Well, it wasn’t so much “undercover” as it was an exploratory journey. And I blew my cover pretty quickly, too. After one of their MANY intercessory prayers for members of the congregation, I made the sign of the Cross. Lol. You can take the Catholic out of the Church, but you can’t take the Catholocism out of the Catholic.
Or something like that…
Anyway, I don’t have much to say about it. I was invited by a nice fundamentalist co-worker friend and I thought it’d be interesting. It certainly was, but for a Baptist church, it was amazingly laid-back.
Some notes:
No crosses, crucifixes, nothing. But some of the stained-glass windows had bibles in them. Conclusion–images of Christ is verbotten, but they raise the Bible to a fourth member of the Trinity, apparently.
They opened with four hymns, then basically had a “meeting.” Missionaries spoke about their experiences, and the pastor assigned people to pray for their intentions. I SO wanted to talk to someone about Marian intercession. lol.
A nice, sharply angled marine and I had a decent conversation later. He was amazed that I admitted many Catholics were drawn away by fundamentalists who knew their Bible better. He also later called Rome a “fever swamp” of bad ideas.
Other than that, it was pretty uneventful. My overwhelming impression was of emptiness. They were all sincere, zealous, but there was something missing. I guess it was the Eucharist…
Or something like that…

Anyway, I don’t have much to say about it. I was invited by a nice fundamentalist co-worker friend and I thought it’d be interesting. It certainly was, but for a Baptist church, it was amazingly laid-back.
Some notes:
No crosses, crucifixes, nothing. But some of the stained-glass windows had bibles in them. Conclusion–images of Christ is verbotten, but they raise the Bible to a fourth member of the Trinity, apparently.
They opened with four hymns, then basically had a “meeting.” Missionaries spoke about their experiences, and the pastor assigned people to pray for their intentions. I SO wanted to talk to someone about Marian intercession. lol.
A nice, sharply angled marine and I had a decent conversation later. He was amazed that I admitted many Catholics were drawn away by fundamentalists who knew their Bible better. He also later called Rome a “fever swamp” of bad ideas.
Other than that, it was pretty uneventful. My overwhelming impression was of emptiness. They were all sincere, zealous, but there was something missing. I guess it was the Eucharist…