U.S. Catholic bishops are considering punishing Catholics who enforce Trump's immigration policy

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Punishing them how? Did I miss that?

Ok, canonical police…🤔
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So they’ll consider levying canonical penalties against Catholics for this but the vast majority of bishops won’t deny pro-abortion politicians communion even though there is Canon law that explicitly addresses such situations. They’ll continue recognizing numerous universities and colleges as “Catholic” even though they explicitly reject Catholic teaching. They’ll continue to hold conferences and events and apostates, abortionists, and gay rights advocates to speak on behalf of the Church. Not that I expect them to actually have the backbone to follow through with such a threat, but it would be nice if they did this for all so-called “Catholics” that reject Church teaching instead of just taking actions that the mainstream media would approve of. They would be such cowards and hypocrites if they did this without following through across the board on ALL issues, not just immigration.
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I didn’t catch that either. The title just seems made up. I also found this.

A top Catholic bishop condemned the Trump administration’s immigration policies on Wednesday, calling the separation of immigrant families “immoral” and saying a recent change in policy “will erode the capacity of asylum to save lives.”
I am not surprised at all by this. I have been saying the same thing here for a long time.
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From the article:

Bishop Edward Weisenburger of Tucson, a canon lawyer, suggested “canonical penalties” for Catholics “who are involved” in the separation of families. Canonical penalties, which can range from denying sacraments to excommunication, “are there in place to heal,” Weisenburger said. “And therefore, for the salvation of these people’s souls, maybe it’s time for us to look at canonical penalties.”
Ever wonder what Bishops’ do when they’re not thinking of Jesus?

I wouldn’t have guessed this.

At one time.

When I was younger.
This reads like a news story from the comedy site “The Onion” or Mad Magazine.

When your name is already Weisenburger, and you’re a Catholic Bishop (with all the negative scrutiny the media is ever ready to give these men) … don’t you have to be careful not to come off as the American real life version of the comic fictitious Fr. Guido Sarducci?

Yeah, haul out canonical penalties like the Monty Python version of the Spanish Inquisition! Why? Because theoretical Catholics working as Border Patrol Guards and such (now that Trump is President) … are “separating children from their parents …”

As if THAT would be anyone’s intent. Or the permanent result for that matter.

The Bishop of Yakima is back in the news again. Last discovered writing secret memos to priests in his Diocese not to support a pro-life effort because he didn’t like the politics of a celebrity who supported it … (but not his precise views on “immigration”) – his latest media blast here may be progress … in that it is incrementally a bit less ridiculous to ascribe the lowest motives imaginable toward people who may be just doing a law enforcement job regarding someone who has done something ILLEGAL. < not the speeding ticket, though that may have saved the mother and the babies’ lives as well while we’re basking in theoreticals.

I’m glad the Bishop of Yakima at least mentioned the pro-lfe issue this time … though his impassioned pastoral prioritization of the immigraion infraction enforcement matter(s), to my ears, reminds me of Jesus’ strainin out gnats and swallowing camels guidance.
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The ghost of Cardinal Bernardin haunts the American episcopate again…
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I amazes me how so many Americans are wiser than all our bishops and priests. It makes me wonder how God ever made it without the old red, white, and blue. More to the point, I get a glimpse on why there must be some thought given as to how to bring us back to Christianity 101.
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

"The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
They shouldn’t be even close, for darn sure. However, if you put killing kids at the border under the category of “immigration issues,” then they would be exactly equally. Fortunately, we are not there yet. We just give them the worst possible torture you can inflict on children by separating them en masse from their parents. So it is not quite as bad, but neither is this just an “immigration issue.”

This is why the bishops have some teaching to do, for those at least who have an ear to hear and a heart open to what God would have us do.

I will issue this challenge. Find one bishop anywhere in the country that supports this particular initiative, and I will concede that it is at least an option someone can morally believe. Otherwise, will continue to think that what our bishops are doing is trying to keep souls from going to Hell with this stance, which is their job.
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They shouldn’t be even close, for darn sure. However, if you put killing kids at the border under the category of “immigration issues,” then they would be exactly equally. Fortunately, we are not there yet. We just give them the worst possible torture you can inflict on children by separating them en masse from their parents. So it is not quite as bad, but neither is this just an “immigration issue.”

This is why the bishops have some teaching to do, for those at least who have an ear to hear and a heart open to what God would have us do.

I will issue this challenge. Find one bishop anywhere in the country that supports this particular initiative, and I will concede that it is at least an option someone can morally believe. Otherwise, will continue to think that what our bishops are doing is trying to keep souls from going to Hell with this stance, which is their job.
Canonical penalties seem severe when they do not impose the same penalties on other issues.
I agree, but I also understand that the one bishop (not bishops) who made that statement is a canon lawyer. So the adage came to mind that to a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
If the Bishops were to adopt the policy of punishing Catholics who enforce government regulations on illegal immigration which are in place , then they’re saying Catholics can not work for ICE, the Border Patrol, or other government agencies which the Bishop’s decide to oppose.

Making a penalty keeping a Catholic from receiving the Eucharist or being excommunicated, is a dictortarial move and the USCCB’s should reject such an idea

It’s amazing to see American Catholics oppose bishops just because Church teachings don’t align with their politics.
Making a penalty keeping a Catholic from receiving the Eucharist or being excommunicated, is a dictortarial move and the USCCB’s should reject such an idea
Again, this is not something that has been said will happen. But if it were done, and it won’t be, it would be something each bishop would decide how best to handle. It may well be that a person of morals will find that they cannot work for ICE, or specifically, the Border Patrol, because of the current situation. That would be something each would have to decide for himself.
The Sacrament should not be used to whip Catholics into line, per Cardinal Dolan’s reason for not prohibiting pro-choice Catholic Politicians from receiving.

The same is true in this case.

I amazes me how so many Americans are wiser than all our bishops and priests. It makes me wonder how God ever made it without the old red, white, and blue. More to the point, I get a glimpse on why there must be some thought given as to how to bring us back to Christianity 101.
If a bishop makes an assertion or proposes an action his position should be supportable by a reasoned argument. “Because the bishop said so” is not such an argument.
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