Hmm I went to a Catholic charasmetic retreat last month. It isn’t a strong fellowship.
Raising your hands as you pray and worship. is explained as normal. So people don’t feel weird. And praying in tongues. Is explained as normal also.
Elementary teaching’s
Maybe those
are normal for Charismatic Catholics. But that doesn’t mean it’s normal for all Catholics. This alleged speaking/praying in tongues is more Pentecostal than Catholic. (See Marjoe Gortner who showed how it’s done.) But you
assume, yes, I used that word again because that it is what you are doing and trying to make yourselves seem more “special” than Catholics, that because many Catholics don’t speak or pray in tongues that we do not have gifts of the Holy Spirit.
One difference between Protestants and Catholics is that Catholics don’t feel the need to speak of the gifts we are given whereas Protestants do. During my time in Protestant churches, I was able to spot the fakers the moment I saw them. And it didn’t take visions, dreams or praying in tongues to do it.
Have you tried testing the spirits as it says in the Bible? How do you know it was the Holy Spirit telling you to go to a “Christian bible college”? How many un-Christian Bible colleges did you apply to? You most likely had your heart set on a college and went to it after doing your research of what it taught, how much it cost, etc.
opinion is that “the catholics attack you and make it difficult.” How do they attack you and make it difficult for you to go to the college of your choice? Catholics don’t make the choice of where
you are going to college. The person going to the college, in this case, you, has the final say.