We are a Christian nation!

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I heard Michael Medved (a Jew no less) talking on his radio show about how the secularists in society will do anything they can to convince the American people that we are not a Christian nation and that we must respect our non-Christian citizenry by not emphasizing Christmas. He demonstrated that this is a bunch of bunk. We are overwhelmingly a Christian nation and becoming more so. Do not let the media fool you - don’t be afraid to say “Merry Christmas.” Here is a nice column by Bill O’Reilly on the same issue:

So say “Merry Christmas,” if you want. Big whup.

If you want to ignore the fact that Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus, Shintoists, atheists, and Ba’hai live here, you’re certainly free to do so.
What would you classify the U.S. as, Penny, and would you have said the same 50, 100, 150 or 200 years ago. . .and why, or why not?

Where did you get those marvelous angels–they are so beautiful!
America is definately a Protestant nation in its history and culture. That is why Christmas and Thnaksgiving are holidays and Assumption Day is not.
Penny Plain:
So say “Merry Christmas,” if you want. Big whup.

If you want to ignore the fact that Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus, Shintoists, atheists, and Ba’hai live here, you’re certainly free to do so.
It’s a pretty darn “big whup” if you are a Christian. What are you?

It also seems to be a pretty “big whup” in the United States as everyone takes the day off (and sometimes 2).
America is definately a Protestant nation in its history and culture. That is why Christmas and Thnaksgiving are holidays and Assumption Day is not.
We can’t take every day off. There are so many great saints and so many great feast days - but some work has to get done.
Penny Plain:
So say “Merry Christmas,” if you want. Big whup.

If you want to ignore the fact that Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus, Shintoists, atheists, and Ba’hai live here, you’re certainly free to do so.
I don’t ignore them. I evangelize to them. Seems to me what Jesus did.
We can’t take every day off. There are so many great saints and so many great feast days - but some work has to get done.
When my brother was hired by Catholic Charities he was thrilled at all the days off he received.
we are not a Christian nation and that we must respect our non-Christian citizenry
And there’s the crux of it. This nation is made up of many different peoples with many different beliefs.
America is definately a Protestant nation in its history and culture. That is why Christmas and Thnaksgiving are holidays and Assumption Day is not.
Not all of America… Look at the South West.
Tantum ergo:
What would you classify the U.S. as, Penny, and would you have said the same 50, 100, 150 or 200 years ago. . .and why, or why not?
Well, I wasn’t here 50 years ago…

I would classify the US as a nation that has no official religion. Most of the people who founded it were Christian, although I don’t think many were Catholic. The documents on which the government is based are very carefully phrased to leave the matter of religion out of it entirely.

Current political discourse, when it mentions religion, is overwhelmingly limited to Christian discourse, but those are politicians, and who cares what they say? Many, many people live here who practice religions other than Christianity. And many others live here who practice no religion at all.

I think America is not a nation of any particular religion, just as it is not a nation of any particular cuisine.
It’s a pretty darn “big whup” if you are a Christian. What are you?

It also seems to be a pretty “big whup” in the United States as everyone takes the day off (and sometimes 2).
Me? I’m Catholic.

But there are so many other things to get riled up about instead of whether somebody says, “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” or “Move your fat rear end out of my parking space.”
Penny Plain:
Me? I’m Catholic.

But there are so many other things to get riled up about instead of whether somebody says, “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” or “Move your fat rear end out of my parking space.”
Not if you believe that it is part of a larger trend to remove Christianity (and religious belief in general) from the conversation. Read the column to see where things are now in Canada, for example.
We aren’t a Christian nation. We’re a nation that is LARGELY Christian in population, which would naturally imply that we as a nation have a largely Christian outlook (I wish we did, but I have my doubts). We are, however and in fact, “morally” better off than some “officially” Christian nations, IMHO, such as the Netherlands (Reformed Church, I believe, and where you can euthanize babies, I read recently), England (Anglican), and the Scandinavian countries (Lutheran).
Not if you believe that it is part of a larger trend to remove Christianity (and religious belief in general) from the conversation. Read the column to see where things are now in Canada, for example.
I see “Happy holidays” as a recognition that not everyone around celebrates the same holiday that I do. At most, it’s a recognition that it’s discourteous to assume that everyone around you is Christian.

Believing that it is part of a larger trend to expunge Christianity from the conversation is on a par with believing that Olof Palme was killed by little green men from Mars.
Penny Plain:
Believing that it is part of a larger trend to expunge Christianity from the conversation is on a par with believing that Olof Palme was killed by little green men from Mars.
It does always sound a little “conspiracy theory”-ish. Surely there are more constructive ways to spend the relatively brief time God has given us on Earth.
Penny Plain:
So say “Merry Christmas,” if you want. Big whup.

If you want to ignore the fact that Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus, Shintoists, atheists, and Ba’hai live here, you’re certainly free to do so.
Somehow, by saying “Merry Christmas”, I am somehow IGNORING that other people of other faiths live here??


It IS coming up on Christmas. Christmas DOES exist. Fact. Period. End o’ story.

Just because others are not Christian, doesn’t mean Christmas is null and void.

Somehow, by saying “Merry Christmas”, I am somehow IGNORING that other people of other faiths live here??


It IS coming up on Christmas. Christmas DOES exist. Fact. Period. End o’ story.

Just because others are not Christian, doesn’t mean Christmas is null and void.

Never claimed to not be silly. My only point was to note that it’s mildly obnoxious to wish people a merry Christmas when they don’t celebrate the holiday. “Happy holidays” is a convenient way to get around the fact that you don’t really know somebody well enough to know whether they celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or nothing at all.

It is not the end of the world.
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