"Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code" anyone know it?

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Does anyone know the book “Truth and Fiction in The Da Vinci Code” by Bart D. Ehrman? How about the author? Familiar with his work?

I’ve been trying to put together a book group to learn the counter argument to the Da Vinci Code, and we’ve had difficulty getting Amy Welburns book “DeCoding Da Vinci” which was the one everyone seemed interested in. I picked this one up at Costco today, so it’s pretty easy to get hold of. The book jacket seems to suggest the author debunks much of the junk in the book. Anyone here know anything about it? Will it address enough of the errors in the book to be a worthwhile endeavor for a group of Catholics who want to defend the Church and the Truth for which She stands?


I’ve been trying to put together a book group to learn the counter argument to the Da Vinci Code,

You can get Welburns Book on Amazon and B&N.com. Locally, here in PA, the only book stores that carry it are Barnes and Noble. I found her book to be a little to simplistic for my taste.

Another book I can highly recommend is The Da Vinci Hoax by Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel. Carl also published a series of aricles on this subject in Envoy Magazine. I think there still may be a link to it somewhere on Catholic Answers’ web site since they were promoting the book.

I hope this helps.


You can get Welburns Book on Amazon and B&N.com. Locally, here in PA, the only book stores that carry it are Barnes and Noble. I found her book to be a little to simplistic for my taste.

Another book I can highly recommend is The Da Vinci Hoax by Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel. Carl also published a series of aricles on this subject in Envoy Magazine. I think there still may be a link to it somewhere on Catholic Answers’ web site since they were promoting the book.

I hope this helps.

take a look here
Thanks guys, I appreciate the link to the supplemental info (although I’m having difficulty with the links they give, but that’s another matter, I’ll keep trying).

But what I’m really looking for at this time (I have both DeCoding Da Vinci and The Da Vinci Hoax), is whether anyone knows the new one I’ve just purchased, “Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code”. Our Sunday Visitor has been out of stock on Amy Welburns book, but up to now, it’s the one that the others chose. Yes it’s lighter weight, but it will allow us to get into the subject with the reality of busy lives.

Thanks for your assistance thus far,

I read the book and several articles on it and they are all right. I didn’t really enjoy it much because it never seemed to have a climax…more like a plateau in the plot. The way it portrays itself to bear out facts about Opus Dei and the Catholic Church was really bad. it just feeds a lot of A/C sentiment with a lot of misrepresentations. The grail quest is better dealt with in the Indiana Jones movies.
Sorry, guess I’m not communicating well today. “Truth and Fiction in the Da Vinci Code” is the name of yet another book that addresses the lies in Dan Brown’s book.

I’m wondering if it’s worth the time and effort of reading and perhaps sharing with others who want a quick and yet valuable way of getting the scoop on why Dan Brown is wrong in his understanding of the early Church, Christ and any other critical “historical facts” he so generously “shares” in his book.

Thanks all,

I’m lucky-Ehrman is the head of the Religious Studies department at my school (UNC-Chapel Hill 😃 ). I admire a lot of his work, and I want to try to take a class of his soon. I’ll let you know how it goes!

God bless,

Thanks Nichevo and Thepeug,

Your assistance is appreciated.

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