). She told me that as a dependent, I have the right to see any doctor on their list for regular care.

If you can get in to see this doctor as your primary GYN, then you can continue to see him (or her) and follow his directives when things start acting up.
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