Was Jesus Omniscient?

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To be more specific, an example would be, when Jesus was 5 years old, did He know exactly how, when, and where he would die?

If Jesus was fully human and fully divine, would he not know everything?

Sometimes I feel confused about this…

To be more specific, an example would be, when Jesus was 5 years old, did He know exactly how, when, and where he would die?

If Jesus was fully human and fully divine, would he not know everything?

Sometimes I feel confused about this…

He couldn’t since what we call knowledge is more extensive than what a human being could know.
To be more specific, an example would be, when Jesus was 5 years old, did He know exactly how, when, and where he would die?

If Jesus was fully human and fully divine, would he not know everything?

Sometimes I feel confused about this…

No. Jesus was merely human and prophet and He could know if God had not informed.

32 ¶But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Mark 13
The mystery of Christ means that two natures, undiminished by each other, became one in a single Person. Because there is a division of natures in Christ, there is also a division of intellects: the Human and the Divine. From the very beginning of the Incarnation, the Word was endowed with a perfect knowledge of God, or the beatific vision; but there is still a mysterious interplay of the two intellects of the God-Man, because Christ, as a man, was subject to experimental knowledge like the rest of us, as He assumed human nature in all things, save sin.

Truly, Christ is the very Word of God, and because of this fact He is consubstantial with the Father and the Holy Spirit, in power, presence, perfection and knowledge. When the Word of God became flesh, He assumed an inheritance of experimental knowledge, to share in our human state. This does not end up detracting from the wholeness of the Divine; Christ’s Humanity is beside and in cooperation with his Deity.

How is this possible? I don’t know. Consult the theologians of the Church, from all ages. They’ve fought many heretical groups over Christology, including the Arians, the Monophysites etc., many of which share the same qualms about these involved doctrines as do our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Consider the mysterious “Sign of Jonah” which our Teacher mentioned several times as a Sign for an entire generation. For any of the many miracles that or Lord worked to be a “sign” for someone, it must be witnessed by that person. Therefore, the presence of Lazarus (who was raised from death) was not a sign to the Rabbis since they had not witnessed the event. Likewise even our Lord’s resurrection was a sign only for a limited number of people.

We do have a miracle worked by Jesus that is both associated with His death, burial, and resurrection and slso witnessed by multitudes, an entire "generation, if you will. And that is the miraculous Shroud of Turin which bears our Lord’s sacred image at the moment that His body began to vanish from the inside of His burial linen.

Point being that Jesus knew that this sign would become known to the whole world 2000 years after He spoke His prophetic words. That is omniscient enough for me.
Jesus is true God and true man.

He would always know ‘who He was’ (certainly He knew at age 12 and that’s recorded in Scripture! and since 13 was the year He would ‘come of age’ He knew His origin and His mission when He would have been considered a child). Now, I don’t know how much you know about human infants, but they know a LOT. The human person’s mind has its greatest period of growth between birth and the age of THREE. A so called ‘average’ two year old can speak in two word sentences, have a spoken vocabulary of 300 words, and an ‘understood’ vocabulary of 5 times that. A tiny baby can recognize the mother’s voice and respond to it by six weeks of age. Jesus might not have been able to lisp out, “I am the Only Begotten of the Father” at age 1 but that did not mean that He was not cognizant that that is who He was on a deep nonverbal level. As He grew, His ABILITY to articulate in human speech what He already knew as God would increase, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t there from the get-go.
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